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  • Daryl James – A Soldier Recruited into The Secret Space Program Tells it ALL

Daryl James – A Soldier Recruited into The Secret Space Program Tells it ALL

This is Part 1 – You can watch Part 2 here.

The video is an interview hosted by Lily Nova with Daryl James, a former Navy serviceman, who shares his extraordinary experiences involving secret space programs, extraterrestrial encounters, and advanced technologies. Here’s a summary of the key points discussed:

  1. Background: Daryl James served in the U.S. Navy and was later recruited into a covert program known as the Secret Space Program (SSP). His involvement began in 2004 while stationed in England.
  2. Underground Bases and Advanced Technology: Daryl describes being introduced to underground bases equipped with advanced technologies, including scanners that could assess physical and mental attributes, and portals referred to as “Looking Glass” technology. These portals allowed for time travel and observation of future and past events with high accuracy.
  3. Extraterrestrial Encounters: He recounts interactions with various extraterrestrial beings, including humanoid drones, reptilian entities, and Nordics (referred to as Pleiadians). He describes their physical appearances, behaviors, and roles within the SSP.
  4. Density and Time Travel: Daryl explains the concept of “density chambers,” which are used to elevate individuals to higher densities (realms of existence). He also discusses the “20 and back” program, where participants serve for 20 years in space and are then age-regressed and returned to their original timeline with their memories wiped.
  5. Dark Fleet and German Breakaway Society: He mentions the involvement of a German breakaway society and the “Dark Fleet,” which operates off-world. He describes their hierarchical structure and their collaboration with reptilian beings.
  6. Adrenochrome and Human Trafficking: Daryl shares disturbing details about the harvesting of adrenochrome from children in underground bases, a practice tied to satanic rituals and trafficking. He explains how this substance is used by elites for its purported life-extending and psychic-enhancing properties.
  7. Personal Experiences and Trauma: Daryl discusses the psychological and physical toll of his experiences, including memory suppression, depression, and fragmented consciousness. He also shares memories of his interactions with extraterrestrial beings and his role in the SSP.
  8. Future Predictions and Timelines: Daryl touches on the use of Looking Glass technology to predict future events and mentions the involvement of prominent figures like Mike Pence and Donald Trump in relation to timelines and missions.
  9. Positive Efforts and Resistance: Despite the dark aspects of the SSP, Daryl highlights efforts to rescue trafficked individuals and dismantle underground bases. He expresses hope for the exposure and end of these covert operations.

The interview delves deeply into Daryl’s personal experiences. It provides a detailed account of his involvement in Secret Programs and interactions with advanced beings and technologies.

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1 Comment(s)
  • Rosalind Devine says:

    Thankyou for this fascinating interview! There was a distracting audio bleed through, mostly on Daryl’s end making it difficult to hear him properly,

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