The Andromeda Council

The Andromedan Intergalactic Council: Believe it or Not

by Chellea Wilder

Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.

We are very grateful for this connection.

As more information emerges from various sources, the long-held secrets of Non-Human Intelligence, that have been concealed from humanity, are finally beginning to see the light of day. This disclosure is not a singular event, but rather an unfolding of truths that have been buried for far too long.

The reactions within the Human Collective in response to this Disclosure are as varied as the individuals themselves. Some individuals find it nearly impossible to accept the existence of Otherworldly beings as a part of their reality. Or they believe that all the Galactic Beings are negative, resulting in Fear. This is leading to a disconnect between them and those who are open to these truths.

This divide creates significant challenges in communication and understanding, as the skeptics often dismiss the experiences and insights of others who have encountered or experienced extraterrestrial Craft, or the galactic beings themselves. We have stated before that once you witness the truth, it cannot be unseen, and this principle underscores the transformative power of awareness.

On the other hand, there exists a considerable group of people who choose to ignore the topic of Disclosure altogether for a multitude of reasons. This group often finds themselves deeply entrenched in their daily routines, preoccupied with the mundane aspects of life, and as a result, they exhibit a disinterest in exploring these profound revelations.

Within this same demographic, there are individuals who consider themselves spiritual workers or practitioners. Ironically, many of these individuals actively choose to overlook or discredit our messages and any discussions surrounding Extraterrestrial and Multidimensional Disclosure. They often question the necessity of focusing on such revelations, arguing that attention should instead be directed toward personal spiritual development during these transformative times.

While this is only partly true, it is important to focus on your vibrations during these times, but, It is also important to understand your connection to the greater whole of existence. However, many of these beings seem to lack the understanding of their spiritual connection to the wholeness of creation and the interconnectedness of all existence. They are often only aware of their own inner Light, yet they remain fearful of expanding beyond the familiar boundaries of the physical realm, thus limiting their own growth and understanding.

While it is essential for each individual to maintain their unique perspective on existence, it is crucial to recognize that certain foundational truths remain evident. The process of Disclosure is imperative for awakening the collective consciousness to the myriad of hidden realities that have deceived humanity for ages. If these truths remain unaddressed, the forces behind the deceptions would continue to operate unchecked, ultimately hindering the ascension of many souls and obstructing the creation of your New Earth. Simultaneously, the increasing awareness of our presence has acted as a catalyst for awakening those who have long been trapped under a controlled narrative, effectively enslaved by misinformation and manipulation.

As more information continues to be exposed, the revelation of the dark operations occurring behind the scenes, will begin to diminish the activities of those who operate in the shadows. Once Humanity become aware of these hidden agendas, The dark cabal on your Planet, can no longer pursue their dark objectives with the same level of secrecy and effectiveness.

For many of you who have long been aware of this information, it may seem that what is being presented to the public is merely a soft disclosure, a gentle introduction to the deeper truths that remain concealed beneath layers of societal norms and historical narratives.

This gradual unveiling of information, though it may appear to be subtle, is not to be underestimated. It serves as a crucial gateway for those who are just beginning to awaken to the broader realities of existence. As more individuals begin to engage with these ideas, it fosters an environment ripe for discussion, exploration, and ultimately, transformation.

Nevertheless, it is essential to recognize that this represents a significant and positive step forward in the collective shift of awareness among humanity. The act of bringing these truths to light, no matter how gently, is a catalyst for change that encourages critical thinking and personal growth.

It invites people to question long-held beliefs and to seek out knowledge that has often been obscured or dismissed.

Understand that all will be exposed that has been hidden. And all will witness the truth, whether they believe it or not.

As you embrace this unfolding, you are not just passive recipients of information, you become active participants in shaping the future of your Galactic society. The revelations that emerge, no matter how incremental, play a vital role in guiding you toward a more enlightened and harmonious existence, where understanding and compassion reign supreme.

With eternal Love and deep respect. We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you. In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at via GAoG.

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1 Comment(s)
  • Connie Kiser says:

    I am so grateful for these messages. They always answer questions that I have thought about. I have been awakening for nearly two decades. But it’s been a slow journey. Which is fine because I don’t think I could’ve endured a quicker one.

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