Pleiadian Council Of Light

The Pleiadians: Humanity is being Shaken Awake

by Chellea Wilder

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

We enjoy connecting with you. Thank you for this transmission.

Major transformation is unfolding in these pivotal moments that all of Humanity are both witnessing and experiencing collectively.

This transformation is multi-faceted, encompassing not only the awareness of our presence as Galactic Races, but also the profound shifts occurring in the realm of human conflict. The calming of wars and conflicts signifies a broader movement towards peace and understanding. Moreover, you are beginning to see disclosures emerging regarding hidden agendas that have long held Humanity captive, shrouded in secrecy and manipulation.

In the backdrop of this significant transformation, we observe chaos manifesting in various forms, such as devastating fires and peculiar weather patterns that are being manipulated for purposes that serve the interests of a few. These chaotic events are not random; they represent attempts to hinder the progress of this monumental transformation.

The less aware individuals are, the easier they become targets for manipulation and deception, leading them to accept narratives that may not align with the reality unfolding around them. Those who remain oblivious to the process of Disclosure will inevitably be forced to confront the truth head-on, which can be a jarring experience.

Many individuals have lived in a state of blindness, and as the truth emerges, they will be profoundly shaken awake. This awakening process will compel them to reassess their beliefs and understanding of their reality, prompting a deep internal reckoning.

Spiritually, it is important to recognize that most of humanity possesses a fundamentally good heart. They exhibit love for those around them and strive to help others whenever possible. However, a significant number remain unaware of the extensive deception that has been perpetuated around them. This ignorance often stems from a reluctance to confront uncomfortable truths, as doing so would disrupt their established way of thinking and believing.

It is essential to acknowledge that truth is an immutable force, existing independently of personal beliefs. Ignoring the truth does not make it disappear; rather, it highlights a preference for remaining in ignorance instead of advancing in conscious awareness. As the Earth continues to evolve and move forward, those who choose to remain in ignorance will soon discover that once they are confronted with the truth, they cannot unsee it. This revelation will inevitably alter their perspective on life and existence.

Understanding that you are on an inner journey, where the love in your heart is expanding, is crucial.

Simultaneously, there is an outer reality that must be navigated with awareness and discernment.

Both the inner and outer experiences reflect one another, creating a complex tapestry of the Human experience that is inherently collective. This means that what you observe outside of yourself is also a reflection of the collective consciousness of humanity.

It is vital to take the time to address your own personal realities, as this serves as your personal reflection. Your focus on your own manifestations plays a significant role in shaping your experiences.

The collective experiences of humanity, contribute to what can often be perceived as chaos in your reality. With everything unfolding on the world stage, this triggers a wide array of emotions within the collective consciousness, which in turn manifests as the chaos you are witnessing outside of you.

It is important to remember, dear Ones, that this chaos is not yours to bear. You have already awakened to the disclosures and truths that many others are just beginning to experience.

As you navigate this transformative period, it is essential to exercise patience with your fellow Humans, as they too are on their journey towards awakening. You are the Beacons of Truth, illuminating the path for others who may still be lost in the shadows of ignorance.

Embrace your role as a guide, and continue to radiate love and understanding as the world around you transforms. Your awareness and discernment will not only enhance your personal journey but will also contribute to the collective evolution of humanity, as you all move towards a brighter, more enlightened future.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Source via GAoG

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1 Comment(s)
  • Tanja van Eyk says:

    I would like to thank the Pleiadians, as well as ALL Light Beings who have been assisting Gaia & humanity during this transition for so long, without whom it would have been MUCH more difficult, would have definitely taken a LOT longer, or MAY NOT have occurred at all.
    I have done as much as I have been able to, to assist the transition. Releasing Darkness, as well as any & all negative programs, emotions, links & triggers from all humanity, (as well as non-humans) from all past, present, parallel & future time lines, as much as possible. Then, filling all space created with Divine Light & Love, Inner Strength, Inner Beauty, with Good Will & the Will to do Good. I thank you & all other higher beings who have assisted at this critical time. Many Blessings to ALL of you.. Thank you, Thank you.. Namaste, Tanja

    P.S. I hail from Pleiades myself and I look forwards to meeting my Star brothers & Sisters in the near future.

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