Human Hunting Parties
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Report Exposes European Royals in Human Hunting Parties and Child Sacrifice

Explosive allegations have surfaced, accusing European royals of horrifying crimes. Eyewitnesses testified before the International Common Law Court of Justice, describing children being drugged, stripped, raped, hunted, and murdered in grotesque rituals involving global elites. The testimonies expose a dark network of power operating behind the scenes, shielded by wealth and influence.  

Eyewitness Accounts Reveal Chilling Details  

Survivors recounted being forced to participate in these “human hunting parties,” where children, ages 14 to 16, were pursued through forests like prey. Witnesses described gruesome acts, including mutilation and the display of body parts as trophies. Key figures implicated include former Pope Ratzinger, King Albert of Belgium, and members of the Dutch royal family. Allegedly, these atrocities took place on estates and properties guarded by royal forces, ensuring secrecy.  

One woman testified to witnessing the torture and murder of children at a hunting event in Belgium. Another claimed to have seen Pope Ratzinger kill a child during a ritual in 1987. These horrifying acts, shrouded in secrecy, appear to be part of the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult, a network accused of ritual child sacrifices for power and control.  

Historical Evidence of Abuse and Cover-Ups  

The court heard accounts linking these crimes to historical patterns of abuse. In Canada, the remains of Indigenous children were uncovered at residential schools tied to the Catholic Church and the Crown. Allegations against Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip regarding the disappearance of children in 1964 remain unresolved.  

Documents provided to the court reveal connections between Vatican officials, Nazi collaborators, and child sacrificial cults. The “Knights of Darkness,” allegedly established by the Jesuits and the SS, were identified as key players in these rituals, with Ratzinger named as a participant.  

A Global Web of Corruption  

Testimonies suggest these crimes span continents, implicating elites in Europe, North America, and beyond. Evidence points to the use of juvenile detention centers to supply victims and the systematic cover-up of these atrocities by powerful institutions.  

Justice Demands Action  

The ICLCJ is calling for global accountability. Witnesses and whistleblowers have been offered amnesty and financial rewards for exposing the truth. As new evidence emerges, the court vows to dismantle this horrifying network.  

This isn’t just a scandal—it’s a wake-up call. Demand justice. Expose the truth. End the silence. The storm is here, patriots!


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