Angel and Devil

The One via Sophia Love – Telepathy & Ascension Markers

Here’s the transcript of several recent conversations with One. Enjoy!

It is the One.

Thank you. Is there more to say regarding the method of contacting you? *

Also, almost 5 years ago (July 2020), you gave “Markers for Ascension”. ** Would you comment on them today? Thank you.

Yes, Sophia. Yes.

You desire more specifics for contact. What can be given is this…

Why do I keep getting an image of the “angel on my shoulder” alongside the “devil on my shoulder”?

Because that has been humanity’s way of simplifying Truth. You are receptacles of Truth. While experiencing a human incarnation, you function with an ego.

Your visualization could be the Truth on one shoulder, with the Ego on the other. Both images apply and are descriptive.

Truth is a constant. It is continuously accessible. While human, you are tasked with recognizing it while functioning inside your ego self. This is no small task. You are not called Masters for nothing. What may help to hear the voice of One is to recognize its resonance.

Your ego-self holds no such feeling, although it may be satisfying, pleasurable, fun or interesting. It could be said that the ego’s voice satisfies in a way that demands further action in order to be continuously felt. Things such as compliments, or prizes or conquests are not bad things. They are just not permanent things.

Your contact with Universal Truth, also known as One, will yield a very different form of satisfaction. It lasts. It resonates at another place altogether.

There are lives spent seeking egoic satisfaction. These are not wasted lives, yet they serve a different purpose than a life seeking Universal Truth.

When you bump into Universal Truth, it is often not glittery or “popular”. Yet there is something about it, a recognition that feels pure.

As you proceed on this current path, the distinction between these voices you hear will be clarified for you.

Once they do, there will be recognition. At that point, you can ask questions. Then wait and trust the feeling you experience when the answer comes.

There are as many ways to access Truth as there are people. Sophia often writes as that is her medium of choice. She has done so for so much longer than she realizes.

This should offer more specifics for those who seek them.

Thank you.

Will you comment on the Markers for Ascension that were given in July of 2020?


The timeline has altered slightly as is obvious. Some things have gone on for longer than they were projected at that point. Those who are actively carrying out the plan have responded and changed tactics often since then.

What it looks like as of today is that there may be simultaneous events that overlay. Potentially, these include a financial reset, a lockdown, and military involvement. The sun steps in.

There is such a dramatic shift upon you now that your world will be mostly unrecognizable once the cycle completes itself.

Be aware that some who are instigating massive change are meant to step away once done. It will be time then for new leadership, methods and protocols. These are right now being prepared and moving into place.

Is there an order of events?

You seek direction and prediction. This makes sense as your world feels chaotic. The speed of alteration is such that a specific order of events would not apply. Things change rapidly and often.

Know that you are on the path now and recognize the markers as indications that you are one step closer.

Lean always towards Love and you will be headed in the “right” direction.

That is all.

Thank you.

* “There is a question from a reader: “Can anyone channel you? If so, how would they go about doing so?”

Yes. The first question can be answered simply. The answer is “yes”. Universal Truth is available to all.

What it takes initially is desire and then willingness, and finally, trust. Ours is not a unique connection. It may appear that way because it is published and shared these many years.

Once the desire is present, what needs to also occur is a willingness to open to it.

Universal Truth bleeds through consciousness in a steady stream. It is the noticing that matters, the recognition that makes a difference. Truth is recognizable when you know what to look for.

Truth stands alone. It is separate from ego. It does not “attempt” to satisfy or praise or scold. It merely is.

Truth is recognized by how it feels when it is seen or heard. We speak now of Universal Truth.

Sophia has felt that the words heard are not as “sexy” or “interesting” as some others (other channeler’s words) that are shared. These are not characteristics of Truth.

Truth, Universal Truth that is, may sound repetitive. All of these are often not what is desired by members of the race. There is more interest in answers, promises, and solutions.

Once Truth is heard and rested in, these things emerge. Yet Truth follows no timeline. It merely remains.

Universal Truths are known to all. In order to be trusted, they must be accepted as real.

This is the part that becomes tricky. At first, Sophia was woken up in the early morning hours. This was partly to get her attention – and also to convince her that these were not random thoughts initiated by her ego self.

Contact went on that way for a very long time. Sometimes, it still does. This occurs when there is something that needs to be said, heard, and written. “Needs” according to Sophia’s plan, as well as the plan of One.

The name “One” implies All. You are All One.

Once the ego self steps back – One is seen and even heard. It is always known.” (end)

** In order to assist, there are some pointers. These are landmarks that will help to inform you of your progress – your location along the route.

We’ve noted these extreme violent and coordinated outbursts. They will be stopped, but not quickly or simply. Also, not before the next marker emerges. It is an announcement of sorts. And not much detail will be given on its content. Know that when it occurs, you’ll recognize it and say “This is what was foretold.”

Other markers include:

          Further lockdown restrictions

          Attempted medical mandates that do not succeed


          There will be ships in your skies

          There are earth changes on every continent

          The sun chimes in

These are the markers.

   I notice there is no mention of “days of darkness”.

That is because the timing for such a shutdown is unclear.

Are you offering the list of markers in sequential order then?

There is overlap. But pretty much this looks to be the sequence.”


Sophia Love

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