
Gravity is not what you were told

The Sands of Time book series by Sean David Morton contains some of the most important history of the 20th Century and all of our futures to come, if this hyper-advanced technology is ever released to the general public. Doing so would put us into the world of free energy and in control of gravity.

The books not only explain in great detail the origins of time travel within the shadow government, but provide the equations needed to accomplish it. (for the less than 1% that actually know what they are looking at)

The author was killed for releasing this material. We will carry on your legacy Sean.

“Once you figure out what gravity IS, and not just what it does, and can create it as a WAVE… then that puts you in control of time and space itself.”

-Sands of Time, book VI ~ The Vril Damien diaries…

Journey to Truth Potcast on X

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