Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 29, 2021

As sometimes happens an expected event has not taken place yet all the signs pointed to it occurring. So how can the outcome be explained that would help overcome your disappointment, after it was expected to be so positive. The intent was quite clear and very convincing because the outcome was considered beyond doubt. Yet a different path was followed to ensure that it laid down an opportunity that could be taken advantage of without causing great trauma and upset. The path to fulfilment may be full of twists and turns but the result is assured and you will progress as intended. The object of what took place will set the scene for further changes that will carry you along the path that allows for those that are necessary to speedily move you into the next phase. Read More…

PREDESTINATION? Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - January 2021

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Dear Ones At this strange time of restrictions and lockdowns there is much going on that you may feel you cannot control at this time. Many of you may be feeling anxious, sad, or even depressed by the current state of the world that you are in now. You are watching a Main media which can tend to acerbate these feelings. However Dear Ones we are now saying to you that this is a perfect time for you to change the world from within. Whatever you see, hear or feel, from our perspective there is much more LIGHT being shone on the world than ever before. Read More…


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Blue Avian Message: The Key to Ascension is Inward Focus

What is of a huge disturbance at this time is that so many individuals are focusing on particular processes, on specific predictions that are very detailed and that are anchored in politics, and that are focused on high-ranking, high-powered individuals and the role that they have to play on Earth. It is very, very important that we take this opportunity to remind humanity not to hang their hopes, nor their personal Ascension journey, on specific occurrences and the unfolding of specific events that lies outside of themselves. They cannot control what happens to a specific individual whether they are of the light or not, when it will occur, or how things will unfold. Read More…

David Wilcock 1/27: The Joan of Arc Timeline Requires a "Scare Event" Before It Gets Good

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The Galactic Federation: Will the Truth Be Revealed to All?

Hi Inger, we want to leave you a message about the situation in the world and about the coming big revelation. It is not very late but it will go out as it has been said, sometime during these days. The councils have agreed that people are mature enough to hear what has happened in the US election with fraud and corruption. Regardless of when this announcement comes out, it will be a shock to the people of the United States but also to the rest of the world. The dark can threaten with whatever they want, the message will still be published for the people. Read More…

2021 - A Quantum LEAP in Ascension

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A Message from the Archangels of Light from Sirius - 25.01.2021

Dear Ones we are sending you all much Love and Light as you navigate the stormy waters that are flowing through Planet Earth at this time. Many of you may be feeling entrenched in a 3rd Dimension world of restrictions, lockdowns, health issues, sadnesses, disappointments and so called lack of freedoms as you still succumb to a dark agenda. Read More…

Dark to Light. Not everything is as it appears, lets zoom out and take a closer look

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Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines; Says It’s More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover

Vaccine manufacturer Merck has abandoned development of two coronavirus vaccines, saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus itself and developing antibodies. Read More…

THE MYSTERY SCHOOL - THE HER0’S JOURNEY Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - January 2021

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James Gilliland: YHWH, Yahweh Discernment, Dropping Into the Heart

While doing our morning clearings we were honored by the appearance of Yahweh. As we approached the Sanctuary, also known as the Bridge House and opened the door we were hit by an energy, a force field that made us loose equilibrium. It was as if entering another dimension. We began our usual process, a technique that uses group energy, creates a male female balance, and bypasses the ego or human mind. After clearing our biological families, the ECETI family, then moving on to clear the unseen negative entities around the political chaos we stopped and asked who is with us. The name Yaweh came in. Read More…

Trump To Be Sworn In 19th President of Restored Republic! Latest Lin Wood Interview

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D.C. is fenced off and  the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking. Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration. They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose assets are in the process of being seized.  Most did not see this coming for they did not even know their nation was a Corporation. But, it is indeed but now, no more are the states subject to it. Please read on to understand  the nature of the battle we are in. Read More…

Free Reiki Distant Healing Session

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/23/2021 • Avoiding the agony of over-analysis

My dear friends, we love you so very much, No matter what is going on in your world, the 5D laws of vibration are, and always will be in effect. You have worked hard this past year to being to take charge of your minds, to focus on things that make you feel better, and to adopt a positive and uplifting outlook when you can. Now it seems the world is tugging and pulling at you now in so many different directions. So many have strong opinions. So many think they know what is best for all. So many want you to agree with their perspectives. Should you take a vaccine or not? Should you live in fear of a political party or not? Should you take up arms or not? Should you pull your money out of the markets or pool it and put it in? Read More…

What ALL STARSEED Souls Must Know - Right Now!

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Messages of Hope from the Higher Realms - 22.01.2021

Do not despair Dearest ones, contrary to what you have been seeing in the 3rd Dimension, playing out for all to see, this is not the end. It is in Truth the beginning of the end!! This has been a battle of Good against evil so to speak. In effect you are watching a chess game. It may look as if the Dark side is winning but the White KING is still on the board. He may have just lost his Queen but he still has the upper hand. He has enough White troops on his side to take away all of the black troops and to check mate the Black king. Read More…

Saul through John: Allowing yourselves to become aware that to be alive, as you all are eternally, is the most wonderful experience, that, in truth, it is miraculous!

Your awakening is imminent!  Yes, many messages from those in the spiritual realms have recently been reassuring you of this, and yet it appears to most of you that it is no closer than it was years ago, because you are seeing no signs of it.  But your expectations of what awakening means and what it truly is are quite different.  First, of course, time is a major aspect of the illusion, yet there truly is only now.  Second, at the cutting edge of modern physics, it is beginning to be understood that events that have occurred in the past can be changed, and that future events have already happened.  This is a startling realization, although how that might be possible is not at all clear. Read More…

We were chosen to go through the darkness first so that we could assist in this exact moment in time

True Lightworkers, over the next coming days, weeks, and months, this is a reminder for those of us who have already walked through the dark, to continue to hold the light. Remember, we were chosen to go through the darkness first so that we could assist in this exact moment in time. We feel it. We were the pioneers that digested the deepest darkness long ago to co-create a brighter world and create more room for the light to illuminate the earth and bring sovereignty to humanity.  Read More…


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JFK: Your Light is Needed, Right Now!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, my dear Patriots! Please do not go over the “rails” after witnessing today’s “faux affair”...there is still much more to happen, and as you are finding out the hard way, it is not always as soon as you would like it to be. Well, let me help to take your mind off of those dour thoughts, my beautiful ones! I would like to talk a little bit about “time lines”...yes, time lines! Some of you may not be very aware of how many different, and yet similar, time lines are occurring in each moment...however, this becomes important with regard to what is happening right now in the U.S...and the world. Read More…

This Will Stop the Lockdown Worldwide. President of the WDA, WFA

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James Gilliland: For The Disheartened and Disillusioned

It’s far from over. While in meditation Jesus came in and dropped a few things to contemplate. Yes, he is real and just because we talk to other higher dimensional beings, Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light, Sirians, Andromedans and a host of other beings it does not mean we are not in contact with the known Masters of Earth. For the record Jesus was a name given to him by the Greeks it translates son of Zeus. Jesus said wait 5 days things will be revealed do not give up hope. Read More…

You Got This! Remember, THIS IS ASCENSION

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Twin Flame Ascension Report February 2021: We are birthing the New Earth... Starseeds you were born for this

Dearest brothers and sisters, Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this significant moment of your time on the 20th of January, 2021. With much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity. There are so many different levels of a chess game that are currently being played out within the collective at the moment and it's important to let everyone know that humanity is being kept in the dark with regards to the true moves that are taking place on the geopolitical arena at the moment. Read More…

THERE IS NO INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR LIFE ON EARTH Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - January 2021

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Magenta Pixie and the Nine: Fast Track just Got Faster

Me – You said it would take three times as long for us to reach the great awakening and the inevitability if Biden won the election. Is this still the case? Must we now wait years and years as they have delayed the inevitability and thus the Ascension? The Nine – No. It is in point of fact the opposite. The great awakening, inevitability and ascension have been fast tracked ever faster. Let us explain. Read More…


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Was Earth’s Secret Occult Ruler eliminated in US led takedown of Global Deep State?

On January 15, it was announced by multiple news sites that Baron Benjamin de Rothschild unexpectedly died of a heart attack at the age of 57 while at his Swiss home. According to best-selling author David Wilcock, Rothschild was the world’s “Pindar” – the secret occult ruler of our planet reporting directly to off world extraterrestrial masters. What makes Wilcock’s claim particularly intriguing is that he says that only a day earlier, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a coded message through his Twitter account authorizing the final stage of a covert military operation to take down the Deep State around the planet. Wilcock’s claims raise intriguing questions about Rothschild’s death, his possible role as Earth’s Pindar, and a covert US led takedown of Global Deep State. Read More…

Matt Kahn: The Cosmic Reset

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Waters of Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl | January 16, 2021

We are the waters of Nova Gaia. This one has summoned us for our higher energies are soothing, clear and deep. We nurture our mother and we nurture those upon and within her form. We will nurture you, should you like. We are the Waters of Nova Gaia. Our energies are of the highest light, of the higher ways. Many healing modalities are utilized through our form as we are crystalline and our atoms hum and sing the codes of divinity. If you listen you can hear us sing. You hear us in your more diluted lower form upon your realm. We are there nonetheless. Read More…


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Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell, January 10th, 2021

I am Saint Germain. I ask you now to take a moment as you are coming back into your body to take several deep breaths.  Breathe.  Hold the light within you.  Be the light within you.  Allow yourselves now to feel the love that is coming into you.  Just feel it permeating throughout your body:  the love of the Creator, the Source.  The Source that is within all of you, all of us.  Feel that immense love.  That higher consciousness coming over you and through you now.  Know that you are going to be taking this love of this higher consciousness and assimilating it within yourself, and then spreading it out.  Spreading it out to all that are ready for this. Read More…

America's Frontline Doctors: This is not a Vaccine

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Dearest Ones NOW IS THE TIME TO AWAKEN from your slumbers. Your planet Earth is undergoing a rapid change as you all move from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension and above. My legions of workers of the LIGHT have known about this happening for eons of your time and is why they came from across the galaxy to be here NOW. However as they incarnated, many forgot who they were and had to work hard to come back into balance, so to speak. There are many, many good people on Planet Earth at this time who have no idea who and what they are and why they are here .i.e a soul in body form having a learning experience on the planet at this very special time. You all came here to learn and grow your soul and if you are alive at this time you are very special souls indeed for you have much to give. Read More…

David Wilcock 1/17: Prophecy, Peril and Peace

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ArchAngel Metatron "the Time of Peace and Prosperity Has Come!" through Dancing Dolphin 1-16-21

Yes, dear one, I AM here and I AM your Metatron. I AM here today to give you a message for Lightworkers - all those in body and out of body who are working towards the Ascension, working towards the RV, the Golden Age of Gaia, Peace on Earth, the Golden Age, whatever you may call it. The time of Peace and Prosperity has come! It is finally here on Gaia. Read More…

Simon Parkes - 16th January Update Current News

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This is a critical moment in the United States of America and we at Era of Peace are joining with the Company of Heaven in sending our heartfelt plea for assistance on behalf of ALL of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding in this country. There is a Divine Plan unfolding that may not be obvious to our finite minds, however, our I AM Presence and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are well aware of this plan and are orchestrating it in Divine Order. The Company of Heaven is asking ALL of us to intervene at this time by empowering the Activities of Light in the following Invocations. This is the assistance that our I AM Presence has been training us for lifetimes to invoke when the time is right. THAT TIME IS NOW!   Read More…


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Messages of hope and support from the Higher Realms - 16.01.2021

Dearest Ones we are all here with you at this very auspicious time on Earth to give you hope and support for your future. It is no accident that you all incarnated onto Earth at this time. You came here specifically to help in the awakening of humanity to ASCEND to a new way of being. A HEAVEN ON EARTH, so to speak. The time that you have awaited for centuries to change the paradigm on Earth is upon you NOW. We are here with you, not to interfere with this process, but to help and advise. Call on us now for guidance as you navigate the waters of TRANSITION. Read More…

RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - January 2021

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Saint Germain: What Is Unfolding Now

Beloved brothers, and dear friends! I haven’t spoken directly to you in a while, through this channel. But today I was asked by our Ngari, to tell  exactly what is unfolding on Earth, and many truths. As you know, PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing everything possible to implement NESARA AT THE INTERNAL LEVEL IN THE UNITED STATES, AND GESARA AT THE GLOBAL LEVEL, in the 209 nations that have signed that law. Read More…

In God We Trust - God's Hand in America

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/16/2021 • Peace Amidst Diverse Perspectives

You are living in exciting times upon your planet earth. Never before has the opportunity to explore other perspectives been so easy or so accessible. Never before have you been able to sample from the abundant diversity of life while sitting in your own homes. Never before have the contrasts been so vividly played out in the theater of human existence. For some of you that is frightening. Most of you were raised to feel safe around sameness. Most of you were raised to feel right in worlds and with words that were passed down throughout generations. Many of you were raised to "keep the peace" by never disagreeing. Read More…

Liz Crokin - Trump Does The Unthinkable

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Channeling Jesus and Ananda Live Stream Clip

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Planetary Ancestors via Galaxygirl | January 13, 2021

We are the ancestors. We are the ancestors of Gaia. Gaia is the jewel of all of the multiverse. Gaia is to be honored, treasured, the jewel in the crown, the heart of hearts expanding. Gaia offers all of us the chance to witness the depths of self discovery from within the ensconced mind of the human condition. Planets have ancestors. For the soul that embodies them has a past. All are expanding on their own path of discovery of the light within. Gaia’s great light was dimmed and now she will shine again, the brightest of the bright, the most honored of guests. Send Gaia your light. Together you will shine. Read More…


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Jesus through John: Looking within is the key to finding your awakening process

Being is your most important task right now – there is no doing involved!  Being is to accept yourselves in this moment . . . and this moment . . . and this moment, without judgment or negative self-assessment of any kind. The vast majority of humans have learned during their formative years that they must do or not do certain things in order to be accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, families, and teachers or caregivers.  Just being is discouraged because it appears that there is so much that needs to be done, and that hard work is an essential aspect of a successful life, while doing nothing is seen as a waste of time, as laziness. Read More…

How To Connect With Your Guardian Angel

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Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 15, 2021

Patience is needed at a time like this when the continual restrictions are still in place and could even get stricter. Certainly there has to be all necessary precautions taken if you are to throw off the manacles that are holding you back. Yet the time you have had to consider where you want to go and how to get there should enable you to see the path ahead. Throw off the old ways and welcome a new approach that is free from the interference of those who have a different agenda for the glorification of self rather than for the good of all. Read More…

My intense Spiritual Awakening and WALK-IN Experience

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Message from Archangel Gabriel to the Collective

What is happening within the world right now is reflective of what is happening within our own individual Universe as well. A massive purge is taking place which requires an immense amount of light to assist in. Thus, many higher consciousness beings may be feeling quite exhausted and wonky. You are anchoring the timeline in place that creates the most optimal path to ascension with the least amount of turmoil. Although it may not seem like it at this point in time – you are all doing a fantastic job not only holding the light for so many awakening souls but you are also anchoring the huge amount of light codes being blasted onto Mother Gaia by the Central Sun. Read More…

WHAT WILL OUR FIFTH DIMENSIONAL WORLD BE LIKE? Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - January 2021

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My Dear LEGIONS of LIGHT you have been working tirelessly to bring forth the LIGHT on Planet Earth for centuries. You come from all corners of the Universe to herald the awakening of the Earth at this very special time. The Awakening HAS come and there is no going back to the dark days of oppression. You have all stood your ground in the face of this oppression and I applaud you for this. You have lost much of your Freedoms in the past few months but it is now time to WAKE UP AND TO TAKE BACK THESE FREEDOMS. The restrictions that have been placed upon you are merely illusions. Your soul is free to roam. Your soul is working overtime to bring back those freedoms to others who still slumber. Read More…


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James Gilliland: Golden Wolf - Common Sense and Critical Thinking

This newsletter may be my last on this subject. It is not for those who know necessarily it is a last attempt to help those on the fence that feel something just isn’t and hasn’t been right. It is also ammunition for those who want facts and insights to state their case. We realize there are some folks may not be able to comprehend or desire to face the obvious. The problem with common sense and critical thinking both are no longer common. In fact, both are extinct within the majority of the democratic party, mainstream and social media. Anyone using common sense or critical thinking has been silenced, banned, soon to be banned or shamed for pointing out the obvious. Read More…

Simon Parkes’ Update, Jan. 12, 2021

Simon discusses an hour-and-a-half phone call he’s had with the member of the Q Team who administers the group. He discusses the mechanics of Q and their proximity to the President. He reveals that the Q team allegedly uses a quantum computer that can predict the future (the Looking Glass?), which is why the Q Team keeps citing Q posts that were released in 2017-8, etc. as proof of their intel. “Don’t think for one minute that the good guys are going to lose. This has been planned for far beyond and above anything that the bad guys can come up with.” Read More…


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The Second Revolutionary War will be Revealed for all to See!

The Storm is upon us, dear Americans and Patriots worldwide brace yourself and have faith. The Great Awakening for the public is at hand. President Trump, the Q Team, military and especially our great military Special Operation are in control. Let us call it “Thor’s Hammer” of justice that is coming, as the picture above portrays. The [D]eep State players have all revealed their hands, to which side they are on, and Justice will rain around their whole corrupt organization worldwide. Read More…

Messages from our Ancestors - "This Is the Hour"

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The Light Forces Are Taking Over NOW

The Galactic Federation Confirms That The Light Forces Are Taking Over NOW! This is the BEginning of the establishment of an Intergalactic Confederation as the Old System is Crumbling in front of the eyes of Earth’s population. We are NOW moving into a Heightened State of Awakening of the Masses. The unbelievers and mind-controlled population of Earth are NOW moving into the First State of Awakening. For many this will come as a shock and they will inevitably experience the Dark Night of the Soul Now. This is necessary to process and shed layers of programming and false beliefs. Read More…

Earth Intelligence Report - January 2021

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James Gilliland: It’s On - This Is Not A Drill

Over 6,000 troops are now at the White House and Capitol building. The President has signed the Insurrection Act. The main stream and social media, Treason Inc. along with those who knowingly committed Treason by certifying the votes even when notified there was extreme foreign intervention and fraud are all scurrying and screaming to protect their assets minus the ets. Super computers and the military in Italy were used to alter the votes in 17 states through dominion and other software. Key players including the President of Italy have been arrested and the Vatican’s hands are extremely dirty.  Read More…

David Wilcock: Global Peace Meditation, Joan of Arc and The Hero's Journey

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Saul through John: It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you

We are One! All are One, there is no separation, ever.  There is only LOVE, SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER/GOD, the divine field of CONSCIOUSNESS in which all LIFE is ONE.  Consciousness is eternal, everlasting, a permanent state of existence in which All is always fully present.  Form is temporary, and that includes all form, from the Multiverse to the smallest sub-atomic particle that your science is aware of, or anything smaller even than that.  You are mostly aware that your human bodies are composed of billions of cells and trillions of smaller particles all interacting in perfect harmony in a healthy body.  In the same way your bodies are all interconnected to one another and to the multiverse.  Separation is an illusion, everything has an affect on everything else, just as each apparently separate entity of consciousness affects every other. Read More…

The Most Relevant Conversation Part 3

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/09/2021 • Your world or "the" World?

As you move forward into your new year it would help to ask yourself the following question: "What world do I choose to live in?" While you all live upon your planet Earth, there are billions of worlds within this world, and each one of you – by your vibration – will choose the one in which you reside. You need only to put a large group of people in a room and ask them what they think about "the world" and you'll get as many differing viewpoints as there are people. Each person would say they are telling you about "the world," when in reality they would be telling you about "their world." Consciously or not, they would be sharing their perspectives, beliefs, and opinions. Consciously or not, they would be citing the situations, issues, sources, and the evidence that they choose to focus upon, and the resulting situations that they have attracted into their lives. Read More…

PROPAGANDA Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - January 2021

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Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 08, 2021

We can understand your concern at the continuing problems arising from the Covid19 virus and we acknowledge the confusion and agitation that is being caused.  However, as muddled as everything seems we assure you that the problems will disappear as quickly as they first appeared. The demanding times have been a test of your endurance without the knowledge of where it is all going, and how it will all end. From our panoramic view of everything we see a quick ending to the effects of the virus but exactly when is uncertain. There are certain aspects that have to be played out before the problems cease and even with your own predictions it will take some months to clear. We are loath to make predictions particularly at this time, as there may yet be some unexpected moments to come. Read More…

Message From John F. Kennedy - Your Light is Shining Brightly!

My dearly beloved Patriots...oh, how it hurts me to see you all hurting so much, right now! I wish I could do more to comfort each of you, as you wade through these rough waters. I will try to help with the words that I am sending through my muse, right now. Actually, I would like to address a couple items that won’t necessarily be comforting but I feel that I must say them at this time. First and foremost, I am so very glad that these evil scoundrels, who have enslaved all Americans (and others!) for so very long, are finally getting their just due! Read More…

The Journey of 2021 by Lord Melchizedek - Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Greetings beloved beacons of light, I am Lord Melchizedek, and it is an honour to be in your presence. In fact, it is an honour to be in your light, it is your light and your presence that are key at this time of ascension. As we move into the year that you label 2021, I wish to offer some insights as to where to place your attention and also to encourage you to understand that which the energies are encouraging you to experience and to embody. The Creator is constantly expressing and transferring vibrations of light, inspiration, wisdom, and enlightenment into your being to support your progress through the ascension process and in fact, creating the ascension process. Read More…

James Gilliland: Limbo Land be Patient

Just a heads up for those sinking into depression and hopelessness. It’s not over. As we said earlier it will take longer than people believe and they are hoping patriots and those of impeccable integrity will fold, surrender fall into depression and apathy. Don’t Go there. We all need to stand firmly in truth, follow the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well as support those who are standing up for America and the Freedoms it stands for. These documents are most aligned with Universal Law or Cosmic Law.   Read More…

Dream | One Voice Children's Choir

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Jesus through John: You live inseparably in the Presence of the One, loved and cherished beyond your ability to fully understand

Emotional STUFF is arising for everyone everywhere that is unsettling, disturbing, even frightening for many.  Too many distractions – COVID-19, US Presidential election, Brexit, among other things – are pulling you, and many, many others, away from your inner work.  That work is essential, and it is to be loving whatever arises either in your personal lives or as reported in the world news.  Distraction from that work must not be allowed to prevent you from going within when you awaken in the morning, whenever you have a free moment during the day, and before sleeping at night, to relax in the peace and Love of your holy inner sanctuaries.  Read More…

YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - January 2021

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David Wilcock: Global Peace Meditation to Offset Coming Events

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Message from Matthew - January 4, 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  Everything that has happened since the end of 2012, when Earth left the last wisps of third density energy, has been the groundwork, you could say, for revelations to come forth this year. If you could see your world from our vantage point, which offers views of what you think of as past, present and future, you would be astounded at the difference since Earth reached fourth density eight years ago. What we see “back then” is light maintained in a few scattered areas, others have small pockets of blinking light, and large areas have only sporadic flickers. Since that time, light has been steadily growing throughout the planet as sparks keep shooting up like fireworks, and as we view Earth’s “near future,” she is positively aglow. Read More…

“If Anyone Injected me the Vaccine, I would sue them for Attempt of Murder”, President of World Freedom & Doctors Alliances

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A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, January 4, 2021

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I speak to you with great news. You and the earth have made it through the gateway to the new universe, your new tomorrow. We offer you the utmost congratulations for what you have achieved. It is truly miraculous. Our ships are in the sky and we have been celebrating. What is occurring now is a fantastic fete. We continue to hold the energies for this evolutionary cycle in the history of creation. The earth moving into the Golden Age is phenomenal. It has required enormous effort from all of the lightworkers stationed on the earth, from us, the Galactic’s, and from all of creation. Truly, this has been a long time coming. It is the great awakening. Read More…


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The Gateway to Sirius: THE DARKNESS BEFORE THE DAWN - 5.1.2021

Dearest Ones many of you may be feeling less than hopeful at this moment in time as you continue to be locked down in your homes and appear to be losing yet more of your Freedom in a practical sense. We totally understand what you are all going though in these times but truly these days of lack and loss of Freedom are really the days of darkness before the DAWN. It is TIME to stand up for your own rights as Sovereign beings NOW but we suggest to you that there are many ways of doing this. Some will still want to fight physically and demonstrate out in the open. Some will be writing their messages and speaking out their TRUTHS on social media. Some will be sitting in the SILENCE and meditating for the good of the planet. You all have your different ways of trying to wake up a sleeping public which might still be listening to the Dark Agenda that is the Main media. Read More…

Focus on Fauci

2021-01-05-focus-on-fauci Read More…

Ashtar via Galaxygirl, January 1, 2021

Greetings galaxygirl, greetings beloved warriors of light! Welcome to 2021! Welcome to the higher energies, for they are rising incrementally bit by bit and your earth realm will be almost unrecognizable, and quite higher energetically a year from now. These energies that are bathing your beautiful sphere in the golden light of the love of Source are being felt within the plants, within the rocks, within the hearts of humankind and we can see this most concretely from our vantage point in the ships. We have numerous technologies for measuring such increases in vibratory speed, and it is quite exciting to be able to watch and observe and lend a hand when we are permitted. Read More…

LIVE Q&A | Answers From The Galactic Federation

2020-01-05-gfl-q-and-a Read More…

The 9D Arcturian Council: Telekinesis, Time Travel, Levitation & Telepathy

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are feeling the impact of the shift in the human collective consciousness since you have left the very challenging year of 2020 behind you. Now you can focus on moving forward, on moving into a new realm of possibilities for humankind. You have for a very long time been flirting with the idea that you could access certain abilities that you once believed were something out of science fiction or something to be reserved for after the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension. Read More…

Allison Coe - Something Big This Way Comes...

2021-01-05-something-big-is-coming Read More…

Dianne Robbins Monthly Message ~ Earth Is the Showcase of the Milky Way Galaxy

I am Mikos, speaking to you from the Library of Porthologos, where I am the Head Librarian. I reach out to you today, in harmony and goodwill toward all surface dwellers on Earth. We extend our friendship to you with open arms, to receive you into our lives, into our homes, and into the Inner Earth where we dwell. Harmony surrounds us all inside the depths of the Earth, and soon harmony will surround the entire Earth, as she rises in consciousness, as an ascending Star in the Heavens. Read More…

New Chapter in Knowledge Base: A Pleiadian tells his story

2021-01-02-pleiadian-story Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/02/2021 • Resonance vs. Right & Wrong

Happy New Year! Happy New Now! Happy year of emerging from behind the masks – some of which you've metaphorically worn for decades and, little by little, from behind the masks that currently cover your faces. One soul at a time, you are coming to the realization that you live in a vibrational reality in which unmasking yourself means a lot more than simply removing a piece of cloth from your face. Read More…

The Greatest Movie Ever Made: Cutting the Head Off the Hydra

2020-01-02-greatest-movie Read More…

Twin soul Ascension report: The light has already won, so many awakening now

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this great moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity. This ascension report is being birthed and brought through to you all on the 2nd of January, 2021. Beloveds, we would like to take a moment now just to put some things into perspective with regards to the monumental year of 2020. On the surface, it may seem as though it was a very chaotic year, and it may seem as though the forces of darkness were running amock with humanity. But, may it be shouted from the furthest rooftops, the head of the deep state monster was cut off in 2017, Here, we are referring to the highest echelons of the deep state pyramidic structure. Read More…

Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

2021-01-02-catherine-austin-fitts Read More…

James Gilliland: New Years Message 2021 From The Galactics, Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian and Andromedan Council

In the days to come you are going to see a grand polarity. It will be accelerated and amplified the byproduct of which is chaos. How much chaos is up to the people of Earth individually and collectively. There are those who align with Universal Law many refer to as Unity Consciousness the main premises of which are Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. The spiritually and technologically advanced Off Worlders, Ancient Ancestors, and Trans/Ultradimensionals have transcended all religious and cultural boundaries, war, disease, and poverty. They have fueless energy, anti/counter gravity and technologies beyond our wildest dreams. Tyranny does not exist in their civilizations. There is no lack, no competition they can replicate, materialize anything they need, the universe, multiverse is their playground. Read More…

New Year's Message From Jesus and Ananda 2021

2021-01-02-ananda-and-jesus Read More…

Medical Prof Explains Devastating Effects of Lockdown For A Virus With A “99.95%” Survival Rate

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, from the Stanford University School of Medicine wrote an article for The Hill titled "Facts, not fear, will stop the pandemic." In it, he outlines the detrimental impact of lockdown and why it's not necessary. Why is there such a large divide between so many doctors and scientists with regards to the response to the pandemic? Why is one side constantly ridiculed and censored by Big Tech companies? Should governments have the authority to mandate lockdowns? Read More…

New Earth Rising - Energy Update for 2021

2020-01-02-energy-update-2021 Read More…

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Pioneering Into the New

Dear Ones, we wish to congratulate you on navigating the most intense and transformational year you have seen on your planet. We honour you for your courageous hearts, for your resilience, for taking one step after another despite the many challenges. You have only begun to scratch the surface of how profound the shifts of 2020 truly were. You will look back and be truly amazed at the depth of the transformation, and what will become possible due to your continued efforts. Suffice it to say that you, and your world, are completely and forever changed. You are now holding a completely different energy as you exit 2020 than you held when you entered it. Read More…

International Network of Lawyers: No need for Vaccine, Goal is Population Reduction

2021-01-02-no-need-for-vaccine Read More…

A Message from the Galactic Federation of Light: Stand Together in 2021

Hello, this is Ashtar and I’m joined by a few key members of the Galactic Federation of Light.  And these members are what we refer to as ‘foreseers’, or ‘seers’, of the next realm of light that is coming across your Earth. They are members of a higher Council that we, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light, frequently confer with particularly when we’re looking at likely timelines. We seek their counsel and their advice as to how to steer humanity, how to guide you all along these probable timelines in order to yield the most positive outcome for humanity. For this is always our primary focus, goal, and objective. For your well being is our mission. Your ascension is our grand mission. And we stand with you side by side. Read More…

Exiting the Matrix - Relationships & Triggers

2021-01-02-exiting-the-matrix Read More…

The Bridge Between Worlds

Every new year represents a release from the old and a beckoning of the new, but this new year in particular invites major transformation. The significance of this new year lies in its representation as the most complete surrender and rebirth that we, as a collective, have ever witnessed. On an energetic level, a new age is dawning. As we enter into the New Earth of 2021 and beyond, the universe is urging us to let go of that which has tied us to the third dimensional experience of separation, limitation, and fear and to instead call forth and embrace a heart-centered paradigm of love, faith, and unity. Read More…

TOP 10 UFO Disclosures in the News of 2020

2021-01-02-top-10-ufo-disclosures Read More…