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  • Steve Kirsch: We Can’t Find an Autistic Kid Who Was Unvaccinated

Steve Kirsch: We Can’t Find an Autistic Kid Who Was Unvaccinated

There is no Austism in the Amish community as well as all other diseases such as ADD, epilepsy and etc. They are the healthiest, why? Because they don’t follow the government’s guidelines. There is no Austism in the Amish community as well as all other diseases such as ADD, epilepsy and etc. They are the healthiest, why? Because they don’t follow the government’s guidelines. 

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1 Comment(s)
  • Dean says:

    It was Dr. William Thompson, who was head of the CDC when Dr. Andrew Wakefield presented his studies to the CDC on the data showing the MMR shots created an upsurge in autism. Dr. Thompson was told by his superiors to falsifiy Wakefield’s data. Thompson was so close to retiring that he could not jeapardize his retirement, and figured he could set the record straight after he retired. Thompson tried set the record straight, and at least got Wakefield’s medical license restored, but the damage was done. The main stream media isn’t intereted in the truth. Big pharma can’t afford a loss of revenue.

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