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Beyond Ravens with JANINE – JAN 9
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As always a brilliant reading.
You’re not the only truther theorizing the WHs have taken part in these wildfires that surely got rid of some of their evil targets, however, if so.,that just crushes me as innocent ppl and pets are NOT collateral damage.If they (the WHs)are partly Galactics,wouldn’t there be a more targeted way?Innocents being killed just further’s the cabal’s depopulation plan.I’ve heard an ex Nay Seal who has done many “operations” say that the US military would never put their citizens in harm’s way. I certainly hope to find out that’s true. And by saying this,in no way am I meaning to demean your information. Am so happy to have found you again on “Into the Light.”and appreciate your tarot readings-you wouldn’t be a real truther if you didn’t tell the disturbing with the happier info.Thank you