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Judith Kusel: It is Your Choice which Paradigm you are Now going to Operate in and Feed

by Judith Kusel –

All fear becomes like a tar-like substance in your energy fields, which then becomes the strangleholds which hold you inert.

Those who have been holding us in the old paradigm for so long that they were and still try to be masters of manipulation, spreading division and fear. The old military strategy of: Divide and conquer.

It is very important to remember this as things start happening on all fronts now, the last attempt of the old guard. Do not allow yourself to be sucked in and there will be many who still will.

I was given a profound message this morning, preparing for my “Cosmic Transmissions” course tonight, that we now need to focus our attention on holding Mother Earth within our hearts, as she is holding us in her heart. It works both ways. Yet, now expanding, into the sacred, holy temple of our own heart, even as the shifts intensify.

The only way to navigate this now, is by going deeper within, and truly being anchored in cosmically, the Divine within, as well as being firmly grounded into Mother Earth’s heart. You become the bridge between heaven and earth with one difference: You become the eagle now, flying above the Old Earth, and concentrate in every single moment, to watch your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Are those in alignment with the new, higher you, the new Higher Soul Self you, which knows no judgement, no fear, only infinite Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Joy?

It is your choice which paradigm you are now going to operate in and feed.

I have switched off the TV and Radio an exceptionally long time ago, and I do not miss it at all. I am very selective, especially now as we are getting bombarded by social media as well, what I choose to watch and what and to whom, I give my attention and energy too.

When I do get pulled in, which is inevitable sometimes, I immediately call in the Diamond Violet Flame, St. Germain, Archangels Zadkiel, Amethyst, Gabriel and Hope, to clear and transmute all negative and imbalanced energies in my energy fields, thoughts and thought systems, my chakras, as well as my spine (lightning rod) and all twelve bodies.

There are other methods of doing this, which I will not go into here.
Again, this is your responsibility, and your own choice.

There is a huge expansion coming which will lift us way beyond anything we can even imagine right now, and therefore the above is very important.

Always stay in the heart of love, and when inner peace is present, you attract outer peace, which is ever present even in the midst of seeming storms. Within the hurricane, there is the eye, which is the still point, filled with peace.

More important, stay in the present, fully present. For every thought you think, every word you speak or write, every action you take or do not take, manifests instantly now.

Herein lies our greatest lessons in soul mastery and initiation at this time.

It is not what others are doing or not doing: It is what you are doing or not doing, and how you choose to live, which determines the outcome.

A master takes full responsibility for their own life and wellbeing, especially the INNER.

The Old Earth, as Mama Earth told me this morning, has already split from the New, and she is now only present in holographic form! So, do you choose to play out the old roles in the hologram, or choose to fully step into New Earth?

The choice is yours.

When Mama Earth was telling me this, I could see the immense stirring of the vibrant life force itself, the birth of a new way of life and living, as the New Human rises, with love, and joy and all life, and life forms as well!

What a magical time to be alive on the New Earth!

Love Loving!
Judith Kusel

Judith Kusel


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