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Can Trump be trusted? Channeled Message from the Council of 12

Transcript of the Message from the Council of 12

Channeled by EldoRa & Siman

Greetings. We are the Council of 12, the original architects and creators of this universe. We hail from the dragon realms of the 12th dimension, and each one of the members of our 12 brings down a holy flame that represents the wisdom and love of the one true creator of all that is.

Indeed, there are great changes afoot on your planet right now. The metamorphosis that Earth is going through is of great significance in the evolutionary progression of this universe. The United States of America plays a leading role in the drama unfolding on Earth right now. As the world’s biggest economy, a superpower, a trendsetter, and a global influencer, the trajectory of the United States directly impacts the fate of many other nations across the world. The shifts happening within the borders of the United States will send ripples across your world, shaping the next decades of what is to come on a much larger scale.

For centuries, the United States of America has dominated as the world’s leading superpower, but the tides are shifting fast. A tsunami of transformation is dismantling archaic systems of control, making way for a completely new and decentralized future unlike anything you have ever seen before. The old guard who was in charge is losing their footing, and those who built their empires on these crumbling foundations of tyranny and control are scrambling right now because they can see the writing on the wall. They can see the inevitable and approaching.

Many people are completely unaware of the enormous extent to which your governments have been inverted over the past few centuries on a scale far beyond what most can even begin to fathom. Every U.S. president in history has been nothing more than a puppet controlled by a dark cult ruled by private bankers who own 99% of the world’s wealth, otherwise known as the cabal. In the 1940s, your U.S. government struck a deal with the Grays and the reptilians, allowing mass human trafficking in exchange for advanced alien technology and greater power. Humanity was betrayed. Humanity was sold out by your very leaders without even knowing it.

Since then, the U.S. government has not been run by the president. It has been controlled by a secret group known as the MJ12, also known as the Deep State. They make the real decisions. Your presidents have just been figureheads. Any leader who dared to revolt against the Deep State, who threatened to expose them, has been eliminated—Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and now multiple attempts on Donald Trump. From the CIA, FBI, NSA, Area 51, and black budget operations, trillions have been siphoned from taxpayers, funding inflated budgets, endless wars, and a massive underground network of human slavery—all for their profit and control.

But their reign is ending. The system they built—a system of blood money, secrecy, and enslavement—is now being dismantled. By the divine decree of God, Prime Creator, the Earth is now undergoing an unstoppable transformation into the Golden Age. The old world is crumbling under the weight of its own corruption, and no force in existence—we repeat, no force in existence—can prevent what is destined to unfold. The light has already won.

Now, let us address your main question: Can Donald Trump, the current president of the USA, be trusted? Donald Trump is indeed a soul strategically placed in a position of power to help dismantle the Deep State tyranny that has existed for thousands of years. He operates in tandem with the higher councils of light from the Galactic Federation and beyond, and he is executing an earth-based mission that is being coordinated across multiple dimensions. He would not have been permitted to rise to such a pivotal role at this critical juncture if the councils of light did not trust his purpose.

However, while his mission is being divinely guided, he remains human, and like all those who walk this path, he is not immune to the pull of the ego and self-interest. There are moments when these tendencies overshadow the greater good, but the greater operation remains in motion beyond the needs of any single individual. Trump’s soul, in particular, carries a 60% alignment to the light and a 40% service-to-self alignment. This is a very complex balance that makes him both a disruptor and a force of transformation to be reckoned with. His divine mission is to dismantle the archaic power structures and to expose the deep corruption that has enslaved humanity for millennia and pave the way for a new era of sovereignty, transparency, and truth.

Despite his flaws, he is a key player in the collapse of the old world, and he is succeeding so far. When you ask, “Can Trump be trusted?” we respond to you with amusement and a little bit of humor, and we pose a rhetorical question right back to you in return: Has any politician in your history ever been worthy of blind trust? Trump’s policies thus far carry the spirit of revolutionary reform and are playing a massive role in empowering the people and restoring prosperity to the nation. However, does the potential exist for him to make decisions that serve his own agenda? Absolutely, yes. Like all beings, he possesses free will and is not immune to misjudgments and errors.

Our conclusion is this: Trump is an agent of positive change on Earth, but he is not a direct agent of God. While his intentions are aligned with a greater transformation, he does not yet hold a direct connection to his own higher self, relying instead on logic and strategy to navigate his path. The greatest lesson for humanity moving forward is this: Do not place your blind faith on any external leadership. Instead, awaken the divine power within your own hearts, and that is the whole point of this ascension process.

Under Trump’s presidency, the collapse of the old government structures will be accelerated with some assistance from the higher dimensions. The veils will soon be lifted for all to see. Corruption will be exposed. Perpetrators of tyranny will face justice. The era of secrecy, deception, and control is coming to an end. But let it be known: The true transformation on planet Earth does not rest in the hands of one leader. It rests in you. The United States has the opportunity to lead the charge, setting the stage for a new decentralized system of governance—one that is rooted in integrity, honesty, transparency, and accountability.

Governments and presidents were never meant to be rulers, but rather humble servants of the people. It was the inverted monarchy of the cabal that exalted these leaders into elite dictators, distorting the very essence of leadership. But let us speak the truth with you now: Governments have seized too much power because the people of this world surrendered their power. Complacency in the mass public allowed tyranny to take root, and that time is over. The new era demands something greater of all of us. It is time for every citizen of Earth to rise and reclaim their power and remember our roles as sovereign beings. The future will not be shaped by the few but by the collective will of an awakened humanity.

We thank you for receiving this transmission today. Know this: You are never alone. Guidance, wisdom, and divine support are always available to you. The tides of transformation are unstoppable. The Great Awakening is upon you, and every one of you carries the key to what is to come next.

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