Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, August 20th, 2017
20.08.2017 19:53 Ann Dahlberg

I am Judas Iscariot and I have come to explain a few things today. It might look like everything is at a stand still, but that is also an illusion. There is nothing that stands still. Everything is in motion. Developments are always moving forward in one way or another. Yes, set backs can occur, but in a short time it is moving forward again with renewed force and energy. What is your saying – one step back and two steps forward. This is the way you learn and consolidate the experience you had.
Trust dear Earthlings. The trust in your hearts is the most important tool you have – The trust in yourself and the world you want to change. Do not loose your belief or your hope in yourself and the world of light that resides inside you. Hear the voice of wisdom that whispers deep in your heart. Hear how it encourages you to take small steps at a time so that your body and your fellow man can follow you on your journey. You now have that strong beams of light have reached the Earth and this light affect all people today. Yes, all that lives on and moves on Earth. There is a greater awakening on the way, which prepares the way for the New Earth to establish peace and love for all beings that lives on it. You need each other, you need to collaborate, the more hands the easier you will get your work to flow with restoring Earth to a clean and beautiful place to live.
See the signs. See the signs in the sky dear Earthlings. The time has come for large change. This is true for both an Earth and planetary level. Everything is synchronized on different levels at the same time. You cannot only affect it at your Earth level. It is bigger than that. Everything is one. You are also one with the Universe, which also transforms when our dear Mother Earth takes a new step in her evolutionary history. It is easy to focus on the outer, but in your inner space you can find all the answers, and it gives you all the harmony that you need to move on now. It is the step out into freedom, the step out in the Universe, the step to return to being a galactic being where everything is connected from the largest to the littlest. It is large dear friends on Earth, bigger than what you right now can imagine.
Be faithful in your hearts, listen inside and follow the urgings you receive there and you will see how the door has opened for the reality of light that you so long have strived for. It is here now, look around. Look around with the loving eyes, which reside in your heart and you will understand where you are heading. You will see that everything is beautiful, perfect and loving exactly here and now. We are with you and encourage you to walk the path of light that we always carry within us. The choice is yours dear Earthlings, you can choose the light and the way of the light whenever you wish to do so. A wish for help from you will always be accompanied by divine guidance. The divine guidance is within you so look for it and your life will get lighter and easier to walk.
We walk with you now. All your guides walk with you now and incessantly whisper words of wisdom in your hearts. Stop and listen and you might discover that you should take another route. Try it and your life might get a bigger meaning than you ever could have imagined.
With these words I leave you with much love.
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan