Judith Kusel

Judith Kusel: Mass Dark Energy Release

by Judith Kusel – http://www.judithkusel.com

I woke up with a deep knowing that mass dark energy has been released, not only at planetary level but individual level.

This will have ripple effects, as the last remnants are being released in the next few months.

It goes deeply into the subconscious levels, that which was deeply buried in our collective psyche for thousands of earth years. We have been freed on levels, I cannot even find words for here.

I have stated this before, and repeating it again, you are now creating your own reality, and whatever you think, speak, act upon or not, or project energetically, will manifest almost instantly. What do you wish to create in the here and now?

If you choose to focus on fear, on pain and suffering, that is what you will draw more of into your life, until you finally choose to see the beauty, the support, the love, the immense opportunities for ascending in the midst of seeming chaos.

When you choose to expect miracles, are open to abundance in every single form and way, and choose to cocreate peace, harmony, love, joy, beauty, happiness, creativity, and seek what truly inspires you, and utilize this in the highest, most loving ways, for the highest good of all:- everything changes!

Suddenly you can see clearly, and find cosmic doors open, even as your own consciousness rises and your ascension speeds up.

Today, you can choose to rise up and grow into the Master you in truth are.

Truly, you are so powerful that you can co-create heaven on earth right here and right now.

Yet more than this, in so doing, already laying down the very foundation stones for the New Golden Age, as the New Earth is already here.

Today the portals are wide open for you to quietly meditate on what you truly wish to manifest with a pure heart and pure love, for the highest good, and in highest way, for all.

More than this, to serve with Love and Joy!



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1 Comment(s)
  • What a joy to receive you Into the Light post just now,Koshima. A huge two years AND now perfect timing as the Re-ascension of Gaia and all sentient life upon her is quantum leaping.

    Welcome back and myriad blessings, love, JOY and deepest gratitude for all you are.

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