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You are REACHING the CLIMAX ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

We enjoy connecting with you. Thank you for this transmission.

You are being prepared as you reach a climax within the new Frequencies. The energies you are receiving are amplified codes from the photon belt, offering you a remarkable opportunity to initiate a massive forward shift in your life, provided that you are truly prepared to embrace it. This preparation involves you to have an openness to change, a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone, and a readiness to confront whatever challenges may arise along the way. 

It is essential to recognize that such opportunities often require you to dig deep within yourselves, to tap into your inner strength and resilience, and to align your intentions with the positive energies that are flowing around and through you. As the frequencies intensify, so, too, will your life experiences become more challenging. These are the Final Tests of your ascension process.

Embracing this journey of transformation means being willing to explore the depths of your potential, acknowledging both your fears and your aspirations, and understanding that the path may not always be straightforward or easy. 

It is in this willingness to explore the unknown that true growth can occur, allowing you to harness the energies that are divinely presented to you.

This shift may not manifest in the form you initially expect or desire. It is crucial to remain flexible and adaptable, as this heightened climax of frequency can present itself as a powerful rush of energy that propels you in a direction that may feel unfamiliar or even overwhelming. 

You might find that the changes occurring around you challenge your previous beliefs and assumptions, urging you to reevaluate what you thought you knew about yourself and your circumstances.

This movement of energy can create a sensation of pressure that influences your emotions, thoughts, and actions, compelling you to reassess your current circumstances and the choices you have made thus far. The nature of this shift is inherently tied to your reactions and behaviors in response to this pressure; it is an invitation to engage with the transformative energies at play and to harness them for your personal growth. By actively participating in this process, you can transform potential chaos into clarity, using the energy as a catalyst for your evolution.

In this context, the shift you experience may also manifest as a significant alteration in energy that moves in an unexpected direction, potentially catching you off guard and challenging your preconceived notions of what change should look like. This can lead to moments of surprise and revelation, where you are faced with new insights and opportunities that you had not previously considered. These moments of clarity can serve as guiding lights, illuminating paths that were previously hidden from your view. Once again, the answers and insights you receive during this climactic period will largely depend on how you choose to respond to your experiences. Will you embrace the new you and allow it to guide you toward new possibilities, or will you resist and cling to the familiar? 

The choice is yours, and it is within this choice that the true power of the shift lies, offering you the chance to redefine your path and create a future that resonates with your highest aspirations. By learning to adapt to change and trusting the process, you can unlock doors to experiences and opportunities that align with your highest self, paving the way for the New You and the New Earth to emerge.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at

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