
WAYNE ROOT: Wildfire Alone Didn’t Destroy Los Angeles

How the Dumb, Radical, Left’s 6 Favorite Obsessions Made the Fire Unstoppable- Woke DEI, Climate Extremism, Homelessness, Vaccines, Open Borders & Ukraine.

By Wayne Allyn Root

I left Malibu, California 23 yrs ago because of high taxes and liberal morons. I just couldn’t take the liberals and their crazy, radical, extreme ideas anymore. I moved to Las Vegas. It was the best move of my life.

In Las Vegas we have no taxes- no income tax, no business tax, no capital gains tax, no inheritance tax and among the lowest property taxes in America. Guns are legal. The sun is always out. And everyone I know is a conservative MAGA Trump supporter. You know what I call that? HEAVEN.

But I loved Los Angeles in the old days. I arrived in LA in 1989 to start my job as lead anchorman and host of five television shows at CNBC (then known as Financial News Network). Back then LA was far different than now. It was still the old “old school LA” of Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart, Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra and of course, Ronald Reagan. It was a great town. We even had a Republican Governor Pete Wilson from 1991-99. I fell in love with LA.

But over my 13 years of living in LA (most of those years in Malibu), it changed dramatically. Now, look what these extreme, radical, communist nutjobs have done to my beautiful L.A.

Over 2,000 homes have burned to the ground (so far). Let that number sink in. It will take decades to rebuild all that was lost.

Wildfires are nothing new. No one should have been surprised about a wildfire. No one should have been caught unprepared. Wildfires are so common in LA, a large portion of their budget should have been devoted to fire prevention, water management and forest clearing. And another large portion of the budget should have been devoted to hiring more firemen and training them for wildfires. Who didn’t know this was coming?

I spend my summers in Park City, Utah. Utah is a red Republican state. Two summers ago, I was in Park City when a gigantic wildfire broke out from a lightning strike. Park City is surrounded by forest. Homeowners were scared to death this was “the big one” they’ve always dreaded. But Utah was prepared. They sent water-dropping planes and helicopters. Not one home was lost.

At the time I gave my opinion on radio and TV. I said, “This success story could never happen in California. California has no money for firefighting because they spend it all on millions of illegal aliens. And their minds are focused 24/7 on open borders, DEI, the transgender agenda, reparations and environmental extremism.”


That’s the story of the worst natural disaster in California history that we’re all watching in shock right now.

Here are the problems that turned a bad wildfire combined with a bad wind event into one of the biggest disasters in US history, certainly the most expensive of all-time.

First, Los Angeles elected a radical, extreme, communist nutjob for mayor. She was in Africa when the fire broke out. What is the Mayor of LA doing in Africa? Why would she abandon her own city, when everyone knew a massive wind event was on the way. This is Exhibit A for the mental illness of liberalism. I call it “criminal negligence.” She should be indicted, arrested and if found guilty, spend years in prison.

Second, we come to DEI. The entire governments of the state of California and the city of Los Angeles are dedicated to DEI. The Fire Chief of LA is a lesbian devoted to DEI. Her deputy chief is a black lesbian. They publicly bragged about their devotion to ridding the LA Fire Dept of old school white guys and hiring for “diversity.”

Maybe, just maybe, a bunch of white, straight men who spent their lives fighting wildfires could have slowed, or stopped this fire. If you just lost your home and a lifetime of memories in this fire, which would you choose- a white fireman who knows how to fight a wildfire, or a black lesbian hired for her skin color and sexual orientation?

Next, we come to budget constraints. This Mayor cut the fire dept budget by $17 million. I’ll bet she needed the money for DEI salaries and programs, and of course, for housing, education and healthcare for illegals. Maybe if she had spent the $17 million on the Fire Dept, and added $17 million more to hire more firefighters and equipment, those 2,000+ homes would still be standing today.

Next, we come to radical insane environmentalism. LA is a city built on the Pacific Ocean. Yet the firefighters had no water? Need I say more?

Maybe they should have used all the billions they spent on illegal aliens to build new reservoirs, and build desalinization plants, clear dead brush, and replace old pipes so firefighters have water pressure. Maybe they should have released more water to LA, instead of protecting some obscure fish.

Next, we come to the homeless problem. My friends in LA tell me 80% of the time of the LA city council is spent on the issues of illegal aliens and the homeless. Maybe they should instead devote 80% of their time to preparing for the natural disasters that plague LA- fires, mudslides and earthquakes.

Next, we come to Ukraine- another 24/7 liberal obsession. Are you aware a large portion of LA’s firefighting equipment was sent to Ukraine to aid in the war effort?

Lastly, we come to another liberal insane obsession- Covid vaccines. LA fired hundreds of professional firemen who refused the vaccine. Could we have used them in the past 72 hours? How many homes could a few hundred extra firemen have saved?

This terrible, tragic story is not about wildfires, or climate change. Wildfires are part of everyday life since the beginning of Los Angeles. And climate change didn’t cause the explosion in size of this wildfire.

Brainwashed liberal idiots with reckless, dangerous ideas made this tragedy 100 times more dangerous & deadly. Look what you did to yourselves.

This was a man-made disaster created by a mental illness called “California liberalism.” All of that, plus electing as your leader a Kamala Harris DEI clone.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!


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1 Comment(s)
  • Donna Misso says:

    Maybe your comments will wake people up.
    What a disaster that could have been prevented, if only. . . .

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