Messages from the Hollow Earth

Here are a few excerpts from the above books:
“Messages from the Hollow Earth” by Dianne Robbins
Introduction by Dianne:
Not just our Earth, but all planets are hollow! Planets are formed by hot gases thrown from a sun into an orbit, and the shell of planets is created by gravity and centrifugal forces and the POLES REMAIN OPEN and lead to a hollow interior. This process forms a hollow sphere with an Inner Sun, smoky in color, which gives off soft and pleasant full spectrum sunlight, making the inside surface highly conducive to growth of vegetation and Human life, with only a long-long day and no nights.
The HOLLOW EARTH BEINGS are very spiritually evolved and technologically advanced, and live inside the interior core of our Hollow Earth. These advanced civilizations live in peace and brotherhood in the Center of our Earth, which contains an Inner Central Sun, with oceans and mountains still in their pristine state.
The Hollow Earth cavity is still in its pristine state because they don't walk or build upon their land. There are no buildings, shopping malls or highways. They travel in electromagnetic vehicles that levitate a few inches above ground. They walk along streams, rivers, and oceans and climb mountains - but that's the extent of their foot contact with the ground. They leave the rest of their land to nature, because it's nature's land too.
The governing city within the Hollow Earth is called Shamballa. It is located inside the very center of the planet, and can be accessed through the holes at either the North or South poles. The Northern and Southern Lights that we see in our skies are actually reflections from our Hollow Earth's Inner Central Sun, which emanates from her hollow core.
They use free energy to light up their cities, homes, and tunnels. They use crystals, coupled with electromagnetism, which generates a small sun with full-spectrum lighting that lasts for half a million years, and gives them all the power they need.
The Earth's crust is approximately 800 miles from the outer to the inner surface. Because our Earth is hollow, and not a solid sphere, the center of gravity is not in the center of the Earth, but in the center of its crust, which is 400 miles below the surface. The force of gravity in the Inner Earth is half that of the outer surface, which may be one explanation for the greater height of the people, plants and the trees; some of their Redwoods reach over a thousand feet in height.
The source of Earth's magnetic field has been a mystery. The Inner Sun at the center of Earth is the mysterious power source behind the Earth's magnetic field.
There are entry caverns all over the Earth, where interactions can take place. Only some are currently open. Nikola Tesla, the genius inventor of electrical technology, is now living inside the Hollow Earth. He began to receive information in the latter part of the 1800's and discovered that: “electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas or any other of the common fuels”. In the 1930's the tunnel entrances and passageways were closed off by the Hollow Earth civilizations because “corporations” at that time were misusing Tesla's technology to gain entrance into the Inner Earth. The Hollow Earth's two main Portals are at the Holes at the Poles, which were closed off in the year 2000 because our governments were setting detonations at the Poles to blow open entrances into their world. They have installed a magnetic force field around Earth's polar openings to further camouflage the entrances. This way, the openings are protected from air and land sightings. In the past there were entrances to the Library of Porthologos on the surface. One such entrance was the Library of Alexandria, which was destroyed by fire in A.D. 642.
There is more landmass inside (3/4 land and 1/4 water) and the land is more condensed than ours. Everything in the Hollow Earth is very carefully maintained to balance the ecological system of all life forms that reside there.
There are several million Catharians/Agharthians currently residing in the Hollow Earth. There are Catharians who have incarnated as Humans on the surface. There are also Catharians that live on the planet Jupiter. The average Catharian is 15 feet tall, rising to 23 feet for certain of the Masters. There are also 36,000 Humans from our outer surface who now live inside the Earth. Over the last 200 years approximately 50 surface Humans went inside to live; however, during the last 20 years only 8 have gone inside to live there.
The Library of Porthologos
I am Mikos, Guardian of the Earth's records, and all records in your Solar System and Universe. I am here, in the cavity of Earth, primarily to guard the history of all life everywhere. This is our prime purpose and the purpose for the Library of Porthologos.
Our Library is the only one of its kind in our vast system of Planets. Our Library is so vast that it covers 456 square miles of terrain and has vast storage vaults containing records all stored on crystal slides that are viewed through our crystal projectors. Our storage facilities are vast, organized and categorized, so that you can easily locate the information you are looking for and retrieve it for viewing. We have vast conveyers that will deliver your order within minutes, and then return it back to its storage location again. This way, every item in the Library is always where it should be and can be easily found and perfectly preserved. Such is our technological capabilities. For we have drawn on the technology of the Universe we reside in, and have the most advanced methods of preservation and storage and retrieval that would marvel your library systems. . . . .
And now, I and my entourage have been awaiting you on the doorstep to the Library of Porthologos, where the white alabaster steps twinkle with the sparks of embedded crystals and diamonds, leading into the great halls of our Library located inside the Earth's vast interior.
Today we will take you on a tour through our halls, and show you what a true library in your future will look like. Your future libraries will look like ours, as ours is the model that all libraries will replicate. We will start with the outer grounds, as there are inner grounds too. The outer grounds are lush with grasses, flowers, bushes and trees; and there are circular clearings with soft benches and lounging chairs in the center, accompanied by small, round, tall tables to set your accouterments on. There are small springs of waterfalls and fountains in these enclosures, for our water is alive and in a full state of consciousness that sings. Yes, our water sings, and as you lounge in our secluded enclosure you are sung to by the water of life, as it sprays from our fountains with melodies of deep love that harmonizes and balances all the cells in your body. From this state of deep peacefulness and harmony, we sit and relax at intervals during our work-day.
And now we go inside the Library of Porthologos, and walk up the crystal staircase, where the door opens up into the Universe. Yes, the Library is multidimensional! As you enter, you see the Milky Way Galaxy floating around you, and can glance into the heavens beyond, which encompasses our whole Universe. You see the Stars and Suns and other Solar Systems revolving around our Central Sun; and you feel part of “All That Is”, as indeed you are….
You see people everywhere - walking, talking, studying, sitting, reclining, dreaming and just soaking in the vibrations of peace. Everywhere there are flowers of great vibrancy and fountains and pools of water spilling forth their choruses of song. You look around and see secluded alcoves interspersed throughout the vast halls, with the most ergonomically structured chairs beckoning you to recline upon them. You find one calling to you, and you sit down and experience a connection to this chair that tunes you to its vibration so that you are connected to the mainframe of the internal computer in the library. You are, so to speak, “wired up” with the wireless wires, and fully connected to the operating system, which you operate with your thoughts and feelings, and which will take you anywhere you “wish” to go in our Galaxy. You navigate with your mind, using your thoughts as your directional compass for coordinates of latitude and longitude. And it is so natural that you marvel at its simplicity and naturalness. And you travel in consciousness, and explore our Galaxy and Universe “first hand” and for the first time in your fully conscious Human state.
This is yet another aspect of what our library offers to its visitors, along with its crystal slides of all recorded history of our entire Universe. And you are here through the vibrational frequency of our words, as you read them and envision the sights in your “imagination”. We welcome you, and invite you to enter at any time. Just call to us for entry, as our call is always going out to you. I am Mikos, and I am here to guide you personally through our Library whenever you call. You don't need a “Library Card”, as your identification is inscribed in the DNA of your cells. We await your visit.
Our Oceans and Beaches - Our Water is Alive with Consciousness
Good morning. It is Mikos calling to you from the ocean shore in the Hollow Earth, where I am walking along the beach watching the waves lap the sand. Our oceans are large, nay huge in comparison to yours, with waves larger in size and stronger in force. The oceans flow swiftly around our inner globe, and ebb and flow in tides affected by the Earth's outer Moon just as your tides are. For the magnetic pull of the Moon is felt inside the Earth as well.
We all spend much of our time on the beaches, walking on the sand along the shore, and swimming in the ocean's clean, clear water. The water in our oceans and rivers is composed of living consciousness, and it is our water's consciousness that keeps us young forever.
Our shorelines are packed with the purest of sand, white colored and soft and crystal clear specs of the smoothest particles you have ever stepped on. Walking on our sandy beaches is akin to having the best foot massage possible. And we do walk on our beaches for this very purpose, for its massage soothes our feet and mind simultaneously. Our ocean's waves lap our shorelines with the purest and cleanest of water you have ever seen or tasted. And the temperature is always perfect for our bodies. Not too warm and not too cold. We walk into our oceans where it is shallow, and swim out great distances without ever getting tired or cold. No one here ever drowns. This is unheard of and unimaginable. We are all great swimmers, and our oceans and lakes support us so that we stay on top of the water.
Our water has consciousness, and talks to us while we are immersed in it. Yes, our water talks. When we swim, our water becomes part of our body, and we are one body, one ocean, swimming along the currents and through the waves. We merge ourselves completely with the water's consciousness, and our swim is a trip in consciousness itself. It is so much more than what you experience in your surface lakes and oceans, where the consciousness of your water has become so densified and polluted that it has lost its voice and vitality and life force. It weakly calls out to you, but you don't hear it. It calls out to you for help. It calls out to you to stop polluting it, to stop bombarding it with ELF sound waves, to stop the whaling ships and underwater experiments, and oil spills, and submarines, and cruise ships from destroying and poisoning its life force. But alas, it rests on deaf ears.
The Inner Earth's Oceans contain all of the life that's in the upper oceans, and more. Our oceans are teeming with life, and all of the marine forms live in harmony with one another.
All are on a vegetarian diet and do not hunt others. All live in harmony. All the marine life is very evolved compared to the life in the surface oceans. All are used to the peace and safety of our waters, and all are accessible to us. We all communicate directly to the Cetaceans and fish, and live cooperatively and in peace with one another.
Since we are all on a vegetarian diet, we don't hunt the Whales, go fishing or farm shrimp. Therefore, Mother Nature is free to evolve in our oceans and our oceans are sanctuaries to all ocean life. We just call to whomever we want to talk to, and they swim to our shores and converse with us. It would seem truly magical to you, but to us it is commonplace. Remember, all of us in the Hollow Earth know we are ONE….
On our land areas, our fields of grains sparkle and thrive and are perfectly touched by the “Sun” and rain to produce the most luscious of crops that are so pleasing to our palates and so invigorating for our bodies. Our food pulses with the force of life, and when eaten by us, transfers the life-force into our very cells, which results in perfect health and longevity of years.
This is the secret of life; this is the hidden fountain of youth you've all been looking for on your surface. It is found in the Earth herself, just waiting to give you its Life-force if you will but follow Nature's laws of planting and harvesting crops, using only Nature herself to direct the process and oversee the growth. With the great forces of Nature working with you, you don't need to add anything to the soil, and the harvests are always magnificent in size and nutrients and taste.
Adama of Telos talks of his experience of visiting the Oceans and Mountains within the Inner Earth cavity
The Earth's Interior is the mirror image of the surface foundation. Everything is in reverse order in the inside of the Earth. The mountain ranges are in direct proportion to the dimensions of the Earth's cavity, and tower above the landscape. The oceans are larger than life, and flow calmly and swiftly around the inside of the globe. The air is crisp and clean, and the sand is white. The Central Sun is dimmer than the sun on the outside, and reflects the Light from the Heavens.
The cities are all nestled in lush woodlands, overflowing with flowers and huge trees. There is green growth surrounding all man-made structures. Everything is in perpetual blossom and bloom. It is a land of wonder and beauty.
All is in perfect proportion to the size of the circumference of the interior. Everything is larger than life - even the great Beings who inhabit the interior are larger than the Mortals on the outside. All is beauty, and all is in a heavenly state of bliss.
Just picture the interior foundation reflecting the exterior foundation; with mountain ranges higher, and the ocean currents swifter, and the green land growth lush beyond compare. You do not need to picture a change in the contour of the land. It is still in its pristine beauty, and replicates how life on the surface once was. The exact location of the mountain ranges and oceans is not necessary to know at this time. What is necessary to know is that this Inner World exists, and co-exists with the surface, under peaceful and contrary conditions….
The Hollow Earth is a Paradise, with tall, graceful mountains jutting into the “sky”; and large, clear, clean lakes and oceans that abound with life. The diet in the Hollow Earth is strictly vegetarian, and people are healthy, robust, and strong. They, too, have isolated themselves from the surface population, although they come and leave the Earth freely using the spacecraft that are kept there in the Spaceport in the inside of the Earth. So although they are inside the Earth, they have freedom and health, and abundance and peace - all the necessary components of life that you on the surface have been crying out for.
There is free travel between the subterranean cities and the Hollow Earth through the tunnels, using our electromagnetic trains that can take us from one part of the Earth to another in a fraction of the time it takes you on the surface. Our transportation is quick and efficient, and burns no fuels. Therefore, there's no pollution underground.
We live inside Cavern Homes from which we can look out onto our green world outside
Mikos: Now that you are somewhat familiar with the Hollow Earth, we can “dig” further into your credibility and introduce another factor of our living arrangements underground.
Underground, we do not live out in the open spaces the way you do on the surface. Our Hollow Earth cavity is pristine because we don't tread upon her inner surface nor build upon her. We don't have shopping malls and expanses of highways nor towering buildings. We live inside caverns, with openings facing outward towards the open, wide spaces of the Hollow cavity inside the Earth. Sure, we travel inside the cavity on our electromagnetic vehicles that levitate a few inches above the ground, never touching the ground. We walk softly on the earthen paths and run along the streams, rivers and oceans, and climb the towering mountains. But that is the extent of our foot contact with the terrain. The rest we leave to Nature's Devas and Elementals, as it is their land, too.
All our living activity takes place within our inner caverns, which are vast and wide and high and composed of crystalline rocks and gemstones and crystal arches radiating full-spectrum colored rainbows of sparkling light into our cavern atmosphere. Our walls are lined with natural rainbow-hued waterfalls, humidifying the air with the vibrancy and song of its water cascading down. Yes, our water “sings” - and its chorus brings our body cells into harmony, so that our bodies are always vibrating to our water and crystalline surroundings that keep us energized and vibrant all day long. We need little sleep, because our cells are always tuned and in harmony to the natural rhythm of Mother Earth herself. When you are tuned like a tuning fork, then you carry the full life force of our Mother, and your battery never runs down. Hence, there is little need for the long hours of sleep such as you experience it. You are drained and run-down after a day in your “sweatshops”, but we are always as vibrant at the end of our days as we are when we begin them. We live “in” and “with” the Earth, whereas you live “outside” and “separate” from her. Hence, you are “cut off”, while we are a “part” of her. This is the big difference.
Your Spiritual Hierarchy has been preparing housing for you inside these vast, uninhabited caverns in Earth's interior, and when the external “Earth Changes” come, many of you will be moved en masse into them to continue your present incarnation inside Earth, not “on” her. You will encounter a “whole” new way of living that is wholesome and rich and perfect in every way. It will expand your consciousness and expand your horizon, and your horizon will be an inner horizon vaster than when you walk outdoors on the surface. A whole new horizon is waiting for you to experience.
Events will start happening fast now, as time is speeding up even faster as world karma is playing itself out. Just ride with the tide and know you are safe wherever you are. You are all being directed and guided from within, and you are all being provided for. What you witness through your media is only a “play”, a drama that they want you to believe is real, just because the actors are real. But the actors are just “playing out their part” in the world's drama, and this is the biggest “hit” yet of the new Millennium, playing on your TV and movie theater screens everywhere. Just turn the knob off, go within yourself, and feel and focus on World Peace. Peace is the real movie, and the only “reel” to watch.
Soon, you will see us, and soon you, too, will be living perfectly suited to your new way of life.
“Messages from the Hollow Earth” – Channeled, published and distributed by: Dianne Robbins - Box 825, Weed, CA 96094 USA - to contact Dianne directly phone: 585-802-4530 - e-mail:
“TELOS - A Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta” - Dianne Robbins.
Greetings from Telos! I AM ADAMA, Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, a Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta in California. I am dictating this message to you from my home beneath the Earth, where over a million of us live in perpetual peace and prosperity. We are Human and physical just as you, except for the fact that our mass consciousness holds thoughts of only Immortality and Perfect Health. Therefore, we can live hundreds and even thousands of years in the same body. I, myself, have been in the same body now for over 600 years.
We came here over 12,000 years ago before a thermal nuclear war took place that destroyed the Earth's surface. We faced such hardships and calamities above ground, that we decided to continue our evolution underground. We appealed to the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet for permission to renovate the already existing cavern inside Mt. Shasta, and prepare it for the time when we would need to evacuate our homes above ground.
When the war was to begin, we were warned by the Spiritual Hierarchy to begin our evacuation to this underground cavern by going through the vast tunnel system that's spread throughout the Planet. We had hoped to save all our Lemurian people, but there was only time to save 25 thousand souls. The remainder of our Race perished in the blast.
For the past 12,000 years, we have been able to rapidly evolve in consciousness due to our isolation from the marauding bands of extraterrestrials and other hostile races that prey on the surface population. The surface population has been experiencing great leaps of consciousness in preparation for Humanity to move through the Photon Belt. It is for this reason that we have begun to contact surface dwellers to make our existence known. For in order for the Earth and Humanity to continue to ascend in consciousness, the whole planet must be united and merged into ONE Light from below and ONE Light from above.
It is for this reason that we are contacting you to make you aware of our underground existence, so you can bring the fact of our existence to the attention of our fellow brothers and sisters above ground.
Our book of channeled messages is written to Humanity, in hopes that they will recognize and receive us when we emerge from our homes beneath ground and merge with them on the surface, in the not too far distant future. We will be grateful to you for the part you play in helping us broadcast the reality of our existence. We thank you. In the name of the One Creator of All, I AM ADAMA
Q: What are your days like?
We are sitting here, under a tree, in the lushness of our environment. I, Adama, am here. Mikos of course is in the Hollow Earth. So would you like to begin?
Today we will talk about ourselves, and how blessed we all are to have remained inside the Earth. Although you think that our lives are easy, which they certainly are, we have many responsibilities and many duties to perform each and every day, the foremost of which is to connect with our Higher Selves for guidance for the day. We plan our days thoroughly, so that we can complete our duties and still have time left over for relaxation and fun.
Our days are filled with laughter, no matter what we do, and we are always surrounded by our family and friends. For as we have said, there are no strangers here. We understand the concept of oneness, and we practice it in everything we do. For example, when we are doing our work in whatever area it is, we rely on each other and help each other by working in unison to complete the task, and to complete it perfectly. We don't skip details to finish quicker, as some people on the surface do, because we have our very lives invested in the outcome. We know the importance of doing everything well, for we all depend on the quality of what we produce.
Nothing here breaks down or becomes obsolete as it does above ground, so we don't have to keep replacing things. This is why we have so much free time here, because we don't have to keep reproducing the same things over and over again, because nothing breaks down. Most everything lasts hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
This also accounts for our not having any land fills in Telos, because there is no waste produced. All our by-products are recycled and reused, and if there are any ingredients left over that we cannot use, we just dematerialize them. Voila, and they are gone! So this frees up all our land space for living space and parks and streams.
And of course we have no roadways, just paths to walk on and our vehicles that levitate and take us wherever we direct them to take us. We fly with our minds, using our thoughts as our directional compass. Our vehicles are small for inner city travel, and we just talk to them and tell them where our destination is, and we hold that thought and vision until we are there.
It is all very simple, as you will someday see. Our city is a fun place, with many activities always going on. There are plays, musicals, and everything you can think of, except for competitive sports. We don't compete here; we only cooperate in our athletics and have fun. Nothing is done to “win”, only to enjoy to its fullest.
Our forest is rich in oxygen, and we take daily walks in the woods to rejuvenate ourselves, just as you on the surface do. Our lifestyles are not that different, except that ours are free from stress and worry, and filled with joy over-brimming. This helps account for our long lives. For stress causes cells to decay and depression accelerates the process. Even in your healing books today, they talk about the importance of laughter and merriment in combating diseases and living longer lives. So our lives are not that much different from yours; we just learned how to live them fully, with no impediments.
And now, Mikos is here. Greetings from the city of Catharia, where my home is. I live in a small alcove nestled inside a small hill surrounded by lush vegetation, flowers, bushes, and tall trees. Actually, everything here is tall, including our body frames, which generally reach 15 feet high for most of our population. The Telosians average 7 feet, and Adama is 7 feet, 2 inches tall. I myself am a little over 15 feet tall, which is about half the height of your surface trees.
We were all meant to be tall, even surface folk were once averaging 15 feet in height, when the surface was protected from the Sun's radiation by the firmament. Your Sun is now changing and becoming magnetic. This will stop the declining of your heights, and in time you will again begin to gain in height. You will notice how so many of your youth are taller than your own generation. We just wanted to give you a little clarity on this subject.
Food Production and Consumption
In Telos, food production takes priority. We are all trained in growing and producing food. We have a very varied diet, eating only those foods that contain the Life Force in them. Hence, we only eat vegetables, grains, fruits, and nuts. All meat is banned. You on the surface are still eating dead foods - foods that no longer carry the Life Force.
All in Telos work in the hydroponic gardens growing our foods. We all take turns developing and experimenting with our crops. Once the food is grown, it is then taken to our distribution center where everyone comes to pick up their supplies.
We don't freeze food as you do on the surface. All our food is eaten fresh, for this is the way that all nutrients are consumed. Every day people pick up their food for the day. It is easier for us to “shop” every day for our food. Since our workday is only four hours long, we have much more time available to tend to our nourishment and health.
We have time to cook nourishing foods, time to exercise, and time to indulge in our creativity. This slower pace has many advantages. We don't have the pressure and stress as you do on the surface. All we do is in harmony and peace. Our lives are tranquil and in tune with the Creator.
All that we use in the production for food consumption is re-used. We have no land fill sites as you do on the surface, because all we use is recycled over and over again. This is the advantage of having advanced technologies. All that we use, we re-use. For nothing is wasted or over-produced. All is in harmony with nature, and all we do supports nature.
Nature, in her glory and abundance, bears great quantities of food. Nature, left alone, produces abundance. So, we live close to nature, and follow her rhythms and cycles in the food chain.
First and foremost, we are all trustworthy and responsible workers. We cherish the Earth, and all our food production is carried on in honor and respect for the Earth's resources. We don't use paper or plastics, nor do we wrap our food in any way. Our food is produced and then delivered directly to our distribution centers. This way, all that we use can be immediately replaced. It is all computerized through a master food computer that keeps all of our dietary requirements in mind. Of course, it is all guided and directed by our people who take turns in shifts in different areas of “household” work.
All our food is grown and produced by us. It is pure, and free of chemicals and contaminants. We practice organic gardening, as it is the only way to survive and still retain our full consciousness. We do use containers to store our food, and these containers are used over and over again. We never discard anything, nor do we ever bury anything in our soil; for the Earth is alive also, and we respect and protect her.
So, our way of producing and distributing food is vastly different from yours, as we have technology that far surpasses yours. We thrive on our way of life, and we invite you to join us at our table when you do visit us here. For we shall share our feast of life with you, and you will delight in its simplicity and taste. We welcome you all to Telos, where we will entertain, and show you the wonders of living in a higher state of consciousness.
Q: Do you eat only living food with the Life Force, or do you also use heat for cooking?
Our food is very delicately prepared and it is all 'live' and freshly picked. We eat mostly fruits and vegetables and grains, and our soy products, which we ferment out in the open air. We do “cook” some of our foods, but our type of “cooking” is much different from yours, because we don't use electricity or microwaves or skillets or ovens or fire. We use technology that funnels heat into the food causing it only to warm up without changing its molecular structure in any way. We have technology that warms, without harming the Life Force. But most of our foods we eat at room temperature, and we are used to eating foods at this temperature.
Since it is always warm here in Telos and in the Hollow Earth, we have no craving for warm foods. We prefer cool foods that have just been picked and prepared in salad variations. We don't do any baking here, at least not the kind you do on the surface. Yes, we do have “baked” goods, but they are “baked” in a different way, much like the food dryers you use to dry banana chips. We can make delicious cakes this way that still maintain their Life Force and keep their enzymes intact.
We understand that in the colder regions of the Earth, people need warming foods, not just for their body's temperature but for the comforting effect. And yes, the Life Force is destroyed through electrical heat. This is yet another reason why your lifespans are so short and your energy levels so low compared to ours. It is because the way you prepare your food robs you of its Life Force, the giver of life. It is a force that gives you life, that gives your life the energy it needs to sustain you in any kind of physical climate and situation.
But over the millennia as the climate in many locations on the surface changed from temperate to cold, people's eating habits and lifestyles changed to accommodate these colder climates, and hence people's lifespans decreased from hundreds of years down to only 70-80 years now.
There is a very definite connection between the amount of Life Force in one's food, the stamina in the body, and the length of years the body can live. It is the Life Force that keeps us alive, and the more Life Force we have, the more “alive” we are, and the livelier we feel. We thank you for this question. I am Adama.
Q: What is the difference between your trees and your plants?
I am Mikos. We thank you for your question. Here in the Hollow Earth we don't distinguish between our trees, plants, and vegetables, as they are all living entities, each with their own consciousness carrying the Life Force. However, the plants and vegetables give themselves freely to us for our consumption, as long as we leave the plant intact and eat only its fruits, so that it can multiply and reproduce year after year.
We don't pull out the plant after harvesting its fruits, as you do on the surface. You see, we have one long continual growing season, which is forever - not like on the surface with your seasons. With the seasons, after the plants and vegetables produce their crops, they are discarded and their seeds replanted the next growing season. We don't do this in the Hollow Earth. We let the plants govern themselves, and reproduce as often as they like, without our interference. Mother Earth herself is the director, and governs their growth cycle.
Our plants give themselves to us freely, allowing us to eat the fruits of their harvests, because we never remove or kill the plant upon which the fruit or vegetable grows. Because they are alive in consciousness and contain their Life Force intact, we are consuming the Life Force of the plant and it continues its existence in us. So in effect, it lives on.
It is the same with the trees. We eat their fruits, but never cut down a tree. Our trees are huge and magnificent and reproduce cycle after cycle, giving us the most abundant, succulent fruits. So our trees live on, and we live on by consuming the fruits and vegetables from them, without disturbing them in the least. We do use crop rotation, which maintains the minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that go into the plants, so our earth is always rich in minerals and perfect for growing our crops. We do the least to the earth, and the earth does the most herself. This is why we are so hearty and healthy and strong.
So there really is no difference between our trees and plants - we treat them each with sacredness and honor their beings. We talk to them, we thank them for their bounty, and we then eat their fruits and vegetables. Our trees are just big plants, yielding more fruit than the smaller plants and vegetables.
Our trees serve another great purpose, that of producing the rich, clean, oxygen we breathe and sheltering our landscape, while at the same time consuming the carbon dioxide we exhale. They are sentinels, stand vigilant, and maintain our environment. Our trees are great beings of light, and our plants and vegetables are like their children, reaching up to the sky, hoping to someday evolve into a tree. For all life evolves from lower to higher states of consciousness, just as we Humans are ever evolving in consciousness.
Just know that when you eat fruits or vegetables, from trees or plants, it is their Life Force you need for your health. It is the Life Force you want and this is what keeps you connected to the Creator. When you eat dead, toxic foods, you become just that - dead and toxic - and your life is shortened and it becomes difficult to sustain your body. Then disease sets in.
All our food is grown organically, obviously, which is another reason we are so healthy and strong and can live hundreds and thousands of years in the same body. The less you tamper with Mother Nature, the more nutrients you receive in the food you eat. People are just beginning to realize this, and it is why the organic food industry is growing so fast.
It is hard to make a distinction between the plants and the trees, but the distinction is in the amount of consciousness each can hold. The trees can hold vast amounts of consciousness compared to plants, and the trees have an underground network that connects them all telepathically to each other on the planet. They have their own news service, and know what is happening on the Earth before we do. They rapidly communicate to each other events that are about to happen on the Planet. They have firsthand information.
We often tap into their communication system, so that we know what is about to occur on different locations of the surface. You, too, can tap into this system. Just plant your feet solidly on the ground next to a tree, put your hand on its trunk, and merge with its essence. Ask your question, then wait and listen. You will hear it speak to you. The trees have been waiting for eons to begin communicating with you again on the surface. It is their deepest desire.
So bless the trees, bless the plants, and bless the Earth - for it is the fruits and vegetables of our harvests that we consume and that becomes the material for building and maintaining our bodies. For we are literally made of the Earth, and are truly One, which is why we can communicate with them.
Q: Do Telos and other cities in the Inner Earth exist physically?
We will answer your question. Yes and no. Yes, Telos does exist in your Third Dimension, and it also exists in the Fifth Dimension. It actually does physically exist inside of Mt. Shasta in the Third Dimension. There are no volcano activities inside of Mt. Shasta. The lava tunnels in Mt. Shasta were re-routed by us over 12,000 years ago when the Lemurians went underground and traveled through the tunnels to reside in Mt. Shasta as a result of the Atlantean and Lemurian Wars which devastated the surface.
So we do exist in our Third Dimensional body forms which we can now move in and out of at will. We have evolved to the point where we can raise and lower our energy fields and move in and out of embodiment. So if you were in Telos in your Third Dimensional form, you would see us. However, when we come up to the outside of the Mountain, we modify our energy field and move up to the Fifth Dimension and are “shielded” from your physical eyes, unless you can see into the Fifth Dimension. If you can perceive the Fifth Dimension energy, then you would see us. And yes, we look exactly like you.
There are no differences in our physical bodies, except for the fact that we now have more DNA strands as a result of our long lives of being able to evolve in peace and harmony and brotherhood. For it takes a peaceful environment to evolve, and this is what we created for ourselves when we left the surface and came into Mt. Shasta.
When we want to be seen by those on the outside of the Mountain, we can easily make ourselves visible to you. But for the most part, we prefer to stay invisible for our own protection. The time will come when we will be appearing to your surface folk, and that time is very near. We hope this has answered your question. I am Mikos.
Q: What is the difference between the Inner Earth and the Hollow Earth?
The Inner Earth consists of Telos and over 120 other Aghartha Subterranean Cities of Light just a few miles beneath Earth's surface, including the city of Catharia, which is directly inside the center core of the Earth (beneath the Aegean Sea) and is where the Library of Porthologos is located and where Mikos is from. The Inner Earth consists of all the area that is below the Earth's surface throughout the globe, including caverns and a vast tunnel system. It includes all 800 miles from the top of the Earth's surface to the inner hollow opening in the center.
The Hollow Earth is just the area that exists in the very center core of the Earth, which is Hollow, and starts at 800 miles down. Once you are inside the hollow cavity of Earth, the diameter of open space is 6,400 miles. The diameter of the whole Earth is 8,000 miles.
Q: Why are we skipping the Fourth Dimension when we move into the Fifth Dimension?
We will all attempt to answer this question, because it is a complex one. We are the Inner Earth Council, Mikos presiding. We say to you not to be so caught up in dimensions, but rather to concentrate on bringing up your energy and raising it up into higher levels of consciousness, because this is where the higher dimensions exist. They exist in higher states of awareness. So you can access higher dimensions by accessing higher states of consciousness.
You will move directly into the Fifth Dimension because the Fourth Dimension will no longer exist. It is in the process of being dismantled and removed by the Spiritual Hierarchy as part of the accelerated Ascension Plan that will catapult you directly into the Fifth Dimension. The Fourth Dimension was used in the past by departing souls who didn't go directly to the Light, but lingered for great lengths of time. This departure passageway has now changed, or been “re-routed” as you might say, so that departing souls no longer become trapped in obsolete dimensions waiting for hundreds or thousands of years to move on to the Light. That is now all over with. Therefore, you will all move directly up to the Fifth, with no dimensions in between.
The next step is wherever you want to put your foot. After you reach Fifth Dimensional consciousness and are securely in the Fifth Dimension, you will then choose your future destination at that time. Some of you may choose to return to a Third Dimensional world to help other souls regain their full consciousness, and some of you may choose to go back to your Home Planets.
Your Home Planets exist in many different dimensions throughout the Universe, depending on how evolved your Soul is. Your Soul's frequency matches your planet's frequency. So yes, some of you may choose to go home to your Sixth Dimensional Planet and some may choose to go home to your Seventh Dimensional Planet and some of you may choose to go home to your Eighth Dimensional Planet, and so on. Do you understand this? Many Souls may want to stay in the Fifth Dimension and experience its peacefulness and abundance and riches and continue their soul advancement there for a while before moving on.
There will be a myriad of choices once you reach the Fifth Dimension, so there is no need to concern yourself about this now or try to make decisions about where you want to go. There is no hurry. The only hurry is to reach the Fifth Dimensional Plane of existence, where you will be once again pain free, disease free, lack free, and totally free in all ways. You will be supplied with all you could ever wish for, and then more. So stay tuned into your consciousness, be alert to all that is around you, make positive and loving choices, and send love to everyone. This is the fastest way to increase your awareness and evolve your consciousness.
Always remember that we in the Inner Earth are all standing beside you, gently guiding you on your path to the Stars.
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