Archangel Gabriel

I Bring GREAT NEWS – Archangel Gabriel

Today A beautiful new connection was made with Archangel Gabriel. Please enjoy the message.

Blessings beloved Children of Light,

I am Archangel Gabriel.

It’s a great honor to be connecting with you, and all who will receive this message.

I come to you with great news. Soon everything will become clear. All that has been shielded from your eyes, will become known. You are in the midst of a transition into higher states of consciousness. This ascension can not be stopped. While there are attempts at slowing your individual progress. Nothing can stop your own ascension and continued evolution, but you. You personally make the choices where you wish to be in this amazing journey.

You are at the threshold of a new Era, where you are experiencing many shifts and changes in your reality. This beautiful new beginning, will bring abundance and peace across the Earth. But it will take some time to get to this point. Much work must be done to accomplish this transition. Patience is needed in these times as you observe the shifts and changes happening before your very eyes. Understand, while this occurs, these changes and shifts are also happening within you. Remember to have peace within your heart and understand that all will be taken care of under Divine order.

In these magnificent times, you are advancing very quickly into the higher light of the 4th dimension. This Level of vibration, is that of Love, mutual respect, and unity. Many still are on the fence, not sure if they want to take that next step into their spiritual world. Many are afraid to look within themselves, because they are afraid of their own evil. So they beckon for someone else to save them. When all they need to do is Learn to Love.

Love is the Vibration of the Light. The Higher in Light you become, the closer to unconditional Love you become. Many, especially men, are in fear of being seen as weak. This is where the true understanding of Love is important. Unconditional Love means you have the respect for others to be who they are. You love them no matter what they are doing or have done in the past. This is the reflection that the One you know as Jesus had. He has seen the Light with in all beings. And gave them that respect. He knew they did not know their own truth of being the Light of God, so he forgave them because they did not know that when you harm others, you harm thyself. This is the Love of God.

To have unconditional Love is powerful. It grants you the ability to be in direct connection with God. This power is beyond any measure. With this power, you can abolish all darkness. It was once said if you have the faith, you could move mountains. If you understand your power in the Light, you can alter your entire reality. You are the co-creator of your existence and by enhancing your power of the Light, and nurturing your vibration, you are stepping into the power of God. Many take this lightly, not really understanding the intensity that you are undergoing. The ascension process is you rising in Consciousness to the understanding of unconditional Love. The ascension process will continue through the dimensions. For the Human race, you have had from the 3rd to the 9th dimension that is connected to the Earths reality. The 3rd dimension has been dissolved, and you are currently residing within the 4th dimensional level, preparing to be lifted into the 5th dimensional reality. This transition is taking place now, you will not be held back any longer. This is the great news I bring you. You are the children of The Great Mother spirit. And are protected by the Great Father.

You are so loved and protected by the Divine.

In limitless Gratitude.

I am Archangel Gabriel.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at

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