Matt Kahn - Loving what is

Dear Friend,

“Loving what is” means equally embracing the one who likes how things are or wishes everything was different with the same respect, acceptance, kindness, and compassion. It does not mean loving circumstances that don’t feel good.

Instead, the practice of self-love is ensuring you never go without the nurturing attention and supportive self-talk that brings the best out of you—no matter the outcomes at hand or the details in view. Each time you’re able to hold loving space for yourself, it ripples out to offer the same gift of space to all hearts through the laws of unity consciousness.

This makes the essential practice of loving yourself one of the most potent ways to transform the world. There will come a day when you are able to unconditionally love others, but it occurs at a level of consciousness that may only be accessed by the journey required to fully love yourself. This is the heart of expansion.

All for Love,