
“What you do here will affect all other planets, plus planets yet to be created. They may not have your Divine complement, but what you do will change their awareness. You are, therefore, the catalyst for something so big that you cannot conceive of it. It's a test that has been in the planning for eons, and will eventually change the potentials of other planets that have life. But you're the only ones who have the charge to do this .... part angelic .... part Human, you exist for this.
Other planets are free to change their reality as a result of what they decide. But only you are free to become Masters while on the earth, changing your actual vibration level, and through that, changing the fabric of time for all the others.”
Kryon, channelled through Lee Carroll
Who better to explain who Kryon is - and Who We Are - than Kryon himself ?
(Excerpts from Book 1 of Kryon : ‘The End Times’)
My name isn't really Kryon, and I am not a man. I wish I could impart to you what it is like to be the entity that I am, but at this time, because of basic human implants of psychological restriction, you simply are unable to understand.
I am KRYON of "magnetic service". I have created the magnetic grid system of your planet. This took eons of Earth time. It was balanced and re-balanced to match the physical vibrations of your evolving planet. Earth polarity was altered many times. Your science can prove this; look for soil strata that will show multiple "flips" of north and south polarity of the Earth during its development. (The Earth did not flip; only the polarity).
We are all linked together. We are the great "I AM" as your scriptures call God. When I send the message "I am Kryon", there is a communication that I belong to the whole, and my signature is Kryon. We are God. You are a piece of God, and you have the power to become as high on your side of the veil as you were before you came . . . and you are loved without measure. We are all collective in spirit, even while you are on Earth, veiled from the truth.
You are an angel! And you have come to Earth to bring joy and share your light with everyone with whom you have contact. Everyone you touch will be bathed in your light. Remind others that they too are beautiful Messengers of Light.
You are each high entities of your own who agreed to come to earth to work in the Great Plan. You as humans have implants that will never let you understand this side of the veil on a reasoning level. There is only one way you can begin to understand ... it must be done by balancing your biology with your spirituality.
Your spiritual side is pure and unaffected, and is still intact without restriction. With a balance of the power of your spiritual side, your biological structure (mind and physical body) will no longer be limited in scope of understanding.
Many of you call this balance "enlightenment".
Each human is implanted with many limitations and restraints of conscious thought. It is your understanding that everything has a beginning and an end. But, if you were told that something always "was" and always "will be" - you would have difficulty understanding this concept. However, if you were to imagine yourself standing inside a large bubble, could you show where the bubble starts and ends? . . . or perhaps how it originated?
You perceive time as linear and constant with only two dimensions. It is only in the last few generations that you have realized that time is relative (is not actually constant) but you still have no concept of its third dimension. Constant "reliable" time is an Earth concept. On the other side, where I am, there is a very different kind of time and everything is in the "now".
With all your scientific endeavors, you have been restricted to two dimensional thinking. You have not yet discovered the balance and have not related it to science. The spiritual sciences of the universe are logical, predictable, and are based on numbers and formulas that always work. It is a "marriage" of the physical and the spiritual, and proper implementation that brings about consistent, observable changes.
This is my service, and I know of these things. What you are missing is the balance with the spiritual part that will enable your science to leap forward in a spectacular manner when you achieve this balance.
As humanity proceeds forward you will be given the opportunity to see the results of the marriage of the physical, mental, and spiritual to achieve real science. The missing part, being the spiritual, has been shunned by your scientists all these hundreds of years as non-scientific.
This is ironic in that the spiritual is where the real power and understanding is! You will never achieve sustained space travel without it. You will also never be able to alter or understand gravity, and most important, the transmutation of matter.
How would you like to neutralize all your atomic waste, so that a child could play with it, as sand? It is not difficult to do, but it requires skills that you have not yet used, but that you now have the power and permission to develop. You have earned these things!
From my standpoint the power you have never used yet is in my domain. You have absolutely enormous raw power resources that exist through the understanding and regulated use of the magnetic fields of your planet. All the energy you ever need is there, not to mention the secret of passive flight using the magnetic grids.
At this point humans are as tiny molecules on a giant magnet, a magnet which is able to move things with enormous force if called on, but humans are only able to see far enough to dig tiny holes in the surface and suck out minuscule pieces of iron to burn for heat and power. You are like ants on a generator, wishing for electricity. The forest has eluded you, while you concentrate on consuming one leaf for fuel.
Magnetic fields are very significant to your biology! In addition, magnetic fields can (and do) affect your spiritual consciousness. The magnetic field of your planet is necessary for your biological health, and is fine-tuned to fit within your spiritual scheme.
The magnetic field of your planet was carefully placed for your health - and your lessons. Look around you. What other planets do you find with magnetic fields? It is not a natural occurring force.
Every organ in your body is balanced magnetically (polarized) and is sensitive to outside fields. Troubles with brain, thyroid, heart, kidney and adrenals are suspects for magnetic disturbance.
Psychics are reading your own personal magnetic field. More accurately, they are perceiving the balance of your field.
Magnetism is the couch that human consciousness and biology has been sitting in for its entire existence. If you had realized this, and given it credibility on your planet earlier, many of your diseases would now be understood and dormant. You must balance magnetically what you put in your bodies! How has this escaped you? The immunity disease you are now fighting on Earth is magnetically controllable. Spend time altering its magnetic properties and watch what happens.
Electricity is all around you, and you already are beginning to notice the negative effects of artificially created magnetic fields on your health. All artificial magnetic fields should be shielded from your body. You have the technology for this and should protect yourself. Some of the diseases that are typical only to your affluent western society are a direct result of many artificial magnetic fields around you.
Humans have always searched for God. This is a home-sickness that reflects the absence of your connection to communication beyond the veil while you are "in lesson". As humans you are to live through many experiences during lifetimes of expression, creating the energy needed to bring the vibration of the planetary consciousness to its highest attainable level.
There is only one reason for all of your existence on Earth - you are in lesson for the purpose of raising the vibration of the whole. This energy transmutes negativity which is the absence of enlightenment, and if left unchecked, will be found more and more. Please accept this. This is not planetary information, but universal information.
Remember you must move away from any previous ideas of what the "end times" should mean to you.
If you are of the Christian faith, then I would ask you to continue to keep your eyes on Jesus the teacher, and in perfect love, ask for guidance - not based in men's doctrine, but in God's wisdom.
I have told you many times that I have arrived here by design - that I was called here through the acts of 50 years of Humans having changed this planet. I come to readjust your magnetic grid system for your health and enlightenment . . . for your imprint.
I come to tell you that intervention is possible now (from Spirit). You may ask for implants to void your karma. You may take your power; you may become beings of light (light referring to the power of the higher self). You may change the vibration of this planet. You may go to "graduate status", and then communicate with other dimensions.
This is the purpose, and why I am here. But it all comes down to you and your higher soul-self (no matter how many support entities are around you).
I come from the Sun within the Sun, from the great central area. Here is the theme of the center going outward. Now I tell you that it has another name, and one you will hear often (look for the proof). It is the Prime Creative Force. This is where I emanate from. What I do for you now, I have done for others many, many times.
It is the love and compassion of Spirit that sends me to you now, and loves you as you sit here . . . each by name. I am sent by a group you call The Brothers, or perhaps "The Brotherhood". This group has always been on the Earth, and is very, very old. It is the group by which I am directed.
Dear ones, if I have not said so before, I tell you now that you cannot possibly listen to only one group, or one support, or one channel, and know everything. We are specialized. Look for and consume all of the information from the many, and it will fit together for your puzzle and for your enlightenment.
Then there are the ones who are the Ascended Masters. Their attributes are that all of them have been on Earth as humans. Their task is to return, via channeling, to give you instruction sets, information that is practical for you to know from their perspective of having themselves been here on earth before.
These are masters such as Jesus, John the Baptist, King Solomon, King Arthur, many Pharaohs, and those who have sat in high places of great wisdom. Names like El Morya, Sananda, Mahatma (St. Germaine), Kuthumi are only some among the many bringing the information for your culture. Listen to their instructions, for they will be specific.
Many of you spend a great deal of time trying to understand the workings, history and meaning of things. Some of you spend huge amounts of energy and riches in the endeavor to solve unexplained phenomena, or the mystical meanings of objects and structures left for you to ponder. This is your human intellectual approach to apparent self-discovery, under the pretense that if you know about these things, then you will know about yourself.
However, this is a time for you to grasp the essence and emotion of who you are and really see as much of the "piece of God" that is you which you are allowed to see in lesson. As previously mentioned, this is easier now and is offered to all who are ready, instead of just a selected few. Because of this, the subject of your self-discovery is dripping with potency, excitement and fulfilled dreams. This is your "take charge" action that is felt but not analyzed, and it is the new gift that is standing before you, waiting for you to acknowledge. However, it requires courage to move through your fear of it.
Please be clear and understand the following: You are all high entities walking on this planet, disguised as simple biological beings . . . and the disguise fools everyone - even you. This is the basis of "duality".
You are really two people. The "real you" is the high entity, whose power and knowledge each of you owns, and the "phantom" is the shell of humanism in lesson. The irony here is that you perceive the phantom as real, and the real you as the phantom. Many of you don't perceive the real you at all! The biggest discoveries in lesson that you will make are concerning this duality.
The biggest successes you will have in growth are based in understanding how the duality works, and finally gaining realization of the reversed "real" and "phantom" roles. Although you cannot see your higher self (for this would void the purpose of your lesson) you can gain a working knowledge and understanding of the reality of who you are.
When this occurs, then you can take your power . . . and not before. Therefore, your area of discovery is that of self-awareness and the truth of duality within you, and how to enhance it.
Lee Carroll Ph.D - the original channel for Kryron (since 1989)
Lee Carroll is the original channel for the loving angelic entity known as 'Kryon'. This work is now over twenty years old, having started in 1989 [2 years after the Harmonic Convergence of 1987].
Lee is recognized worldwide as the original channel for Kryon, and has been honored over the years by seven United Nations invitations to channel Kryon at the UN building in New York city. In 1995, Lee was asked to present Kryon before a United Nations chartered group known as the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation (S.E.A.T.). The meeting was so well accepted that they were invited back six more times, in 1996, 1998 then in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2009. These meetings are held upstairs in the working areas of the UN building, not far from the General Assembly. Only delegates to the UN and guests of the society may attend.
Link to all UN meetings and full stories and transcribed channellings:
Since the word 'Kryon' is not proprietary, in the last years there have been many others in many cultures who have come to use the name Kryon in many forms. However, Lee is not affiliated with any other Kryon channelling by any other person, school, or organization using the name Kryon, and is only responsible for his own work as represented by his books and the information on his website

Lee Carroll Ph.D. - Original Channel for Kryon
The Kryon work represents twelve Kryon channelled books. These books represent over 200 physical separate Kryon publications, since these works are now published in 24 languages world-wide.
In addition, Lee Carroll and his spiritual partner Jan Tober introduced the earth to the term “Indigo Children” in 1999 with the book by Hay House, 'The Indigo Children'. There are now three Indigo Children books by Lee and Jan. This subject has its own webpage, which you can access HERE. This brings the total of Lee Carroll books to 15.
The site is packed with information that is free to download, print out, and use for your own spiritual learning and growth. There are over 100 hours of free audio in many languages, transcribed channellings going back many years, and a very large question and answer forum featuring hundreds of questions.