Secret Space Programs more complex than previously revealed

According to a new whistleblower claiming to have worked with multiple secret space programs, the complexity of programs, technologies and their dynamic interrelations is far greater than anything previously revealed. The overall scope of information “Corey” (aka GoodETxSG/Luke), is revealing on these secret space programs appears destined to dwarf anything released by prior whistleblowers. Already according to David Wilcock, who has spent 22 years researching whistleblower testimony on extraterrestrial life and the secret space program(s), Corey “knew almost as much as all the others had told me combined.”
In an earlier article, I gave a summary of the information “Corey” has released through his website, internet forums and interviews with David Wilcock. In order to better understand and assess Corey’s controversial claims since writing the summary article, I sent him a set of questions by email on April 4 seeking clarification on various secret space program issues raised in continued discussions on internet forums. He kindly responded to the questions revealing more intriguing details and insights on these increasingly complex issues.
Among Corey’s core claims is that the oldest of up to five rival secret space programs to emerge in the modern era, “Solar Warden”, contains more dated technologies but has a greater dedication to humanity’s long term interests. Those in charge of Solar Warden have decided to leak information about the existence of secret space programs by, for example, allowing their spacecraft to be photographed by the International Space Station.
These pro-disclosure actions along with “service-to-other” activities has made the Solar Warden program the most suitable candidate for a powerful new group of highly evolved extraterrestrials that has allegedly entered into our solar system which has significantly changed the dynamic between rival space programs, and their respective relations with visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and older ancient human space programs.
The “Sphere Alliance,” according to Corey, directly deals only with the Solar Warden program among the five “modern” space programs; and is seeking to assist humanity in a series of conferences whereby private citizens meet secret space program representatives in a secure environment. The second of these exodiplomacy conferences occurred on April 5 according to Corey, the details of which he says he will soon announce.
As described in my earlier summary article, there is no concrete evidence substantiating Corey’s controversial testimony. His responsiveness to people’s questions, attention to detail and consistency helps raise confidence in the veracity of his claims. I have found his willingness to promptly respond to people’s questions, including my own, a clear sign of his sincerity. More importantly, his decision to have his identity revealed in upcoming video interviews with David Wilcock suggests he is willing to stand great public scrutiny at great personal and professional cost. Wilcock recently explained his own rigorous screening efforts regarding Corey’s testimony and that he found nothing awry. Wilcock went as far concluding the he “can personally vouch for the authenticity of his [Corey’s] information.” That’s quite an endorsement from someone who has for over two decades been working with an extensive number of whistleblowers and researchers.
Given Corey’s claim that he was age and time-regressed in his earlier service with the secret space program, it’s unlikely that any hard evidence or documentation will be found to corroborate his prior covert space service. However, his more recent claims of being physically taken to conferences organized by the Sphere Alliance can be verified if other attendees step forward. So far none of the alleged 70 other private individuals attending the first confernece have come forward. That may change, especially as more conference events are held.
The complexity of the narrative Corey has developed about Earth’s secret space program(s) and breakaway civilization(s) appeals to some, but raises red flags for others. A common psychological warfare tool is to mix lots of false information with genuine information to hide the truth in plain sight. Indeed, Gordon Duff, founder of the popular website Veterans Today, claims that as much as 40% of the information released about the secret space program, is disinformation designed to protect sources and methods.
Is Corey’s testimony part of an elaborate psychological warfare operation; or is he revealing the truth about genuine unfolding events involving multiple secret space programs and extraterrestrial visitors? Those that have met and communicated with Corey are impressed by his sincerity and willingness to expose himself to criticism by stepping forward. The information Corey has released so far is consistent with what other whisteblowers have revealed as Wilcock has concluded. The level of information that Corey has released certainly has the potential of transforming life as we know it on the planet. Will his information stand the test of public scrutiny as his identity is revealed and due diligence is conducted on his claims? Hopefully the following email exchange will help the reader begin their own journey in assessing the veracity of Corey’s claims.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Questions for Corey/GoodETxSG – 4/4/2015
Q1. You say there are five secret space programs developed by our current human civilization, and that the oldest of them, Solar Warden, was approached by the Blue Avians/Sphere Alliance. Can you describe why Solar Warden was chosen as a more suitable partner?

To watch video of docked UFO at ISS click here
A majority of the “Solar Warden” factions had already been involved in a “Shadow Civil War” or “Shadow Cold War” with the other “SSP Groups” for some time. They had been “accidentally” appearing in front of “NASA ISS Live Feeds” as well as causing “other” incidents to allow people to see their technologies. There is a strict schedule of “When and Where to BE” in various parts of our Sol System to prevent the satellites of various nations and corporations from accidentally capturing telemetry of classified technology. The Solar Warden Group was the more “Aging” of the SSP Groups with much of their fleet being produced in the 1980’s and 1990’s with continuous upgrades. They had shown a willingness to take a stand in a “David vs Goliath” type battle that was selfless and one that showed the cloth they were cut from. They also had broken off alliances with more negative oriented off-world beings. They had allied themselves with some more positive off-world beings and a group that was an Ancient Earth Breakaway that had made some changes in a positive direction. Even though these Non-Solar Warden Allies were considered “Good Guys” the Sphere Alliance stated that they had their own agendas and as much as they wanted to help Humanity they were still considered “Service-To-Self”. There was a lot of frustration prior to the Sphere Alliance making contact with Solar Warden. The Sphere Alliance had began to arrive (or at least their “Spheres” had began to arrive”) in the late 1990’s and cloaking. No matter who tried to communicate or hail them there was absolutely no response. They to this day refuse to interact with any of the beings or Human groups that are “Service-To-Self” directly and use an “intermediary” to communicate between these two groups.
Q2. In what way is Solar Warden more capable of representing humanity’s interests in negotiations with the Sphere Alliance?
As stated above they had already formed an infrastructure for an “SSP Alliance” and were already engaged in a “Stealth Cold War” or “Stealth Civil War” with the “Cabal” controlled groups that vastly outnumbered and out-gunned them. This was an incredible show of valor and service to others even though their agenda or operational plans to achieve that agenda was more of a warlike or violent nature. There is something else to note. The Cabal Groups who look for certain children to bring into “MILAB” programs are looking for “Star Seeds” who have gifts that can be corrupted and used for “The Dark Side”. Many of these “Star Seeds” on Earth and in the “SSP’s” are beginning to realize that they are “Alive Here Now, During This Time for a Reason”… a Mission… This too has something to do with it IMHO. When I was contacted by the Blue Avians I was “Told” that the “Cabal” groups were incredibly worried about what the “Star Seeds” may contribute in a movement against them. They have put people and programs out there to locate and try to “Target Star Seeds” to traumatize them, cause “Entity Attachments” (discussed further down) and to derail them from any missions they may have on this Planet and Time line.
Q3. Does the U.S. Navy play a major role in Solar Warden’s operations and world view? Alex Collier claims that the Navy is more aligned with Constitutional values than the other military services, especially the USAF. Do you agree?
Most of how the Navy, Air Force and militaries of other nations play into the SSP’s are from an Earthly based support role. An example would be the Air Force Space Command’s old (soon to be replaced) Space Fence program. Those there were briefed and told they were at the top of the “Intel Totem Pole” and that yes, there were a certain amount of Aliens but what they were tracking were ALL ADVANCED US CRAFT. So, if you were to meet one they would argue until they were red in the face that all that is flying in space is secret government projects. Many that aren’t read in to there being any aliens at all are told “You are at the top of the Intelligence Totem Pole and there are No Aliens”, they believe it and will argue with you until they are ready to come to blows that there are NO ALIENS! This is one of the most compartmentalized and complicated subjects as you will see below than most researchers EVER DREAMED! Those who are asking “Did Roswell Really Happen” or “Are there 4 or 58 Alien Groups Visiting Us” are barely on a kindergarten level of what is really going on. This is far more pervasive and woven into the fabric of our daily lives than we realize as well. There is a constant ridicule and denial of any and all material related to ET’s as a secret U.S. Policy that has been in place since the early 1950’s. Intel groups have mastered infiltration of disclosure groups, causing infighting or leading people into situations where they can become blackmailed or compromised. Usually they just have to plant a seed or two and let “Human Nature” take its course. It has been a very effective program to prevent researchers and disclosure groups from making an real progress. I will explain more about how more and more of the SSP Personnel are people who were brought up inside secret programs since they were children (MILAB’s) and then later “drafted” into the Secret Space Programs and Secret Earth Government Syndicates and Sub-Programs.
Q4. Randy Cramer says that the US Marine Corps special section was created by a secret executive order by President Eisenhower as a kind of institutional safeguard in case any of the space programs went rogue. Do you have any information about this?
There is a definite “Military Faction” to the Secret Space Programs. Most of the “Military” or “Security” Forces were Mixed Military Forces (MMF). The majority of people who served in these various security and military forces did not come from, nor were they associated with any of the military forces that are common to us here on Earth. They were mostly MILAB Program “Members” (Milarty Abduction/MILAB usually taken into programs “around” the age of 6 years old). I have a listing of various MILAB Project Names on my website. Commonly what occurred was as “Training” progressed your “Talents” and Psychological Proclivities were assessed and you were then “Herded” into “Sup-Programs” where you were developed into what they saw as a best fit for their future needs. Those who made it through to the end were usually “drafted” into a number of other “Black Programs” including the various Secret Space Programs and programs working within organizations on Earth that I have referred to as “Secret Earth Governments” and their “syndicates”. Those who were deemed to be “cut from a soldiers cloth” would be trained and enhanced in some ways to fulfill that task. This is when the Military Trained MILAB’s were splintered off into the various SSP’s, Secret Earth Governments or their syndicates as well as even integrated into the U.S., UK, CA and AU Specialized Military Forces.
I had access to quite a lot of information about the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations and their policies that created the “Break Away Civilizations” we have now through the Military Industrial Complex (through the “Smart Glass Pads”). There was mention of both U.S. Army and Marine Companies that were trained and used more than once to threaten what became the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerates (ICC SSP) to open up their facilities and information to “Federal Oversight”. This however ended later on after the ICC Groups gained enough power to take control over the Corporate U.S. Government and in time most of the Pentagon and Civilian Intelligence Agencies. There was no direct reference to this U.S. Marine Corp Group in any of the “documentation”.
Q5. You have endorsed Richard Boylan’s claim that the secret space program contains at least eight cigar shaped craft the length of two football fields – about 200 meters. Have you ever travelled on any of these craft? Are they the space equivalent of an aircraft carrier? How many smaller craft do they hold?

I used an article that was based on his information before I had fully “Come Out” while posting on an Internet Forum. There was some very credible information in that article that I referenced. There were however more than eight carrier Craft that were “Cigar” shaped and some were in the range of a “Mile Long”. There were many different “Sizes” and “Classes” of Vessels and Craft in the Solar Warden Fleet alone. I have briefly been on board one of these carriers but have not traveled on them. I was assigned to a Research Vessel of a smaller size that was “Triple Hulled”.
Q6. What national personnel manned the cigar shaped craft? Americans, French, Russians, Chinese, etc.?
These were mostly American personnel, there were a number of UK, Canadian and Australian personnel serving on board as well. I was only assigned to the Research Vehicle (where there were German and some Chinese Scientist) which was not a “Military Vessel” and had quite a different atmosphere. The “Security Personnel” were present but were under the authority of the more Civilian and Scientific Minded Personnel (Security referred to as “Egg Heads” in a derogatory manor). While we were off the vessel however the security personnel were in charge and made sure to take advantage of those opportunities. The security personnel considered the assignments to these research vessels as a light duty and boring assignment and would also refer to the research vessels as “Hot Dogs” in a derogatory way because of the Main Hull “Cigar Shape” and the partial triple hulls I guess somewhat made the Vessel look like a Hot Dog to them. I was only assigned to the research vessel [ASSR “ISRV”– (Auxiliary Specialized Space Research) Interstellar-Class Vessel, Arnold Sommerfeld] for a little over 6 years before being transferred to a few other programs that wanted to make use of the Training I had received and also my experience with dealing with a large number of “Off World Beings” while assigned as an “Intuitive Empath” (IE) in a support role to the Earth delegates that “Rotated” in to the “Human Like ET/ED” Federation Conferences that various Secret Earth Government and SSP Leadership types were honored to be a part of. The Secret Space programs continued to evolve over the 20 years I was assigned (“20 & Back”). Towards the end there were of course personnel from other countries brought in and of course were probably personnel already involved that I just didn’t run into or have a “need to know” about.
Q7. Did you ever come across the terms “USSS Nautilus”, “Earth Defense Force,” or “Mars Colony Corporation,” in your experiences/knowledge of cigar shaped craft?
“Nautilus” in my understanding was a “Class” of “Early Interstellar-Class Vessels”. I only saw “USSS” used in documentation that had to do with “Personnel Assignments” and “Personnel Transfers”. Otherwise I did not see any of the SSP groups refer to their vessels with a “USSS” Designation.
Q8. How do these eight cigar shaped craft compare against the TR-3B which is allegedly 200 meters in width? Which holds more personnel?

As stated there were more than 8 of the “Cigar” shaped carrier class and other class of vessels of various sizes and classifications. They were designed to carry various type of “craft” that many think of as the TR-3B. These “Cigar” shaped Carriers were designed to carry a large compliment of crew for extended periods of time and travel to “other Star Systems” (though Solar Warden was “mostly” kept to just inside our Sol System and the “Local Star Cluster” on rare occasions). The TR-3B is considered extremely outdated technology and in many cases has been gifted as “hand me down” craft to “Elites” within the Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates as something akin to “Company Jets”. There are so many newer technologies that are of the same general shape as the TR-3B (& models that came after) that it would blow people’s minds. Most of them have completely “Modular” cabin’s that the Pilots can fly and dock into the fuselage of the craft they will be piloting. Most of them are “Triangle” or “Chevron” shaped to some degree as well as the “Manta” shaped craft. For combat however, they have moved more and more to “drones” which a single pilot can control several of during sorties. I have always seen these craft controlled by “Neurological Interfaces” with the pilots (going all the way back to the 1980’s). I have not seen any craft piloted by “Fly by Wire” or “Stick and Throttle” means. There is no way to compensate for the extreme speeds and changes of direction with “Eye Hand Coordination”.
Q9. Do these eight cigar shaped craft all belong to Solar Warden, or are they distributed among all five independent space programs belong to our current human civilization?
Yes, these older “Cigar” shaped Vessels were “Solar Warden Assets”. The other SSP’s ended up acquiring ALL of the newer and cooler technological “Toys” and the ICC-SSP always kept the most advanced and best for themselves. The ICC-SSP is a HUGE INDUSTRY that has a HUGE INFRASTRUCTURE in Space that produces extremely high technology for not only “Human Breakaway Civilizations” but also “Civilizations from other star systems”. There is a huge “Barter System” that is used “Out There” and the ICC-SSP has traded some very “Unsettling Things and even been involved in Human Trafficking/Trading” to acquire “New Technologies” to then engineer and produce for our Break Away Civilizations as well as for trading under treaties with other civilizations. (I mention in the interview with David Wilcock, some of Earths most precious “Missing” Art has been traded off and is hanging on a wall or sitting on a floor in another Solar System right now as wild as that sounds!). These people have no boundaries that they are not willing to cross to obtain more and more technologies and “ET Specimens” (Biological Specimens) for their research and interstellar commerce.
Q10. You say that one of the space programs is a corporate conglomerate that runs like a fascist dictatorship that deceives personnel into signing on with false promises of a utopian like off-world working conditions. What else can you share about the corporate conglomerate in its off-world operations?
See above for more details that you may want to move to this section/question. This ICC-SSP has also in addition to the above information been steadily recruiting “Talent” from here on Earth. They have often shown hopeful recruits pamphlets and videos of high tech cities (usually elite subterranean cities that are located here on Earth) and told that they are going to live like “The Jetsons” and will be contributing to man kind developing technology to be released in the near future or in some cases told that the Earth is going to be hit with a “Solar Cataclysm” or “Pole Shift” that will wipe out all life. That “They are Special” (so many people are made to feel “Special” in these programs!) and so is their family. That they are being given an opportunity to save the human race (And their families) by moving to a Colony on Mars or else where to use their skills (usually their spouse has a needed skill as well) and their children will be raised and educated to become the builders of a new civilization and rebuild Earth. Those who believe what they are told and take their families to these colonies find quite a different environment when they arrive. They are met on the tarmac by Security Forces who escort their family to a 8×10 room (for their entire family, wife and kids) and the reality of their decision sets in. They are then given their “Assigned Work Duties”, as is their “Spouse”. They are informed that their children will be raised in a system (much like MILAB’s described above) where they will be educated and then provided a position in the community that best suits them and that when their children “Come of Age” they will be setup in “Arranged Marriages”. At this point they are stuck, they are slave labor and prisoners. I was told that when these “Colonies” were first established that they were done so in a fascist way to prevent any possible repeat of the “13 Colonies Rebellion” on Earth referring to the “colonies that became the United States”. These ICC-SSP groups are also very much involved in “Human Trafficking” and use these poor people as a commodity to trade off to various races for various purposes (That I will not go into) for trade and commerce of high technology and biological materials. (Note: I do not want to be insensitive to those who have loved ones who are missing persons, I do not want to feed the fear porn machine either. I stayed away from this topic with David Wilcock in the video recordings for that reason. It is a very sensitive topic and I want to respect those who have loved ones missing. Human trafficking is a horrible thing that is not focused on enough for the horrible things that surround what is involved in it on Earth. I am not cooping this horrible subject for my own purposes I assure you.).
Q11. Are companies like Lockeheed, Northrup Gruman, Boeing heavily involved in the corporate space program, or more the traditional military run Solar Warden program?
There are what are called “Super Boards” or “Super Commitees”. Usually what happens is that ALL of these very well known Government contracting corporations that we know of (and some we do not) have a standing board member that will “Retire” and roll off their corporate board and then join one of the ICC-SSP Corporate Boards (Super Commitees). They are then out of the limelight and still have their “Corporate Pull and Connections”. Solar Warden was indeed a heavily Navy program in the beginning with Air Force involvement later on. Even though most of the “Rank and File” come from within the MILAB Recruiting Systems the “Brass” has been connected to the Military (some very much Constitutional supporters and believers in their “Oaths”). In recent “SSP Allied Conferences I have attended I have noticed a change. Many of the “Brass” are now the MILAB Types who have worked their way up the ranks. There are also quite a few new “Defector Groups” from some of the other programs no involved. Things have evolved in the Solar Warden SSP as I am sure they have in the other SSP’s… Unfortunately in the case of the ICC-SSP and the “Dark Fleet-SSP” they have become more and more negative because of their “Off World Alliances”.
Q12. G. Marconi allegedly was involved in creating an independent corporate run high tech enclave in South America just prior to WW2, do you know anything about Marconi’s alleged program and Nikola Tesla’s alleged involvement?
As many know the Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates (many call the “Cabal” and “Illuminati”) have had complete control of the financial system of Earth for many hundreds of years. As many know these same groups were financing both sides of WWII (and EVERY War before and since) for various reasons to support their agendas. After WWII much of South America was pretty much bought by the NAZI’s who setup enclaves, bases and even cities through out South America and even a couple huge bases in Antarctica. During this time just about anything of interest in the field of high technology in the regards to your question was coopted by the NAZI’s either overtly or covertly.
Q13. What can you tell us about the third secret space program belonging to our current civilization? It appears that is run by the cabal, who are they and how is it run? Is this space program more under the control of regressive extraterrestrials, satanic forces, or AI?
This is a very complicated question and answer. I have gone into heavy details on it on both my website and the forums I post to. There are multiple Secret Space Programs that are connected directly to our current era “Break Away Civilization”. There are more than a hand full of Secret Space Programs that are directly connected to Ancient Earth Civilizations that developed their own “Break Away Civilizations” before those civilizations perished (some of these Ancient SSP Breakaway’s have presented themselves as “Gods” to Humanity in less developed time periods and have most recently presented themselves as “ALIENS” from “This or That Star System” to People they are contacting Currently on Our Planet. They tried this with the various “Current Era SSP’s” but it did not work for very long.
There are elements of Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates as well as Ancient Breakaway SSP’s that are aligned with not only several different groups of “Off World Groups of Beings” but who have also become what we have termed as “AI Prophets” and are working on a somewhat integrated but independent Agenda of bringing the “ET/ED AI” into Control of the Technologically dependent world they have helped create. This “ET/ED AI” which they consider to be far more capable of “Ruling Humanity” has been a scourge across multiple Galaxies and destroyed hundreds of advanced civilizations far more advanced and wiser than our own. This is considered by the Other SSP’s and even other Federation ET’s as an Imminent Threat. The security protocols in place to guard against the AI Threat are quite intrusive at times and are taken very seriously. There are some of the more negative oriented ET/ED Groups that not only have “Entity Attachments” themselves but also use these “Ethereal/Negative Spiritual Entities” as “Tools” to attach to Humans to manipulate their behavior.
These “Entities” use both the ET/ED’s and Humans as “Hosts” and extract “Loosh” Energy from their victims by creating Fear, Anger, Depression, Anxiety and any number of other lower vibrational emotions. This looshe energy is shared with the host in a symbiotic relationship. The Blue Avians have stated that when the new waves of higher vibrational energies come through our Sol System that these “Negative Entities” will no longer be able to exist here and will be forced back to “The Outer Realms Where They Came From” (Exactly what the “BA’s” Stated). This will leave their former hosts writhing in withdrawls like a “Heroin Addict” who has gone off of their addicted substance “Cold Turkey”. It will be extremely unpleasant for these individuals to go through.
The various Secret Space Programs of our current era and break away civilization are all aligned with different (some times multiple) groups of off world groups. This is completely independent of the problem on Earth of the Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates that the “Earth Alliance” has done so well in combating over a protracted amount of time. With the arrival of the Sphere Beings the “Religious Fanatics” of the Secret Earth Governments first thought that “Their Gods Had Returned”. This was soon to become very much of a disappointment to them. This has also been a very unsettling time for the “SSP Alliance” who have since late December gone from a “Shadow Civil War” into an “Open Shooting War”. The Sphere Beings have been delivering a “Message” that many of them have called a “Hippy Love and Peace” message in the middle of a war. The message of becoming “More Loving”, “Service To Others”, and to “Focus on Raising Our Vibrations and Consciousness” and to practice “Forgiveness to Release Karma” is not what many of the battle hardened “SSP Alliance” members were wanting to hear. The Sphere Beings Quarantine around both the Earth and the Entire Solar System has also further complicated things for some of the “Off World Beings” and the plans of the “Secret Earth Government Elite” who had planned on “Not Being Here” when all of this went down. They are all stuck here for the “Duration” by these new arrivals who have been termed by the “SSP Alliance” as “The Sphere Alliance” (Who are 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th Density Beings/Civilizations). The 3/4tth and 4/5th Density “Custodian God’s” AKA “Custodian ET/ED Beings” that had been in control of this Solar System for MANY Thousands of years have absolutely no recourse against these “New Arrivals”. Their agenda’s have been thwarted and they are now locked inside this Solar System with us until these “Events” pay out. These will certainly be interesting times indeed for those of us who are at various stages of being awake as well as the masses who are firmly asleep.
Corey “GoodETxSG” aka “Luke”
Blog: http://goodetxsg-secretspaceprogram.blogspo