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You Have Entered the MOST CHALLENGING PHASE ~ The Galactic Federation

Blessings, to our dear Earth Family. We thank you for connecting with us.

Many of you are increasingly sensing that something very Big is on the verge of happening. This collective intuition is accompanied by a serious concern regarding the actions of the dark Cabal, which appears to be actively plotting to undermine this transformation. In our last update, we spoke of the critical issue of halting a negative timeline dominated by AI control, a timeline that has now been effectively interrupted and will not be permitted to progress any further. This event represents just one of the numerous attempts made by dark forces to obstruct or delay the Divine Order that is unfolding. However, it is crucial to understand that these forces cannot halt, nor can they even slow down, the ascension process that is currently taking place. The Divine Light has enveloped the Earth in its entirety, creating a protective cocoon that ensures this transition will proceed as intended, regardless of the opposition faced. While we have foreseen many outcomes. We the Galactic Federation, and the many other Forces of Light, are prepared for anything and everything that may be pursued.

As you navigate these turbulent times, much more information is coming to light, revealing the extent and depth of the dark agenda that has infiltrated every aspect of your reality. The process of clearing this infiltration is not only essential, but also imperative to liberate yourselves from the control exerted by these malevolent entities. It is equally important to remain vigilant and not allow new forms of control to seep in unnoticed. The dark forces are cunning and often operate in deceptive ways, attempting to masquerade as beings of positive intent while secretly working to sabotage any positive changes that may be underway. They may try to introduce subtle forms of control that can easily go unnoticed. Therefore, it is vital to adopt a mindset of observation and awareness. Do not permit your Divine rights to be stripped away, and resist the temptation to succumb to their deceptions.

At this juncture, you are navigating one of the most challenging phases of this transition. The disclosure of truth can often be difficult to confront, particularly when it challenges your existing beliefs or desires. This is the moment when many individuals experience cognitive dissonance, a state of mental discomfort that arises from holding two conflicting beliefs or ideas. Many refuse to acknowledge the truth out of fear–fear of realizing they have been misled, or fear of confronting the possibility that their previous understanding might have been flawed. This refusal to accept reality can lead them to continue down a path of separation, distancing themselves from the collective truth that is emerging.

For thousands of years on Earth, humanity has been subjected to various forms of control and manipulation. This pervasive control has distorted every book, every piece of knowledge, and every aspect of your history. We have made it abundantly clear that the emergence of truth will revolutionize everything. This transformation encompasses the dismantling of outdated beliefs that perpetuate a sense of separation from the Divine. It is time to release any and all notions that God punishes individuals for their actions or that God “chastises those who sin against Him.” Such narratives were crafted as instruments of control and subservience by the many kings and rulers who were themselves manipulated by the Archons, who played a significant role in distorting your sacred texts and historical accounts. This ancient manipulation is now being systematically dismantled, paving the way for a new understanding.

Many individuals have begun to emerge, bringing forth the correct translations and teachings from your ancient Masters, shedding light on the profound wisdom that has been intentionally hidden from humanity. However, the revelation of these ancient truths is not solely about rediscovering historical knowledge; it is also about the awakening that is occurring within each of you, which has empowered these truths to resurface. You are beginning to understand that the Infinite Creator is not a distant figure, a man sitting on a cloud tallying your misdeeds. Instead, the Creator is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, existing within and around you in every moment. As this understanding expands within the human collective, those who choose to cling to the belief of separation from God are gradually being illuminated with this truth, even if they resist accepting this wisdom. You, as the beacons of truth, represent the Light of hope, radiating your brilliant energy for others to discover and explore their own inherent connection to the Divine. You are leading the way for others to discover their truth of the Divine Light that resides within them. 

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at

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