Galactics Settling on Gaia - The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

We, the members of humanity, are faced with many challenges within this NOW. We know that many of us have forgotten our true Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, we have also forgotten how to reach out to our Multidimensional SELF. In fact, many of us Galactic Beings had completely forgotten that we ARE Galactic Beings who came to Gaia's Earth long, long ago. 

We came to Earth because we heard dear Gaia's call for assistance during that NOW of great transmutation. Once we took finally adapted to our third dimensional human forms, we began to forget who we really were and why we had chosen to make the great sacrifice of leaving our fifth dimensional, and beyond, frequency of reality. 

In fact, we even forgot that we had asked to come to Gaia's Earth. Why did we forget that? We did not have the answer to that question for many, many incarnations. Fortunately, as we adapted more and more to wearing a third dimensional form, which was necessary in order to adapt to a third dimensional planet, some of us began to remember.

At first, very few of us remembered about our fifth dimensional, and beyond, SELF, and our fifth dimensional, and beyond, reality. However, gradually, over uncountable incarnations, humanity finally began to remember "something!" We did not know what that, "something" was, or if it was it a "some place" or even some version, of a "different frequency of reality."

It took us "time" to remember how to live within the many limitations of the "time and space" of a third dimensional reality. Also, as we began to fully adapt to being third dimensional beings who lived on a third dimensional planet, we began to forget about our fifth and sixth dimensional expressions of our SELF who had decided to come to Earth to assist the beings.

Some beings were called humans, others were called animals, and some were called plants and trees. Some of plants and humans evolved into different shapes and sizes. Simultaneously, these plants, trees, flowers, water, begin to intermingle with all the other rain, the water, the sky, and, yes, the Galactic Beings, who were soon be called "humans." 

Many of these "humans" looked much like their higher dimensional expressions of Galactic, who were now being called humans. At first, the humans, the Earth, the Fire and the Water all blended together to create a reality that was filled with many forms of life.

Some of these beings lived in the water, others lived on the land, and many of these beings, especially the "humans," needed fire to cook their food, water to drink, fire to cook their food, and air so that they could openly breathe the "fresh air" that was so abundant in those early times.

Soon, the Galactics became so involved with getting water to drink, planting seeds and/or hunting for food, making homes and having families that they forgot about their Home Worlds far away in what was soon named "outer space." Once their former Home World became "outer space," they began to settle into their new role of "being humans."

Their planetary Home Worlds were far, far away, and more and more the "Galactics" began to be "Humans. Many of their Star Ships began to be dismantled so that they could become "homes" for the once "Galactics", who were more and more becoming "Humans." 

Eventually, the "Galactics" forgot about being a Galactic and began to think of themselves more and more as "Humans." Each generation of "galactic humans" became more and more "just humans." Fortunately, some of the galactic/humans became more and more just "humans." Eventually, they were just humans and even wondered if there was anything out there, far away, in the "Sky!"

They no longer thought much about their Galactic Self or their Home Worlds that were fare away in the Sky. Eventually, their Home Worlds became bright stars which were far, far away. Less and less "humans" could remember their ancestors who had lived far away on those stars in outer space. 

More and more they forgot about the "planets" on which their distant ancestors traveled from to come to Earth. They also forgot about the Star Ships that had taken their ancestors to this place, and this place was not Earth. But Earth was not thought of as a "planet" for many, many generations. 

In fact, it was no longer called Earth, as it was simply called "Home." In fact, people would laugh at others who dared to talk about planets and Starships. That was "just a myth" that the intelligent people did not believe in. In fact, if the informed people tried to tell others that the bright light in the sky was a Starship, they would be laughed at and scorned. 

"Where did you get the silly idea?" the "smart ones" would say. "Don't you know that our world is flat and not round. Because they could not easily see the curvature of their reality, they thought that the place where they lived was all flat, except for mountains and hills. 

In fact, those who knew the truth were often ridiculed and pushed aside as being "crazy." More and more the ones who knew that there was no such thing as a big round ball in deep space. They KNEW that they all lived on the land. They also KNEW that if they went far enough they could fall off the edge of the planet.

There were some humans who were very intelligent and tried to tell the others that the planet was flat and they needed to be careful, for they went too far away, they would fall off the edge of their world. These beliefs lasted for a long time because the "leaders who knew it all" told them that the world was flat. 

To keep their power over the other people, the "rulers" who believed in a flat world told everyone else that they were "wrong" or "crazy" if they thought the planet was round. Worse yet, those who were correct in know that the planet was round would be ignored, or even worse, they were punished for telling those lies.

It took a very long time for the people to release these misconceptions and some were told they were lying for knowing the truth of a round world. However, there were leaders who could not face the fact that others could know more than them. This leaders wanted to keep the old versions of reality because they were not able to expand their awareness into new concepts. 

These leaders thought that it was a treat to their power if others knew more than they, the leaders, knew. In fact, many of these not very intelligent and not very informed leaders. Therefore, in order to keep their disguise of "being a leader," they punished those who knew the truth and tried to tell the truth to others. 

Unfortunately, many people fell into the lies of these leaders and refused to believe what others, who were far more intelligent than their leader told them. We wish that we, your Galactic Family" could give you a "happy ending" for this story, but we cannot. Again and again, the lies were believed and the truths were ignored.

"Why did that happen?" we hear you all ask. We, that Galactics, do not have that answer. All that we can say is that we, your fifth dimensional expressions of SELF, KNOW that lies are easy to say, but speaking the truth demands a degree of courage and personal self esteem. 

For if one is courageous, they can look into their mirror and KNOW that they are strong enough within themselves to BE the truth that they feel within their heart and soul! It is that feeling that is worth more than any gold that one could ever collect.
