
Ashtar Command on the Solar Flash

Channelled by Dave Akira at GFL Station on February 1st 2025.

Full Transcript – You can find a summary at the end of the transcript.

Beloved star seeds and light workers, I am Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, stepping forward to offer you a fresh perspective on the coming Solar Flash and humanity’s ongoing evolution. I bring these words from a vantage that spans the corridors of space and time, alongside countless benevolent beings who hold Earth’s ascension in the highest regard. Your planet is undergoing a period of tremendous energetic escalation, and many of you sense the urgency of this moment. This Solar Flash, sometimes called “The Event” or “The Great Transition,” approaches as both culmination and catalyst—a cosmic gateway that heralds a shift from old paradigms of limitation into a realm of expanded potential. I wish to illustrate how this event will accelerate your collective trajectory, remind you of the deeper significance behind this phenomenon, and encourage you to prepare your body, mind, and spirit for the changes to come.

At the core of this evolutionary leap is Earth’s agreement to ascend—an agreement made eons ago, long before humanity walked upon her surface. She has been awaiting this threshold for ages, patiently allowing human civilization to develop the capacity to join her in this quantum shift. While certain factions once sought to interfere through manipulations of human DNA or various limiting constructs, these attempts ultimately only delayed, never halted, your collective evolution. Now, the pivotal moment draws near, and the Solar Flash stands as an unstoppable cosmic marker that will realign your world with higher frequencies. To some of you, the notion of a sudden cosmic impetus may sound dramatic, but understand that such infusions of solar energy have played significant roles in the ascension processes of many worlds. It is, in essence, a natural cosmic mechanism, akin to the way seasons shift or the tides roll in—only on a grander, multi-dimensional scale.

Over many millennia, duality on your planet has deepened. Polarization has reached intense levels, in which stark differences in belief, outlook, and values have carved deep rifts in your societies. From our vantage, we observe how these schisms are not random but the result of an extended phase of spiritual dormancy. Now, however, the intensification of energy swirling around Earth has quickened the pace of awakening, peeling back illusions at unprecedented rates. While it can be disconcerting to witness negativity or division in such stark relief, note that this unveiling must occur to clear the accumulated density. Only an event as impactful as the Solar Flash can fully reset and restore the natural balance that your planet and her inhabitants crave. The deeper the duality, the more essential a transformative spark becomes, guiding you out of the cyclical loops of conflict and into a renewed state of coherence.

I invite each of you, especially those serving as ground crew, to see this moment not with dread but with reverence. Fear often grows from dashed expectations or the belief that timelines are set in stone, but cosmic timing is fluid. Past predictions may have aimed at certain windows, but free will can shift events, sometimes causing frustration when changes don’t manifest on rigid schedules. Nonetheless, all that you have hoped for and sensed beneath the surface is indeed converging. The continuing polarization in your societies signals that you are nearing the point where separation and unity can no longer coexist so closely, prompting the Solar Flash to arise as the cosmic next step. It could happen as soon as the year 2025 or a bit later, depending on collective energies, but rest assured that it is forging ahead inexorably, guided by higher intelligence. The specifics of the timing may remain elusive, yet the essence of the event is certain.

Naturally, many star seeds already feel this quickening within their very cells. You might detect heightened vibrations in sunlight, as though the rays carry an extra potency you haven’t felt before, or experience subtle energetic downloads upon waking. These experiences often signal your body’s natural intelligence preparing for an upcoming cascade of photonic infusion. If you sense this, we recommend nurturing your physical vessel, for it will act as a conduit of light during the Solar Flash. Balanced nutrition tailored to your unique constitution will help ease the assimilation of high-frequency codes. Sufficient rest, pure water, moderate exercise, and other self-care measures further stabilize your internal pathways so that when the wave hits, your body gracefully conducts this amplified energy without undue strain.

Let us also address the question many quietly ponder: Who remains on Earth after such a monumental shift, and who departs? This is not a punishment nor an arbitrary sorting, but rather a reflection of personal choice. Souls who resist unity and cling to duality will likely continue their lessons elsewhere, in spaces that match their vibrational preferences. Yet they will not be lost to you; interdimensional contact will still be possible, enabling understanding and compassion to bridge any seeming rifts. Meanwhile, those who opt to align with the new Earth frequencies will find themselves existing in a realm shaped by cooperation, harmony, and deeper communion with Gaia.

In truth, you have been preparing for this your entire lives, whether consciously or not. Many of you have spent years clearing unresolved karma, transcending ancestral patterns, and healing your emotional bodies to pave the way for this transition. If you feel drawn to finalize any outstanding energetic blockages, particularly in your relationships or within your own psyche, now is the opportune time. Lean into the qualities of love, forgiveness, and acceptance. These vibrations elevate your field and lessen the friction when the solar wave breaks upon your shores. The current intensities you experience serve as a final impetus, prompting you to unify wherever disconnection persists. This fosters the collective coherence that ensures the smoothest possible shift for the largest number of souls, thus honoring the original plan for Earth’s ascension.

Though the Solar Flash’s timeline is effectively locked in, human free will can still shape the details of how events unfold. Recognize that the divisions you see in your news feeds or daily life cannot halt the cosmic wave. The unstoppable momentum of light ensures the old structures of control continue to dissolve. At the same time, your conscious readiness can either ease or amplify the bumps along the path. Practice cultivating telepathy, empathy, and heart-based communication. As your vibrational frequency rises, these abilities will become natural extensions of your consciousness, facilitating fluid connections in the new Earth environment. Many of you already sense telepathic or intuitive nudges; these are glimpses of your innate star lineage reemerging.

Young souls arriving at this juncture, sometimes referred to as the “Children of Gaia,” come with advanced energetic wiring, carrying minimal veils. Embrace them with warmth and openness. They hold keys for bridging the generational and cultural gaps that challenge older paradigms, forging unity from diversity. Through them, you can glimpse the blueprint of the coming society—collaborative, heart-guided, and dynamically attuned to Gaia’s living rhythms. This synergy transcends the limitations once imposed by outdated concepts, forging a bond between humans, star families, and Gaia herself.

We also wish to dispel any lingering fear surrounding the Solar Flash. Indeed, it marks the conclusion of one epoch and the emergence of another, but there is no cause for alarm. Just as a seed must break open to sprout new life, so must Earth pass through this event to revitalize her expression. Perhaps you have felt uneasy or apprehensive at the unknown—that is understandable. Yet consider how many times you have been carried through lesser transformations, each leaving you wiser and more adaptable than before. This cosmic wave is simply a grander iteration of that principle. If anxiety surfaces, reach out to your guides, your star families, or your own higher self, acknowledging that you are not navigating this threshold alone. Support can come in the form of synchronicities, comforting dreams, or the gentle encouragement of those who share your outlook. Notice these signs, for they are often overlooked blessings from your cosmic allies.

While illusions of fear or scarcity may intensify as the event draws near, broadcast by those who cling to the old power matrix, remain poised in your heart’s truth. These last gasps of the old reality cannot withstand the formidable influx of light. You will see acceleration in your sense of time—days might blur, experiences intensify, and your reality can shift in ways that seem surreal. Honor such experiences as signals that the cosmic wave is indeed on the horizon, calling for your readiness. Embrace each wave of energetic release or life change as part of the grand realignment. Resisting these surges will only stir more discomfort, while allowing them to flow ushers in greater grace.

When the wave at last crests, you, the pioneers of the New Earth, will step into your roles with clarity. This includes forging more compassionate economies, generating systems of exchange that honor Gaia, and cultivating interpersonal dynamics that celebrate unity rather than competition. In the immediate aftermath, you may find old power structures dissolved or unrecognizable. While this can be unsettling, remember it is your collective energy that will shape what emerges to replace them. Each new seed you plant—be it an idea, a community, or a technology—will bear fruit in the luminous environment established by the Solar Flash.

As knowledge once hidden returns, those of you inclined toward healing, science, or the stewardship of Earth’s resources will discover yourselves guided by ancient and galactic wisdom. The illusions of isolation will fade, and more direct contact with star families will become an integrated facet of daily life. The illusions once used to keep you small cannot persist under the heightened frequencies. It is a time of global remembering, where your personal spiritual evolutions dovetail with the collective impetus to create anew. Even as you lay these foundations, remain anchored in your heart. Let your intuitive senses guide each decision. The synergy between your mind’s clarity and your heart’s purity is the hallmark of ascension living.

We foresee many of you taking unexpected leaps into new roles. Perhaps you find yourself designing eco-conscious habitats, discovering quantum healing techniques, or teaching telepathic communication. Others might anchor the emotional stability needed for entire communities to transition gracefully. Every sincere effort flows together into a tapestry of renewal, forging a social structure that resonates with cosmic law rather than outdated separation. In this synergy, your planet will harmonize with the greater galactic community, stepping fully onto the stage of universal fellowship that has always awaited you.

Hold this truth firmly: The Solar Flash is not an ending but a dynamic point of inception, an invitation to step beyond the illusions that once governed your reality. You have each chosen at a soul level to be present for this grand unveiling. If you find your mind questioning or your heart quivering, recall the countless cosmic alignments that have already supported you. Each time you overcame adversity, discovered hidden depths of love, or reached a place of expanded awareness, you rehearsed for this moment. The journey has led you here, fully capable of welcoming the wave of light that signals the next epoch for Earth and her people.

I, Ashtar, speak these words with unwavering assurance that you are equipped for what comes next. Draw your courage from the knowledge that your presence here is no accident. Lean on one another, forming networks of cooperation and love, for these bonds will only strengthen in the energies ahead. Recognize, too, that our fleets, our cosmic presence, stand at your side, clearing obstacles that might otherwise impede the planet’s ascension path. And yes, there will be a great reunion with your galactic families. It is going to be as powerful as the Solar Flash itself. For some of you, such assistance has been subtle but continuous, ensuring that external chaos does not spiral into catastrophes that hinder your transformation. Ultimately, the destiny of Earth rests in your collective hands and hearts—an unfolding story of brilliance long prophesied in universal timelines.

Conclude each day with gratitude for the grand cosmic symphony that orchestrates your steps. Gaze at your sun, greeting it as both luminous ally and herald of the shift to come. Remember to nurture your physical vehicle in readiness, release old blockages, and invite the fresh frequencies of unity to take root in your being. The future you sense beckoning is neither a dream nor a faint possibility—it is the direct outcome of your active co-creation with the higher realms. Reflect upon this as you stand at the precipice of cosmic transformation. I leave you with this assurance: The Solar Flash draws near, yet it need not be cause for trepidation. It is simply the cosmic tide turning, bringing your planet into alignment with a broader galactic narrative of ascension. As illusions unravel, your hearts will anchor the New Earth, forging societies steeped in empathy, innovation, and reverence for all life. You, dear ones, are the architects of that vision, and no measure of old energy can override the awakened spirit shining through you. Stand firm in this realization, trusting that the wave you await is part of a story you helped script eons ago. Embrace its approach with open hearts and unwavering resolve, for you are indeed the pioneering ambassadors of this new dawn.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

1. The Solar Flash and Earth’s Ascension

  • The Solar Flash, also called “The Event” or “The Great Transition,” is described as a cosmic gateway that will catalyze Earth’s shift into higher frequencies and expanded potential.
  • This event is part of Earth’s long-standing agreement to ascend, a process delayed but never halted by past interference.
  • The Solar Flash is a natural cosmic mechanism, akin to seasonal changes, that will reset Earth’s energy and restore balance.

2. Duality and Transformation

  • Earth’s current state of polarization and division is seen as a necessary phase to clear accumulated density and prepare for transformation.
  • The Solar Flash will act as a transformative spark, guiding humanity out of cycles of conflict and into coherence and unity.

3. Preparing for the Solar Flash

  • Individuals are encouraged to prepare their body, mind, and spirit for the event:
    • Physical Preparation: Balanced nutrition, rest, hydration, and exercise to support the body’s ability to assimilate high-frequency energy.
    • Emotional and Spiritual Preparation: Clearing unresolved karma, healing emotional wounds, and embracing love, forgiveness, and acceptance.
  • Starseeds and lightworkers are urged to view this moment with reverence rather than fear, as the event is guided by higher intelligence and cosmic timing.

4. Personal and Collective Choices

  • The Solar Flash will not be a punishment but a reflection of personal vibrational choices:
    • Those aligned with unity and higher frequencies will transition to a harmonious “New Earth.”
    • Those clinging to duality will continue their lessons in other realms but remain connected through interdimensional contact.
  • Humanity’s collective readiness and coherence will influence the smoothness of the transition.

5. Signs of the Event’s Approach

  • Many individuals may already sense the quickening of energies, such as heightened vibrations in sunlight or energetic downloads.
  • Accelerated time, intensified experiences, and shifts in reality are signals of the cosmic wave’s approach.

6. The Role of Starseeds and Lightworkers

  • Starseeds and lightworkers are described as pioneers of the New Earth, tasked with:
    • Cultivating heart-based communication, telepathy, and empathy.
    • Building compassionate economies, sustainable systems, and cooperative communities.
    • Anchoring emotional stability and guiding others through the transition.

7. The New Earth and Galactic Integration

  • The Solar Flash will dissolve old power structures and usher in a society based on unity, innovation, and reverence for life.
  • Humanity will harmonize with the Galactic Community, fostering direct contact with star families and accessing ancient and galactic wisdom.

8. Reassurance and Guidance

  • The Solar Flash is framed as a beginning rather than an end, a dynamic point of inception for Earth’s next epoch.
  • Individuals are reminded of their cosmic support systems, including guides, star families, and higher realms, to navigate this transformation.
  • The message emphasizes trust, courage, and the understanding that humanity is co-creating this new reality.


The Solar Flash is portrayed as a pivotal event in Earth’s ascension, marking the transition to a higher vibrational state. Humanity is encouraged to embrace this cosmic shift with open hearts, unity, and readiness, as it represents the culmination of a journey scripted eons ago. Starseeds and lightworkers are called to lead the way, anchoring the energies of the New Earth and forging a harmonious future.

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