Queen Diana

Frequently Asked Questions about Ascension, Death, Sheen, etc

Q: What happens when we die? 

A: Starseeds return to their home world and Earth-native souls reincarnate. Reincarnation happens naturally to beings on every planet that aren’t Elohim or haven’t been ascended by Elohim. 

Q: What is a ‘starseed’?

A: Souls who volunteer to experience life as another being on another planet.

Q: Are starseeds ‘aliens’?

A: No, we’re all completely human. This pertains to the soul. All souls are old souls, with different paths of experience.

Q: Do we die when we ascend?

A: No, ascension is not physical death. It will be the end of death, reincarnation and sickness.

Q: Are there painful ‘ascension symptoms’?

A: No. It will happen instantly. It’s not a gradual process that includes ailments, sickness or pain.

Q: How do we Shift?

A: Galactic Federation will encircle Earth with a giant portal and around each human individually. Our bodies will literally disappear from this reality in a blink.

Q: What about children and pets? 

A: All children and animals ascend too.

Q: What about my stuff?

A: Nothing will be lost. Everything will be gained.

Q: Do we see our dead loved ones again?

A: The human body that dies here is gone, but we are souls not bodies. All humans who died will come back, either as their true selves on a craft, or be born as babies in Sheen. Everyone will know their past connections and there will be reunions for everyone in some way.

Q: Has the Shift happened yet?

A: No one has ascended yet. It will be unmistakable. It will happen instantly not gradually. We will be youthful and healthy and gain new abilities. The dark forces will be gone from our reality. Our surroundings will be renewed. Crafts will immediately land and we’ll meet our galactic family.

Q: Where do we go?

A: Sheen is the parallel 5D Earth that Galactic Federation has created for us. It is in the same location as this 3D Earth relative to our solar system. We will not board crafts to go anywhere. 

Q: How old will we be when we ascend?

A: Older adults will be youthful adults. Children will grow normally to be youthful adults. Babies will continue to be born and grow to be youthful adults.

Q: How do I know if I’m ready?

A: If you’re asking the question, you’re ready. You don’t need special information. Regular flawed people will make it, even those who are depressed or have addictions. Only those who have spent their lives hurting and deceiving others will be left but even they will have unlimited chances to change and join us in Sheen.

Q: How do you (Kab) know all this?

A: Years of Pleiadian contact.

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