By Steve Beckow of GAoG on March 8, 2025
Today’s headline reads:
“China Threatens ‘War’ Over Trump’s Expanded Tariffs, Vows to Fight Back” (1)
OK, that probably says that it’s time to make my semi-annual declaration: According to our sources – importantly, Archangel Michael and Matthew Ward – no nuclear weapons are allowed to be exploded in space. Therefore: No nuclear/world war will be permitted.
This is not an unsupported statement on my part. Let me refer you to two incidents, reported in the mainstream media, where our galactic protectors either disarmed missiles on the ground or else neutralized them in flight. (See footnote 2.)
Let me allow our sources to speak for themselves on the matter:
Archangel Michael: [Nuclear war] is not part of the shift, of the transition, of the ascension. It is not part of the Mother’s plan. (3)
AAM: Oh yes, we are very clear, and we repeat again, and again, and again, we will not interfere with human free will. But there are certain situations in fact when there is an override when it means such devastation and, yes, for your Star Brothers and Sisters.
No, it is not simply like catching a baseball or a basketball. It is, in human perspective and even in Star perspective, a difficult, tricky, necessary maneuver.
And it will be done, and continue to be done. But hear what I say in this declaration on behalf of the Mother/Father One: There will be no nuclear war. Period! (4)
Period. End of story. I got it!
“It means such devastation and, yes, for your Star Brothers and Sisters.” How is that?
Nuclear weapons exploded in space, rather than in Gaia’s body (Earth), which I assume she selflessly absorbs, have an impact on other regions of space which probably are beyond our physics to explain. Matthew Ward steps aside from his usual role as messenger and asks the God of this universe through Suzy Ward to explain what happens when a nuclear bomb is exploded in space:
“Creator established the cosmic laws and God, by whatever name one calls the Supreme Being of this universe, must honor those laws in this universe. A few years ago in your linear time, Creator ‘broke’ Its own law of free will by decreeing that there would be no more nuclear detonations in space.” (5)
“The reason is, free spirits—souls so advanced spiritually and consciously that they don’t need a body—and souls traveling astrally have been shattered by nuclear blasts. This isn’t about bodies, which last but one lifetime—it is about souls, and they live eternally.
“Every soul is a part of Creator and, in this universe, [part] of me, and every one is valued equally and loved unconditionally. Each fragment of a shattered soul is vital, and searching for every one, then reintroducing those that are found to each other in the proper order of lifetimes until the entire soul has been perfectly reconstructed, can take thousands of your years. The ongoing search for fragments will continue until every soul is once again whole and healthy—that is how important each soul is!
“In keeping with Creator’s exception, I told all civilizations in our universe, with the technology to prevent detonation of nuclear warheads, to do that. Of most interest to you, crews in your skies or my extraterrestrial children living in your midst have done this ‘a baker’s dozen’ times. I know there is chatter about a nuclear war—I assure you, there will not be a war—and the occasional threat of sending up a missile? [i.e., North Korea.] That isn’t likely, but, if it were managed, the warhead would be rendered as harmless as all its predecessors.” (6)
I don’t expect our politicians or society at large to read what’s written here and, if they did, wildly agree with it.
But if we’re truly looking for the truth, and are not fazed by the container it comes in, then perhaps we can accept that there is no danger of world/nuclear war. That message comes from all sources I’ve read who report on the matter from a higher-dimensional perspective. (7)
But there are perhaps millions of women and children trapped below ground and abused in the most horrible of ways. That’s what needs to be stopped now. That’s what I feel urgency around. Having watched – and listened to – Frazzledrip, I could never now remain silent on the plight of those trapped underground.
And the takedown of the network that supports it and benefits from it is what’s taking place, right now behind all the theatrics of “world war” and “nuclear war.” This is Trump draining the swamp, as he said he’d do.
Trump, Putin, Xi, bin Salman, and others are allies. Theirs is a coordinated military exercise designed to hide the takedown of the cabal, free the women and children, and prevent an outbreak of civil war.
All the talk about war approaching is really talk about the EBS (emergency broadcast system) going off, the ten days of broadcasts happening, and the deep-state network being taken down, all at once, before someone can release the next pandemic or drive a jumbo jet into the Louvre.
And just to stoke the warm fire of hope, times have been predicted when weapons will not work:
Steve: You predicted a time when guns would not work and swords return to dust. What more needs to happen or what more needs to be done before that time arrives.
Archangel Michael: And this will come to pass and in this we will be thoroughly joyful and I do not just mean you and I, Sweet One. I mean above, below, and in between. And when I say above, I also mean your star family.
What is happening, and it is indicative and it is demonstrated by these massacres, the human collective is simply becoming, not overwhelmed, but exhausted with the violence.
And those who would use guns or weapons of distraction [destruction?] of any type are reaching a point where the perpetrators of such violence simply say, “No more.” So this is part of my undertaking, Sweet One, of which of course you are a very integral part. (8)
And Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self:
“Matters around the world are progressively getting worse but before they can engulf the whole world, higher forces than those on Earth will intervene and disable all weapons of war never again to be used to destroy maim and kill.” (9)
Think of it. Speaking as one trained as an historian, the whole of human history seems to be about war, with short intervals of peace. Think of no more war. No more resort to threats to satisfy our wants.
Now it is difficult to conceive. Once we experience the love of the higher dimensions, it’ll be easy.
(1) Gloriel Howard, “China Threatens ‘War’ Over Trump’s Expanded Tariffs, Vows to Fight Back,” Resist the Mainstream, March 5, 2025, at
(2) See:
- Bob Jacobs, Ph.D., on Larry King Live
- “UFO Destroys Vandenberg Missile – Prof. Robert Jacobs Testifies”
- “Capt. Robert Salas – UFOs Shut Down Nuclear Missiles”
- What Disabled Missiles at Malmstrom Air Force Base?
(3) Divine Mother: I know very clearly, Sweet One, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.)
(4) “AAM: There Will be No Nuclear War … Period,” September 5, 2017, at
(5) The God of this universe in Matthew’s Message, Nov. 12, 2004, at
(6) Ibid., Dec. 1, 2022. “All its predecessors” would have to include Prof. Jacobs’ Vanderbilt AFB missile (see above) and Capt. Salas’ Malmstrom AFB deactivation.
(7) For more, see:
- There Will be No Nuclear War for the World at
- Our Family from the Stars at
(8) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.
(9) “Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, April 12, 2024,” at