Julian Assange

It’s literally a war of Good against Evil

between Liberty Loving Patriots trying to save the Constitution which was hanging by a thread, and Satan Worshipping, Child Sacrificing Deep State Global Elites trying to consolidate their power.

Car size Drones, UFOs and Plasma Orbs fill the skies over the US – created by the Deep State Military Industrial Complex in cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party to create chaos. According to Dr. Steven Greer they are the result of illegal military programs that went black back in the 1950s.

“No word better embraces current mania, as the skies are teeming with swarms of unidentified flying objects that appear and disappear at will. From radiation-hunting drones searching for long-lost nuclear bombs to holo-drones readying Project Bluebeam, drone sightings are the talk of the nation, so much so the word “drone” has replaced “Donald Trump” in Google’s search rankings.” White Hats Shoot Down Mysterious Glowing Drones Over Camp Pendleton | Real Raw News

It’s all in a long term Chinese Communist Party Plan to take over the US – that the Biden Administration is in bed with. Perceived as harmless light shows, the Orbs and Drones are actually military grade psychological projection systems capable of creating hyper-realistic holographic images, aimed at testing human perception and gathering data on public reaction. They are designed to introduce a staged alien arrival through sophisticated holography, misleading the public into believing in extraterrestrial saviors, undermine societal norms, dissolve national borders and pave the way for a totalitarian global government.

Biden’s FBI was enforcing the show, showing up at doors of Americans who were filming “drone / orb” videos and posting them on TikTok, demanding the videos be deleted.

A Patriot wrote, “So apparently, the feds show up if you post those lights on TikTok. Last week, I posted a video about those 12 lights that I saw fall out of the sky on my way home. Not at the same time, they fell individually. Well, my boyfriend’s coworker also saw them, and he caught them on film, and he posted them on TikTok. And apparently, they showed up to his door, and he was asked to delete the video.”

It’s all about the money – US Taxpayer money. As of December 2024, insiders have leaked evidence of the Cabal’s secret global banking networks being dismantled by QFS operatives. These networks, powered by shadow Blockchain systems and dark AI, were used to funnel billions of dollars into off-ledger accounts controlled by the most powerful families.

Here come the White Hats to save the nation, and freedom lovers of the World: “These funds, stolen from taxpayers and entire nations, were meant to perpetuate global enslavement through fake wars, engineered pandemics, and economic collapses. In a series of coordinated raids, military intelligence operatives seized encrypted servers from private banking institutions in Switzerland, Luxembourg, and the Cayman Islands. These servers contained transaction logs exposing trillions in offshore wealth amassed through human trafficking, illegal arms sales, and resource exploitation.

The QFS is now reconfiguring these funds into new asset-backed systems that will redistribute wealth to the oppressed global population.

Julian Assange on Telegram


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  • Doreen says:

    Glad to see you back!
    Nice setup of newsletter

    Happy Christmas and Merry New Year


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