Ted Gunderson
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  • Former Head of the FBI confirms that 9/11 was orchestrated by the U.S. Government

Former Head of the FBI confirms that 9/11 was orchestrated by the U.S. Government

THE GREATEST COVERUPS: Former Head of the FBI confirms that 9/11 was orchestrated at the highest level by the U.S. Government. Oklahoma city bombing, JFK, RFK assassinations, World Trade Center and Child Sex Trafficking by the Military, CIA and Politicians are all huge coverups.

It is confirmed through documented evidence that the FBI had advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and did nothing to prevent this from occurring. He goes on to say that It is very obvious that this whole thing has been orchestrated by the powers at be, at the highest level of our government and he wants the world to know about it.

They are using terrorism as an excuse to take away our constitutional rights and civil liberties, murdering thousands of innocent Americans. 9/11 was all orchestrated. The Twin Towers and building 7 were imploded. The planes did not bring the buildings down. They were imploded deliberately.

In the Oklahoma city bombing they recovered a bomb inside the building that did not go off and it was made by the U.S. Army. This was another U.S. Government terrorist attack against Americans on U.S. soil.

As a private investigator when he retired from the FBI he took on the Jeffrey Robert MacDonald case who was an American medical doctor and United States Army captain who was convicted in August 1979 of murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters in February 1970 while serving as an Army Special Forces physician.

During his investigations into the MacDonald case he received a signed confession from Helena Stoeckley stating that Jeffrey MacDonald did not do it, that it was her Satanic cult group that committed these murders. The courts ignored the confession from her.

Helena Stoeckley went on to confess that this was a large scale drug operation that was being covered up. They were flying drugs in plastic bags in the body cavities of the dead GI’s coming out of Southeast Asia. There were military Generals involved, other military personnel officers, Police Officers and investigators for the Army.

He also worked the Franklin Coverup Case involving illegal Government drug operations and Satanic cults. They were taking children out of orphanages and foster homes privately flying them to Washington DC for sex orgies with U.S. Congressmen and Senators. This was filmed and pictures were taken for blackmail control.

Through his investigation of the Franklin case it led him to a Washington DC organization called “The Finders” which is a CIA covert operation for kidnapping children and trafficking them internationally around the world.

The children are used for body parts, satanic ceremonies, human sacrifices and sex slaves. In 1997 he received a tip from an airline employee that 210 children flew out of Denver to New York and then to Paris. The airline employee asked the female adult and two male adults who were with the children, who are these kids? The woman said “Child Protective Services, mind your own business.” The employee disappeared.

Some of these children are auctioned off and sold for up to $50,000 dollars each, their ages are between 2 years old and 21 years old. This was all reported to the United States Customs and is on record with them, but nothing is being done about it. It is all being covered up.

We are at war, a war against evil. They have deceived us, they have terrorized us. They have murdered us and they have raped innocent children. They must be destroyed or imprisoned. They are the Committee of 300 and all their puppets installed around the world at the highest level in our society. 

Humanity must unite to bring them all down before they unleash more terror and death upon the world. Be brave, protect the innocent children, fight for freedom and life. Now is the time to act.


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