High Council Of Sirius

The High Council of Sirius: Full Reptilian Disclosure

by Chellea Wilder

Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.

It’s wonderful to connect with you. Thank you for your continued dedication to bringing the Light. We wish to advise that this particular message is for disclosure purposes, and may give information that may be uncomfortable for some.

The Light has an amazing effect on existence, when it is amplified, it exposes all Truth.

Look around you, all is being illuminated, a profound transformation is taking place. What has been long hidden in the shadows is now being brought into the light, revealing truths of dark deception.

A great anticipation is building within the Human Collective, as an awakening occurs on a massive scale. Many individuals are sensing that a monumental release of information is imminent–a disclosure that will finally be made accessible to the populace.

However, it is crucial to understand that we are not waiting for any form of government approval or official announcement. We have already arrived in your skies, And we have been disclosing information all along.

While there are indeed obvious military and Dark ops drones, in your skies, there is also a plethora of unexplained phenomena being witnessed all over the Earth, phenomena that challenges what humanity has been led to believe.

The dark Cabal’s scenario of a fabricated invasion is still being developed behind the scenes, a desperate attempt to maintain control over the narrative and instill fear within the population. This scenario is being created by a dark non-human presence, who hide behind the scenes.

We wish to remind you emphatically that no positively aligned Extraterrestrials or Multidimensional beings will ever cause harm to the Human population or to Mother Earth. Our presence is here to prevent your rulers from instigating a nuclear disaster, a catastrophic event that could devastate the planet.

We are dedicated to protecting and uplifting both the Earth and the Human race. We are here to liberate Humans from the oppressive grasp of the Dark controllers, and to help guide humanity into a Higher dimension of existence. This monumental shift is being orchestrated by Divine Decree, set forth by the Infinite Creator.

We have made our intentions abundantly clear to you, as well as to all of your world leaders who are perpetuating war. They are fully aware of our purpose and existence, yet they refuse to disclose the truth to the people. Their fear lies in the disclosure of who is hiding behind them and controlling them.

These dark beings have a profound fear of you as a collective, which is precisely why they work tirelessly to keep humanity divided along political, religious, and cultural lines.

These beings who manipulate your leaders are terrified of the Human Race, fearful of the awakening that comes with discovering the truth about their existence.

They are a malevolent extraterrestrial presence, of the reptilian race, that has been controlling narratives and instigating conflicts from behind the scenes throughout your entire human history.

They fear being exposed. These malevolent beings have infiltrated every level of government and federal agency, creating a network of hybrids designed to manipulate and deceive the public.

The Reptilians, and their Hybrid Clones, are now beginning to be exposed as the vibration of the Earth rises. This elevation in frequency is making it increasingly difficult for them to maintain their hidden identities and disguises. Many of them are now resorting to wearing masks to conceal their reptilian appearances, as they can no longer sustain their forms through shapeshifting.

Their eyes, often described as having an eerie glow or reflecting light, while in the dark, are a clear indicator of their non-human nature. This is a characteristic that the Human Race does not possess. Human eyes do not reflect light in darkness. In contrast, the eyes of Reptilian Hybrids do, which reveals their true nature. To combat this, they must utilize eye drops or special contact lenses to mask this telltale sign of their identity.

All of the Hybrids are aware of their reptilian lineage and have undergone extensive preparation for public interaction and deception.

This manipulation runs deep within your world. Woven very deep into the fabric of your civilization. Much is happening behind the scenes during this transformation, to expose and remove these deceptive beings from your immediate existence.

Nevertheless, the ongoing transformation, at this moment, is disrupting all of the dark’s schemes for global control.

The Divine Plan is well underway.

The truth is increasingly more difficult to conceal, and humanity’s awakening is quickening this process. The Light has already won, and nothing can stop this ascent into Higher dimensions of Light.

The shift you are experiencing, is happening now, in preparation for the grand event. You each personally contribute to the Human Collectives awakening, which is leading you to a new reality of peace, understanding, and unity.

We Love you, and Honor you.

We are the High Council of Sirius.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com.

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