Golden Age

Judith Kusel: The New Golden Age

by Judith Kusel

I witnessed the full activation of the New Golden Age, last night, even as the sun flares are releasing immense powerful sun disc which work with the crystal pyramids and the new white golden crystalline energy grids of the New Earth.

This will gain in velocity and power in the next few weeks and months.

The sun discs are downloading the new sun technologies and new energy systems for the new earth, as all energy will be free, as even the higher consciousness within us, and those who are ready to receive and utilize these are being activated.

The two higher chambers, above the King’s Chamber, in the Giza pyramid are both now fully activated, and now functioning as one with the inner earth civilizations Great pyramid, Giza’s twin, fully anchoring in the Osiris and Isis energy, thus balance, harmony, oneness, and the connecting directly once again with the Great pyramid of Illumination in Sirius.

This means that we are entering the golden cosmic gates, of no return.

These activations are now at all levels of existence, at cellular, DNA and atomic levels, as we regain our true heritage, and more than this, our capacity to finally return to the state of ONE.

More solar flares will now erupt even as the pyramid energy rises in potency, so will our consciousness levels rise.

Yet the key to all consciousness lies within the full activation of the higher heart of Love, the higher throat and Alta Major chakra of truth with integrity and conscious communication, as the third eye merges with crown to fully activate the All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing.

The highest Wisdom of the Cosmic Tree of Life which Orion holds.

It opens the door through the Causal, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway anx Solar Junction and higher chakras fully opening in next few years, to the higher wisdom of the Great Bear once again and to full access and illumination of the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

We are indeed, with the next wave of new children coming in being lifted into a totally new existence beyond our ken, even as the old gives way for the new.

This transmission works at energetic levels and directly into your soul and into the core truth of who you are in truth.

As always serving with great love and joy.

The Counsel of Twelve and Twenty-four Elders The Logoi.


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