Climate Change

Climate Change is a Conspiracy Theory

October 27, 2024 by Steve Beckow

For decades, when the alternative media pointed to something seriously wrong in our world, we, after the recommendations of the Robertson Panel of the 1950s, called it a “conspiracy theory.”

One pandemic later, the World Health Organization is maneuvering to take away national sovereignty; we are facing the [faked] possibility of a third world war [it won’t happen]; (1) and everything labelled a conspiracy theory is being proven true.

But I’ll tell you one genuine conspiracy theory that no one in the mainstream media is pointing to: climate change itself. (2) “Climate change” is a term used to refer either to a “coming ice age” or else “global warming,” either of which are being represented as a clear and present danger to human society.

Most recently we’ve seen “climate change” being used to explain two massive hurricanes which laid waste to parts of the Southeast, parts which lay on top of valuable lithium and quartz deposits, etc.

We haven’t heard very much about the hurricane hitting Acapulco, simultaneous to the Southeast disaster. It raced through the resort town as I believe either a Cat 2 or 3 and then turned around and returned as a greatly-invigorated Cat 5 to finish the job. That acceleration is decidedly not natural.

These hurricanes, if not created by humans, were intensified by them and steered to where their destructive power was “needed.” And the cover story for the damage they do is always “climate change.”

In other words, those who are accusing patriots and truthers of “conspiracy theories,” with its connotation of being undiscriminating nut jobs, are really describing themselves.

One world leader said of this ploy – which in the Eighties sociologists called “the mirror effect” – that it was the oldest play in the playbook of international affairs.

Accuse your enemies of what you’ve been doing yourself.  It’s a cover-up. I’m willing to bet it was known to the pharaohs.

It sees one person project their own errors and crimes, fears and weaknesses onto another. The charge properly doesn’t belong to the other, but, in some way, to the one making it.

Let me repeat what Alex Newman said about representing carbon dioxide as pollution, because it summarizes my own sentiments and is basic to this discussion:

“The ‘man-made climate change’ narrative is merely a pretext for unelected globalists to control every aspect of your life, under the guise of ‘saving the planet’….

“The notion that CO2 is pollution is absolutely preposterous… The idea that [it’s] going to destroy the planet or change the temperature of the Earth is totally ludicrous. But from a totalitarian perspective, if you can convince people that CO2 is pollution, there’s no human activity that doesn’t result in CO2 emissions, including living, including dying, turning on a light switch….

“Every single aspect of your life, then, if we submit to the idea that CO2 is pollution, comes under the regulatory control of the people who claim to be saving us from pollution.” (3)

Since the EBS is expected shortly, we haven’t long to wait for the truth to emerge and for the personnel operating the weather-modification and other catastrophic false-flag operations to be put out of business.


(1) See:

(2) See The Truth about Climate Change at

(3) “Award-Winning Journalist Alex Newman: ‘CO2 is Not Pollution,’” October 23, 2024, at


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