Saint Germain

It Will SWEEP ACROSS the Planet – Saint Germain

Blessings, my Dear Earth Family.

It is a great honor to connect with you in these magnificent times.

Change is everywhere, and these intense changes have engulfed your inner and outer reality. You are witnessing the collapse of an old era, one that has long been rooted in separation, and fear. This era, with its control structures and oppressive systems, is beginning to crumble under the weight of its own contradictions and the collective awakening of Humanity. This shift into a new paradigm will take time and patience, as it will not happen overnight. Instead, this transformation will commence like a domino effect, gradually but inevitably sweeping across the entire Planet, touching every corner of society and every individual life.

The changes that are currently unfolding are not mere superficial adjustments, they are profound shifts that will hold great importance as you move forward into this new era. These changes will challenge old beliefs and systems, inviting you to reconsider your values, priorities, and ways of interacting with one another and the world around you. The very fabric of your societies is being rewoven, as new patterns of connection, cooperation, and understanding emerge from the ashes of the old.

For those of you who are awakened, this is a time of great responsibility and opportunity. You are now reclaiming your freedoms in ways that were previously unimaginable. This reclamation is not just a personal journey; it is a collective movement toward a more enlightened existence. As you step forward in your Light, you are not only embracing your own truth but also illuminating the path for others who may still be lost in the shadows of fear and confusion.

You stand as beacons of Hope for your fellow Humans, guiding them through this tumultuous period with your courage, compassion, and unwavering commitment to the truth. Your presence in this world is a testament to the power of resilience and the potential for transformation that lies within each of you.

As you continue to shine brightly, you inspire others to awaken to their own potential, encouraging them to break free from the chains of the past and embrace a future filled with possibility.

In this time of intense change, it is essential to remain grounded and connected to the core values that will support you in this transition. Love, unity, and understanding will be the pillars upon which you build this new world. As you navigate the complexities of this shift, remember that each small action, each moment of kindness, and each decision made in alignment with your higher selves contributes to the larger tapestry of the Divines Plan. Together, you can create a reality that reflects your deepest aspirations for a harmonious and interconnected existence, one where separation and fear are replaced by love and unity.

I share with you Now the Violet Flame. Allow it to engulf you in endless Love and Healing. And let it assist in navigating these challenging times. Allow it to bring you peace within to bring Peace without.

May peace and love be with you.

I am Saint Germain.

Transmission Received By Chellea Wilder at

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