Dr. Michael Salla
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Dr. michael Salla: Is Child Trafficking related to Psionic Abilities and Draco food supply?

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr. Michael Salla – Feb 8, 2025


  • The relationship between psionics and UAP contact does bear a strong resemblance to the Siddhis practiced in Ancient India.
  • Whistleblower Testimonies Rock UFO World – Exopolitics Monthly Live Briefing
  • Draconian ETs only eat live humans and have a preference for children, thousands of which go missing each year to feed the Dracos.
  • Dr Eric Davis gives a nuanced breakdown on history and operations of Majestic 12 Group.
  • No NASA mission to Mars involving robotic rovers and landers, with the exception of the 1976 Viking mission, investigated possible artificial structures or life on Mars.
  • US military has Antigravity Spacecraft with an Organic Consciousness that pairs with Pilots – JP Update 42
  • Video of my recent interview by Emilio Ortiz: Antarctica’s Hidden Alien Bases?
  • Official launch of Galactic Encounters 3 being held on August 2&3 and 5&6 in two separate and identical sessions at a lovely French resort in Valsoyo.
  • Article on what’s coming in the Healthcare industry as suppressed healing technologies used in secret space programs are released to the general public.
  • UAP investigations are a bipartisan issue in the US Congress/FBI, but FBI agents participated in the J6 witchhunts, which was definitely a highly partisan endeavor.
  • Two Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection Conferences this year discussing ET contact. One in Eastbourne UK (May 10-11) and the second in Charlotte, NC (Sept 19-21).
  • In a new interview, JP discussed intergenerational element in his ET contacts, childhood experiences, and how the MIB knew he was contacted by ETs, and tried to debrief him upon his return from Brazil in 2008.
  • Humanity’s Future Regarding ET Disclosure, AI, and a Micronova Event: Interview with Miriam Delicado
  • Dr Steven Greer is 100% certain that Luis Elizondo is a paid disinformation agent.
  • Steven Greer’s intel on both the JFK and RFK assassinations is accurate. Both were killed due to their pro-disclosure positions on the UFO issue.
  • Why did USAID and partner NGOs use up to 800 million of US funds to kidnap almost 200,000 children from Guatemala in secret human trafficking into the US?

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