Gregg Braden
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  • Gregg Braden – Unlock the SECRET to a LONGER Life with HEART-BRAIN Coherence!

Gregg Braden – Unlock the SECRET to a LONGER Life with HEART-BRAIN Coherence!

Gregg Braden’s presentation explores the profound connection between heart-brain coherence, compassion, and longevity, blending ancient wisdom with modern science. Here’s a summary of the key points:

1. Longevity and Heart-Based Experiences

  • Gregg shares stories of individuals with extraordinary lifespans, such as a Tibetan nun (120 years old), a Palestinian woman (120 years old), and a Chinese herbalist, Li Ching-Yuen, who reportedly lived up to 256 years.
  • The common thread among these individuals was their heart-based experiences:
    • Compassion (Tibetan nun).
    • Love for family (Palestinian woman).
    • A quiet heart (Li Ching-Yuen).
  • These emotions are linked to heart-brain coherence, which fosters physical and emotional well-being.

2. The Science of Aging and Telomeres

  • Telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of DNA strands, shorten with each cell division, leading to aging and eventual cell death.
  • Chronic stress accelerates telomere shortening, while heart-brain coherence can slow or even reverse this process.
  • The enzyme telomerase, discovered in 2009, repairs and extends telomeres, potentially increasing lifespan. Lifestyle choices, including stress management and emotional regulation, can activate telomerase.

3. Heart-Brain Coherence

  • The heart contains over 40,000 sensory neurites (brain-like cells) that think, feel, and remember independently of the cranial brain.
  • Heart-brain coherence occurs when the heart and brain synchronize at an optimal frequency (0.1 Hz), creating a state of balance and harmony.
  • This state reduces stress, boosts the immune system, and enhances overall health and resilience.

4. Compassion as a Gateway to Gamma Brain States

  • Compassion, as defined in Buddhist teachings, involves accepting suffering without judgment or attachment while holding space for a greater outcome.
  • Compassion leads to the gamma brain state, characterized by heightened awareness, unity consciousness, and super cognitive abilities.
  • Gamma brain waves sweep through all brain lobes, creating a unifying experience and enabling deep intuition, memory recall, and healing.

5. Epigenetics and Human Potential

  • Genes are not fixed; they are dynamic and influenced by environmental and emotional factors (epigenetics).
  • One gene can produce up to 100 different proteins, allowing humans to adapt and thrive.
  • Practices like heart-brain coherence and compassion can influence gene expression, promoting health and longevity.

6. Practical Applications

  • Gregg emphasizes the importance of simple lifestyle changes:
    • Eating natural, life-giving foods.
    • Practicing gratitude, appreciation, care, and compassion.
    • Engaging in heart-brain coherence techniques to reduce stress and enhance well-being.
  • These practices activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms, including telomerase and immune responses.

7. Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science

  • Gregg connects ancient teachings, such as those of the Essenes and Tibetan monks, with cutting-edge scientific discoveries.
  • He highlights the power of heart-brain coherence and compassion as tools for personal transformation and longevity.


Gregg Braden’s presentation underscores the profound impact of heart-brain coherence and compassion on health, longevity, and human potential. By harmonizing the heart and brain, individuals can unlock extraordinary abilities, enhance their well-being, and transcend the limitations of aging. This integration of ancient wisdom and modern science offers a roadmap for thriving in life.

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