January Message from the Hollow Earth through Dianne Robbins
07.01.2018 13:51 Hollow Earth | Dianne Robbins
I am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos inside the Hollow Earth. Know that in the Hollow Earth there is more land mass than there is water. We have less islands, and more continental area. Our land masses have not broken up as yours have. Ours have been held together by our balanced thoughts and feelings and we have had no cataclysms to break them apart and no continental drifts such as occur on the surface. Everything remains intact here, which is part of our immortality syndrome, so to speak.
The continents are big pieces of land connected to each other so that we all have easy access to travel back and forth between continents. We have made these continent connectors ourselves. They are called ‘crossways’ or strips of land that we use to cross over continents. This way, we all stay connected, which is the heart of evolution.
Separation of continents separates hearts and spirits. Scattered islands reflect scattered thoughts. We are all of one thought and one spirit here, and our land-masses reflect this containment.
Our water is deep, shimmering blue, and our land is deep shimmering green, lush with growth. It is perpetually light here, and everything glows, even our skin.
Lemuria was one big land mass, and so was Atlantis before the destruction.
In the Hollow Earth, we don't have "new" years... we have one perpetual year that lasts forever...
~ Mikos
January, 2018
The continents are big pieces of land connected to each other so that we all have easy access to travel back and forth between continents. We have made these continent connectors ourselves. They are called ‘crossways’ or strips of land that we use to cross over continents. This way, we all stay connected, which is the heart of evolution.
Separation of continents separates hearts and spirits. Scattered islands reflect scattered thoughts. We are all of one thought and one spirit here, and our land-masses reflect this containment.
Our water is deep, shimmering blue, and our land is deep shimmering green, lush with growth. It is perpetually light here, and everything glows, even our skin.
Lemuria was one big land mass, and so was Atlantis before the destruction.
In the Hollow Earth, we don't have "new" years... we have one perpetual year that lasts forever...
~ Mikos
January, 2018