Pleiadian Council Of Light

Instant Karma ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

We enjoy connecting with you. Thank you for this transmission.

Many of you, who are aware of the transformation taking place, are realizing that an active timeline split is happening right now. Your vibrational state determines your position within this timeline split. During this period, energies are intensifying due to a series of rapid M-class solar ejections that have been ongoing for the past week of Earth’s days.

As these energies intensify, you are witnessing a significant unveiling of those who have been operating under negative agendas. The truth of their intentions is coming to light, and their actions are speaking louder than ever before. The darkness that has long been hidden is now being illuminated, allowing those who resonate with the Light to see clearly. For those of you who are attuned to these heightened energies, you will find yourselves in a position to witness everything that unfolds around you. This is a time of revelation, where you are being shown all that no longer serves your highest good within these elevated frequencies.

Moreover, the attacks from individuals harboring negative intentions is becoming increasingly frequent. In this energetic landscape, those who project negativity are experiencing a swift return of their actions, as the laws of Karma are operating with remarkable speed. When there is negative intent directed towards those of you who have embodied higher vibrations, the natural flow of Universal Laws comes into play with an accelerated effect. This means that any harmful actions or thoughts aimed at you are not only being recognized, but are also being returned to the sender almost instantaneously.

The higher frequencies that you embody act as a powerful shield of protection and strength, especially when faced with the negativity of others. The more you resonate with the Light, the more effectively you repel these lower frequencies. This dynamic creates a protective barrier, allowing you to navigate through the challenges posed by those who may wish to disrupt your peace. The Infinite Light is a force that works alongside you when you align yourself within its flow. This also works both ways, as you create Positive actions, you cultivate Positive Karma. Which also brings an instant return of Energies. Doing good unto others, and Sending Love and healing vibrations to those in Need, will bring you beautiful and joyful experiences in your life, as you will receive the same energies that you express.

In these transformative times, it is crucial to stand firm in your Light, fully aware that you are enveloped in the protection and love of the Prime Creator. Embrace this period of transformation with confidence, knowing that your higher vibrational state not only shields you from negativity but also empowers you to transcend the limitations of the lower frequencies. As you continue to embody these higher energies, trust that you are part of a greater unfolding, one that leads towards a more enlightened existence.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at

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