High Council Of Sirius

This is NOT SCIENCE FICTION ~ The High Council of Sirius

Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.

We enjoy connecting with you. Thank you for holding the Light.

As humanity stands at the precipice of this significant transformation, the idea of becoming part of a galactic community becomes increasingly real for many of you. Imagine a world where you not only explore your universe but also connect with beings from beyond your planet. This journey calls for a profound awakening of your consciousness and a clearer understanding of your role in the vast cosmic order.

While extraterrestrial or extradimensional Contact has always been portrayed as your science fiction. That has now changed, it is very quickly transforming into what will be your Science Fact. The Knowledge that advanced civilizations have contributed to the human existence over many Earth ages, will also be exposed. There have been accounts in your history, revealing numerous instances where individuals claim to have connected with otherworldly or celestial beings, receiving messages of peace, Love, and unity.

The understanding that many other civilizations from the cosmos have shaped your reality, whether it be for positive or negative reasons, is an essential part of your Human Awakening. You have never been alone in the cosmos.

As you open yourselves to the possibility of otherworldly contact, it is vital to prepare for the transformations that are about to unfold. This transformation will greatly benefit your existence and promote positive spiritual evolution.

Very soon, you will be acquiring advanced technologies helping to tackle your urgent global and humanitarian issues.

Contact with other beings will also expand your collective understanding of consciousness. Which will assist in leading to greater empathy and responsibility towards one another and the Earth.

Fostering a mindset of openness and curiosity is essential as you prepare for Public first contact. Many have asked how do you know if a being is of positive or negative polarity.

We tell you once again to look within yourselves to know truth. We can tell what we feel of other beings, but you yourselves must learn to have your own personal discernment, given to you by the divine infinite Creator.

Connecting to your own truth amidst rapid changes is critical. Your intuition acts as your internal compass, guiding you toward the Light. Trust the insights you gather as you navigate this evolving reality–they will aid in your awakening journey and bring you truth.

As you confront the potential for significant shifts in human evolution, nurturing compassion and unity becomes essential. The notion of humanity participating as the galactic Society is not just storytelling, it is a call to collective action.

By prioritizing your own inner awareness and spiritual growth, you can contribute to the awakening of humanity as a whole. Seek your own truth, interact with the cosmic forces around you, and embrace your unique role as an integral part in this grand design.

In these transformative times, remember that your journey is both personal and shared. Every experience counts. It is time to unite as awakened souls, ready to embrace the remarkable possibilities that lie ahead.

Through this exploration, let it be a gentle reminder that by nurturing your inner self, adapting to change, and connecting with others, you hold the power to navigate the unknown future. Every star in your sky, is not just distant light, but the vast potential waiting within you and all around you, as you adventure into the New Galactic You.

We Love you, and Honor you.

We are the High Council of Sirius.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com.

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