Med Beds
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  • The Training That Prepares You to Operate Med Beds

The Training That Prepares You to Operate Med Beds

The training for Med Bed operators is an intense six-month journey, far removed from conventional paths of medical education.

This program is not just about learning the basic details of a new gadget; it’s an initiation into a new way of being, a preparation to wield a power that blurs the lines between science and spirituality.

Imagine entering a center where the air vibrates with the potential for what can only be described as miracles.

The team here are pioneers, trained not only in the science of healing but in the art of spiritual connection and consciousness.

This is where the future of healing lies, in facilities where technology and spirituality converge, offering hope for ailments once considered out of reach.

The promise of the Med Bed extends beyond traditional healing, offering a cure for what was once incurable without the trauma of surgery or the side effects of pharmaceuticals.

However, at the core of this technology’s potential is the requirement for a deep, spiritual connection between the operator and the device.

The training program emphasizes a critical message: the power of the Med Bed comes with immense responsibility.

It’s akin to holding the codes to a nuclear arsenal, where the potential for misuse is as significant as the technology’s healing capabilities.

Thus, the emphasis on spiritual training is the cornerstone to ensure that this technology is used ethically and wisely.

Med Beds Quantum Healing

We WISH TO TELL YOU ABOUT ONE OF THE FIRST TECHNOLOGIES, That will be released to the WORLD Population at the announcement of NESARA AND GESARA.

Along with NEW FREE ENERGY SYSTEMS, Supplied by the TESLA COILS, AND NEW ANTI-GRAVITY and REPLICATOR DEVICES, you will also be receiving brand new Holographic Medical Beds or Med Beds will come with some very Unique Features Including Diagnostic Support, Surgical Repair and Cellular and DNA Reconstruction, Rejuvenation. In short they will become and Integral part of your HEALTH CARE and HEALTH MAINTENANCE.

These MED BEDS when used in conjunction with trained MEDICAL SUPERVISION, and AUTOMATED Medical Stations will provide you with a variety of options and methods to return your physical Vessel to optimal good Health.

These Beds represent a QUANTUM LEAP in the Business of HEALTHCARE, all over your Beautiful WORLD, for there are currently enough of these BEDS to begin roll out in every country that wants them. Just imagine a HEALTH CARE Package with no CHEMOTHERAPY, TOXIC CHEMICALS, RADIATION, ORGAN REMOVAL, OR HAVING TO LIVE LONG TERM WITH SCARS, DISEASE.

DISEASE and DYSFUNCTION. If you’re thinking all of this sounds too good to be true or something out of a SCI-FI movie. We understand your Reservations, however we would ask you to remember that hiding in plain sight is one the DEEP STATE, and SECRET SPACE PROGRAM’S Favorite Tactics For A VERY long time.

The DEEP STATE HAS BEEN Showing you Technology, beyond your wildest dreams in your MOVIES like the Avengers and the KINGS MEN, Just because you think you’re watching fantasy is on you as FAR as the DARK ONES are concerned, as FAR as THEY KNOW they have been showing you the TRUTH.

You just haven’t been asking, the right QUESTIONS, or DEMANDING the RIGHT ANSWERS. It’s a nasty trick that’s been perpetrated on you. And it’s one of the DYNAMICS, that is about to change, in a DRAMATIC way with the ANNOUNCEMENT of NESARA and GESARA. As these NEW TECHNOLOGIES, will be RELEASED, as a part of that exciting and life enhancing Package.

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1 Comment(s)
  • Marguerite Linzel says:

    So excited that this technology is coming into being and accessable to more people.
    How do we go about getting the training? I would love to be part of the team.
    Love and blessings, Marguerite

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