By Kab @Kabamur_Taygeta on X
Humans can’t conceive how crowded the universe is yet. Our entire solar system is inhabited. There’s life on almost every planet and star even if we can’t detect it.
Sometimes life exists in other frequencies (densities and dimensions) beyond our senses. Sometimes it’s just hiding from us.
These are AI representations of about 85% of the beings that have been described through Judith’s ongoing telepathic contact with our Pleiadian family, from 2012 – 2025.
In all these years of receiving this information, we’ve learned there are beings on other planets very similar to humans, and beings so strange humans couldn’t relate to them at all.
After the Shift, we’ll be able to perceive and interact with all of them. Many are members of Galactic Federation who we’ll be learning from and working alongside.
Everything is about to change. I’m just trying to do my small part to prepare people.
Here you can download the Highresolution Version.

Thank you Kab for the list of Non Human Intelligences. Unfortunately the photos are a bit blurry & can’t read the information under each photo.
Thanks again.
Love light & peace
Hi Diana, Thanks for your feedback. I have added a link to download the highres version. In Love and Light Koshima