Saint Germain

We can now announce the complete victory of the Light!

Every citizen of the Earth should know that the Light has won!

The Black Hats have surrendered unconditionally, for the Source of All That Is has reigned.

They are leaving the planet, which is now beginning to enjoy the freedom it has fought so hard for.

All wars will cease immediately. A global ceasefire has been declared.

The Nazis, defeated not in 1944 but now, cease to exist, and Ukraine is free of this terrible scourge.

This was the reason why Putin supposedly “invaded” Ukraine. He wanted to free the country from the Nazis. To put an end to their secret laboratories where they acted as gods and committed terrible crimes against humanity.

Now the whole truth is coming out. The broadcast of the Emergency Response System (EBS) will begin worldwide.

All television antennas and social networks will be closed.

Three documentaries of eight hours each will be broadcast over three days via the Starlink satellites.

Each film will be broadcast in the language of the country in which it is based. The truth will be revealed to all citizens of planet Earth. After that, the quantum internet will replace the current one.

NESARA and Gesara, which are one and the same law, with the difference that NESARA applies in the United States and Gesara applies worldwide, will see the light of day in the 209 sovereign nations that have signed it.

The changes you will all experience will be great. It is literally the end of an age.

I ask each and every one of you to keep peace and remain focused and calm in the face of all that is coming.

Know that the world you are leaving behind is falling apart to make way for the new and wonderful world that is arriving.

In this new world of high vibration, there are no dark feelings, emotions or actions. Only love, goodwill, peace and abundance for all.

The entire Society of Heaven, the Galactic Brothers and the White Hats of the Alliance are here to ensure that all this is achieved. It is about the realization of the divine plan for the Earth.

Together with the humanitarians, we will soon rebuild all the destruction left by the darkness in a different framework.

We will build a full-fledged galactic society, with all that that entails.

I am Saint Germain, the Avatar of the new Age of Aquarius, and I am forever at the service of humanity, which I love so much.

Welcome everyone to the Golden Age! The victory of the Light is now a reality!

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3 Comment(s)
  • Bente Gustafsson says:

    Wonderful news.

    • Simon says:

      Not if Albert Pykes message about the 3rd world war they created is true. I suggest you research him…
      Every Christmas we get the same story, darkness is defeated, money coming back to the people, EBS activated etc. Every January the excuses come out why nothing happened… bwahhhhhhhh
      Same shit different year! We’re promised med beds but all I see in the news is “dead beds” assisted suicide. There’s even a company all lined up to supply uk with suicide pods.
      Google Koshima, its a Japanese island where freemasons experiment on primates mental behaviour……

  • Stef Middelbos says:

    Yes this is what we needed. I am so gratefull. Thank you Saint Germain.

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