This Article is not new but a good summary on the real reasons for the Ukraine War.
By Foster Gamble on August 30, 2023
Western corporate media is lying consistently about the facts and motivations behind what is really going on in Ukraine. Here are my top 10 things one needs to understand in order to comprehend the motivations behind the hideous suffering, destruction and expense of that conflict.
The coming economic collapse is intentional — it serves the global deep state to collapse the final bastion of armed freedom lovers — America. The open borders and welfare state combination is unsustainable — and intentional. It serves the same Global Domination Agenda. The blooming inflation caused by endless money-printing is intentional…same as above.
So how does the war in Ukraine fit in?
Western corporate media is lying consistently about the facts and motivations behind what is really going on in Ukraine. Here are my top 10 things one needs to understand in order to comprehend the motivations behind the hideous suffering, destruction and expense of that conflict:
No Missiles at Our Border
1) Vladimir Putin didn’t just arbitrarily invade. He has been warning NATO for many years not to bring their missiles to his border. Gorbachev was assured in 1990 by James Baker and Bush Sr. (yea, what’s not to trust?) that if Berlin were allowed to re-unify, then NATO would not go “one inch East of Berlin.” That understanding was subsequently violated at least a dozen times as NATO allies were added — moving toward the edge of Russia. Putin has stated many times that he could not tolerate that threat, just as JFK risked nuclear war with Krushchev to deny Soviet missiles in Cuba.

Draining Resources
2) Biden called Putin’s bluff and Putin wasn’t bluffing. President Puppet is serving the deep state to push for “regime change” in Moscow, but also engaging in a financially draining proxy war with the intention of padding the pockets of the MIC (military industrial complex) while simultaneously draining the coffers, ammunition and weapons of the US military.
Distracting — While Serving the CCP
3) The Ukraine war provides a constant, on-demand distraction for the Biden administration from inflation, Biden family corruption, election fraud, border invasion by migration and many more behaviors consistent with Biden serving the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is the intended super-power of choice for the Globalist Cabal after the US is collapsed.
Ukrainians Paying the Worst Price
4) Trustworthy sources inside Ukraine inform me that the war is going very badly for the Ukrainians — way worse than you will hear from US MSM. Putin and Zelensky would both be willing to negotiate an end to these unnecessary deaths, but the USG and Mr. Global are still trying to wring their benefits out of it.
2014 Nuland Coup
5) Victoria Nuland was caught on tape in a phone call in 2014 when she was directing a coup to oust the elected leader of Ukraine and put in an American puppet. (For important historical dynamics even prior to this 2014 coup in Ukraine, see Oliver Stone’s excellent documentary UKRAINE ON FIRE — especially how they angered the central bankers by refusing the infamous IMF “austerity” programs — shortly before the coup.) NATO has wanted to add Ukraine to its EU alliance, and sees this as the opportunity for that as well as for putting missiles right on the Russian border. What would you have done if you were president of Russia?
Cesspool of Elite Corruption
6) Victoria Nuland has admitted in a public hearing (despite others’ denials) that there are numerous (at least 28) US sponsored bio-weapons labs throughout Ukraine.
Ukraine has also been a cesspool of child sex trafficking and money laundering for the western power elite. Putin is shutting that down. Can the Cabal allow that?
Cut Off Russian Oil to Europe
7) The US deep state needed an excuse to cut off the flow of Russian oil to Ukraine so they could regain a monopoly on that. The evidence is overwhelming that the Biden administration sabotaged the Nordstream II pipeline — just as President Joe Brandon warned he would do if Putin didn’t obey.
Washing the Cash
8) The war provided an opportunity for more money laundering as the US has sent over $113B in to President Zelensky — none of it accounted for to the American public. Where did it all go? Buying US weapons, paying off US politicians, Bankman-Fried and FTX, black ops projects…?
Putin Calls Out the NWO
9) Vladimir Putin has very publicly pushed back against the “satanic New World Order” and their imperialism, corruption and agenda for global domination. Could they let that continue?
Sanctions Backfire — and Help Motivate BRICS
10) US money Sanctions against Putin have driven Russia even closer into commercial and security partnership with China and accelerated the activities of the BRICS alliance to do deals with each other in local and gold-backed currencies rather than the petro-dollar.
Once again…let me point out that all of this death, suffering, financial destruction and risk of nuclear holocaust GOES AWAY WITHOUT THE STATE. No involuntary tax-base = no war.