Judith Kusel
Judith Kusel: There is So Much Happening on all Levels Now
10.02.2023 21:48
There is so much happening on all levels now. The earthquake in Turkey and Syria are but the beginning of earth upheavals as I was shown a few weeks ago, as the earth’s axle is also tipping. It is all part of the dying of the Old Earth as the New Earth is replacing the old, is a huge merging going on. I was taken into the massive underground chambers underneath the sphinx in Egypt and then into the King’s chamber in the Great Pyramid last night, and I was shown so much which I cannot share here, as it is private. What I can share is that there is a mass releasing and activation of what was stored in these ancient sites.
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Judith Kusel: The Fires of Intense and Far-Reaching Changes
27.01.2023 20:59
The Fires of intense and far-reaching changes are sweeping the earth, and especially the energy and the sacred centers, as well as all life and life forms on earth and within her. The comet, which last was witnessed 50 000 earth years ago, which is arriving on the 2 February 2023, will intensify this process, and it is programmed to release immense changes upon earth. It will have a ripple effect on the whole, and especially in the Northern Hemisphere, as what was programmed into the earth at the time, will rise and will bring even more sweeping changes. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Immense Cosmic Breakthrough is Happening
20.12.2022 21:42
We are in a cosmic moment which is unprecedented and my heart and soul are filled with joy, awe and wonder as I am being shown this. The New Earth is now totally anchored in and she is pulsating with so much beautiful white-golden energy, that all is now bursting forth with new life, life forms and the New Humanity! We are in the middle of huge super quantum shifts and the Old Earth is in the process of total disintegration, and a pole shift is imminent – in what form or way I cannot say, but we will now experience more and more weather changes on a global scale, volcanoes erupting (even dormant ones), earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. All of this is merely the breaking through moment, when the New Earth totally takes over all aspects of life and life forms. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Changing/Collapsing of the Old Order
16.12.2022 21:31
We are in the midst of intense collapsing of the old order and old guard, structures, forms, and thus upheavals are occurring everywhere. With this intense climatic changes are occurring. Here is South Africa we are having torrential rain in places, and I have been shown it is a deep cleansing in the highest degrees, just like volcanoes and fires, transmute, earthquakes are pressure point valves releasing the old, and more than this, storms clear the old by literally blowing it away. Expect more! Read More…
Judith Kusel: Deep Healing of the Wounded Warrior
09.12.2022 21:05
Since the Fall of the Lion Kingdom, humanity has been haunted with and by the war which broke out between two brothers, and ultimately caused the destruction of the Lion Kingdom. This old karmic link, and the old karmic replays, are now surfacing, and need to be healed into the deepest collective woundedness and brokenness of the Masculine and Feminine. For with it comes the healing of atomic warfare, and more than this the immense destruction of highly advanced civilizations on earth, time and again. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Ultimate Power of Transfiguring Love
29.11.2022 21:45
I am being made aware of wave upon wave of transfiguring Love, which is Source Power pouring in, and it is bringing immense revolutionary inward changes, in all life and life forms on the Old Earth as all is in the state of transfiguration. I am being shown that even atomic structures, harmonies, and all aspects of cellular life and DNA, and whatever is within our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and all other bodies, is now in a state of dissolving into a much higher embodiment, form and expression of our souls. Read More…
Judith Kusel: New Earth Integration
18.11.2022 21:31
I was made aware last evening of the immensely powerful energies being released by the full merger of the Old Earth and New Earth’s Crystal Pyramids and Crystalline Energy Fields, as well as the Spines of the Earth and all her sacred energetic sites. This is amplified by the Cosmic Energies streaming in, and thus all is being lifted into the higher dimensional states of the 7th and 9th, while the 5th dimenional New Earth is in escalated ascension back into the 7th. What this means is that we already are fully in the New Earth, as the Old Earth disintegrate and what does not disintegrate is being incorporated into the New Earth, through a merger, and thus transmuted into the much higher dimensional energetic state. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The New Earth Rises
14.10.2022 18:27
I was just shown so much this weekend, and experienced the power new earth energies myself, and what is happening on all levels now, is a merging of the Sacred Earths, meaning a merging of the Crystal Pyramid Temples and Crystalline Energy Grids, which I went into details during my webinar this weekend, and now not only are the New Crystal Pyramids Temples and Crystalline Grids fully activated for the 5th to 7th dimensional state: but the OLD ones, are being incorporated! This is bringing a huge awakening on all fronts, of ancient energies, and powerful fifth (Atlantis) and 7th (Elysium, Lion Kingdom, Avalon, Mu, Lemuria) to the fore, with the Arks and the Sun Discs! Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Seeming Real is Illusionary
23.09.2022 21:41
Immense powerful energy is being released from Lyra and Sirius, and the new Earth web of light, and crystalline energy grids are pulsating with 5th to 7th dimensional telluric energy, with the new spine of the earth, the reactivated crystal pyramids, the arks and sun discs released. We are in for dramatic changes on all fronts now, as all is being lifted into the higher dimensional state. Stay centered in the heart center and unconditional love. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Ascension and Mass Heart Opening
20.09.2022 21:32
Within the next 48 hours and within the next few weeks, an intense and mass opening of the heart centers of humanity is occurring as never witnessed before! It is coming with the full releasing of Divine Light, Divine Love, and the Holy Spirit, the Shekinah, and it will indeed be the Rose Line which carries this, as it the Fires of Illumination and Purification sweep this line totally clear, and then connects it with the ascended Spine of the New Earth forever more. Read More…
Judith Kusel – A Divine Gift of Love
23.08.2022 21:14
All is changing so rapidly now, and there is huge upward surge now, which is impacting on all of us, in some form or way. It is best to stay fully in the present, and allow all to unfold as it should. All is on track, even if we cannot as yet foresee what our future will be like as we ascend. We get glimpses of it, but in truth, the only true moment of living, is in the here and now. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Angels in Disguise
12.08.2022 15:09
We are the Wandering souls… the Volunteers…. We are the ones who visit other stars and star systems in their hour of greatest need…. We dabble Sunshine wherever we go… and sprinkle stardust on all those whose lives we touch…. So often we end up being the Wounded Healers, for we tend to open our hearts…. We cannot bear to see other’s suffering, yet so very often end up suffering ourselves…. Yet, strangely, it through our own wounds that we heal others…. We often gaze upon this planet, in great puzzlement…. We simply cannot understand why people want to fight…. or kill each other…. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Earth born Anew
08.08.2022 12:09
The Ultimate Future of this planet, the New Earth and the dissipation of the Old, is already present in the here and now.For this was already encapsulated many thousands of earth years ago, and thus nothing and no one can change this. I was in deep meditation yesterday, preparing for my weekly Zoom teaching session, when I was clearly shown this encapsulation. More than this, I was shown clearly that the New Earth was much larger than the current, and that it has already formed around the old. Read More…
Lord Melchizedek Through Judith Kusel: Alchemical Transfiguration
01.08.2022 21:17
Alchemy in truth is changing a lower form of existence, into a much higher, purified and exalted one. In Ancient Times, it was known how to transfigure from the density of matter, and thus the physical form, into the resurrected LightBody form through a process of intense alchemy where the soul powers were utilized. Thus, Buddhist monks were known to be able to shed their physical bodies at will, for after all it is but a vessel for the soul to use, and is mortal, while the soul is immortal. Thus, the yogis of India were/are known to be able to bilocate and are able to become visible and invisible, as were all the Great Masters who ever walked on earth. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Age of Love has Begun
29.07.2022 17:18
The Divine Feminine is making her presence felt, with the Universal Core, and this means that there is a huge forward thrust now, as we are being pulled ever deeper into Infinite Space, as we resume our Universal and Intergalactic rightful place again. Heart-centered living is returning, where we do what we love, and love what we are doing, and work together within communities of like-minded souls, for the greater good of all. All our unique gifts and talents, and our loving contributions, will be towards co-creating the New Golden Age with love. No-one more than the other, but as equals. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Enlightenment
26.07.2022 21:17
En-lighten-ment literally means to be lit up from deep within. It means being see-through, translucent, as there is no-thing to hide anymore. One walks one’s talk, one lives one’s truth, and one lives life from the heart of Love, fully embracing Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Power, Divine Wisdom. One is ONE with all and everything and everyone! Read More…
Judith Kusel: Strength of Lions
22.07.2022 20:13
This earth cannot and will not ever be the same again, and neither can you. The old is disintegrating rapidly now, as all is broken open. The New Earth and New Golden Age is making its presence felt in intense and immensely powerful ways, and busy anchoring in the new, vibrant lifeforce within all of us, and all life in and upon earth. I always see this as the New Earth now totally enfolding the Old Earth, and as the dimensional shift happens, the Old breaks up and disintegrates. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The New Golden Age
08.07.2022 20:02
I have done thousands of Soul Readings since 2012, when I was first called to do them, with great love, and what I have found, and what I find so fascinating, is that every soul is unique and every soul has been created by the Divine with their own specialized field of expertise, attributes, gifts and talents, which incorporate the soul’s mission and purpose while here on earth. Every soul has inherent genius. In the Old Earth, after the Fall of Atlantis, the Veils of Amnesia came down and thus most souls, forgot the truth of who and what they in truth are! Read More…
Your Being Here on Earth is an Act of Love
17.06.2022 22:15
Your being here on Earth, is an act of Love. I was sitting in quite contemplation, preparing for my weekly teaching session on Zoom, when the above was clearly given me. I was deeply touched. It put things into perspective in a totally higher way. For when one acts from the heart of Love, and with the INTENT to love, and lovingly serve, then all of life becomes an ACT of LOVE! It can be no other! I shared it with my students during my teaching session, and all were deeply touched. Read More…
There is, in Truth, only Love – All Else is Illusion
10.06.2022 18:42
There is in truth only love – all else is illusion. I do not know why certain things happen or have happened in your life nor in mine, but one thing I do know, is that everything which happens in your life, the seeming good and seeming bad, all serve the soul in the end. All are lessons in Soul Mastery. We can indeed lament about the hand the fate dealt us, we can feel sorry for ourselves for the rest of the life on earth, blame and shame everyone else, as we buy into the victim mentality, but the more you point fingers at others, the more fingers point back at self. Read More…
Judith Kusel -The Law of One
31.05.2022 21:05
I am always sharing from my heart and soul and with great love and I feel so guided this morning to share with you, the fact that with the New Earth, we are returning to the Omniversal fold, where the Law of One is fully operational, and all adhere to it. True soul mastery, means the soul adheres to the Law of One and applies it, indeed lives it. It becomes a way of life and living, and thus is steeped in pure intent and pure unconditional love. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Your Earthly Bodysuit
27.05.2022 22:30
All is intensifying as the higher dimensional and consciousness states are being revved up and thus we are going through a huge morphing process. Note, if the caterpillar, when knowing that it is about to liquidized, in order to become a butterfly buys into the fear or resistance modes, it will simply wither and die, and never allow itself to go through the most amazing transfiguration process into a butterfly. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Crown Jewel of Creation
24.05.2022 20:48
When planet earth was first created, she was known as “The Crown Jewel of Creation”. She was vibrant, beautiful, filled with new Life and thus all who passed here in their Great Motherships, admired her and wanted to experience her. Thus the first who created her, and brought life into form and being upon, her petitioned the Intergalactic Federation, and asked if they could continue living her, and thus start civilization here in earnest. Thus Elysium, the first Civilization was born. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Time of Signs and Wonders
17.05.2022 19:31
This is the time of signs and wonders, when more and more will be revealed, as the old disintegrates, the old false programming is exposed, and more than this, as souls transcend into the New Lightbody Form and the New Earth, and thus remember the truth of who and what you are! I have never witnessed so many Light craft from the Intergalactic Fleet and Federations revealing themselves as in the past few weeks. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Let Go
18.03.2022 19:27
I am finding that such powerful energies are pouring in, and all is in such a state of flux, and disintegration, and assembling of the new, that all is in a morphing process. I literally can feel myself changing on all levels and in far greater levels than ever before. With this, a lot of souls will be repeating the same old dramas, stories, negative patterns again, which have kept them stuck for so long. This will be in families, in society, and in the greater humanity. Yet these lessons are now being churned up, so that all can finally break the patterns and allow themselves to be freed, and free others as well. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Divine Love, Joy, Miracles and Crystalline Energy
15.03.2022 17:36
Divine Love defies all description. It is simply sublime, yet all embracing, and so loving – as no hu-man can possibly express. It is purer than pure. It embraces exquisite beauty and with it comes a deep and abiding joy! The Joy of knowing that one is loved beyond love. This love is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, omnibenevolent. The deepest sense of safety, or being at home, and often sheltered, nurtured, held in the eternal embrace, which never fails. There is such deep inner joy within me this morning, as all is shifting as beautiful Divine Love is being poured into all souls on earth. I am feeling this intensely this morning. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Great Collapse
25.02.2022 16:24
This is the time of the great collapse of the Old Earth, the Old systems, the old ways. We are being pushed out of our comfort zones and way beyond anything we have ever known or experienced before, as we transfigure into the New Lightbodies and new Earth and new forms of life and patternings of life. The old systems are going to have crazy last and desperate attempts to cling onto the old ways, yet find as much as they cling and try to fix all the cracks appearing everywhere, the more all comes tumbling down. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Release and Forgive
18.02.2022 16:44
The energies now are churning up so much which needs to released and forgiven once and for all so that we can return to the very heart and soul of unconditional love and unity. As long as there is anger, fear, resentment, those deep festering wounds, we are are in dis-ease and thus attract more dis-ease into our lives as well as stress. As with our new lightbody forms, our central nervous systems are getting more sensitive to negative energy in any form or way, as our pineal and pituitary glands are reawakened to the highest degree. Read More…
Judith Kusel: The Balancing Act
15.02.2022 14:43
The Balancing Act between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine and the great family constellations. I was made aware last night, when I had my weekly Zoom meeting with my students, of the challenges which are occurring world-wide in the family constellations. One needs to realize that within the family content, no soul belongs or is owned by another soul. The soul in essence is free. Before a Soul incarnates it does choose its own parents, yet the self-same parents also agree to become the vessels which conceive the child, and therefore take on whatever such task and responsibility it involves. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Entering the Age of Love
01.02.2022 15:28
We have entered the Age of Love, with the New Earth. It means the beautiful balance, harmony and inner wisdom which true love brings within us, and I am not talking about the love between a man and woman here. I am talking about the deepest marriage within, between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, within and thus the true balance, the harmony, the return to the androgynous state, of the All Being. We are in a state of immense transfiguration and as the Divine Feminine and the Holy Sophia are making their presence felt intensely now, we are being reminded that this is Age of the Heart and Soul, and indeed living, being, expressing unconditional Love, which is all-embracing, while living our innate Soul Wisdom, As ONE with the Divine Source. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Changes
18.01.2022 18:08
We are the midst of drastic changes, within and without, as we leave the Old Earth and old embodiment. This means that all the old stuff within ourselves and the world, we never dealt with will come up to be worked through and released as well as all we are still attached to. The physical body too is transforming into the new lightbody, amplified by the immensely powerful light pouring in from the 7th Central Sun. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Massive Shift and Reset
14.01.2022 20:28
I was given very important information early yesterday morning pertaining to the massive shift and reset which occurred. This is my journal entry:
“3 x I was called: “Daughter of Zion, rejoice!” The sun discs appeared and were placed within me. I was told that they have replaced our DNA entirely and our cells and cellular structures so that we can now fully step into our new Adam Kadmon Lightbody form. Read More…
“3 x I was called: “Daughter of Zion, rejoice!” The sun discs appeared and were placed within me. I was told that they have replaced our DNA entirely and our cells and cellular structures so that we can now fully step into our new Adam Kadmon Lightbody form. Read More…
Judith Kusel: Leave the Old Behind
30.12.2021 18:25
Here is a powerful decree to assist you to leave the old behind. Do this only if you truly wish to honor your highest calling and leave the old behind. Read More…