Vital Frosi

Don’t Sleep Now

Beloved Ones! A New Era is already dawning on the horizon of this Planet. It is the dawning of the long-awaited Age of Light! The moment is unique because it will bring about the awakening of humanity. The long night is finally coming to an end, just as it was announced to all of you even before you accepted the path of this earthly journey. You have forgotten everything you knew before coming here. This process of consciential amnesia was necessary, for without it, you could not experience what life is like at the furthest point from the Source, without even knowing who you are. The duality between Light and Shadow has always been the rule in this School of Souls. Read More…

The Final Wakeup Call - The world will never ever be the same again

What wonderful times we are living in! And every day that passes, we are more and more approaching the end of a long cycle. This also shows us, that a New Age is outlined in the next steps. What a privilege to be here at this time, participating in the great event of planetary transition! But we must remember that each incarnated soul has reached an individual degree of consciousness, through successive reincarnations. And this makes much difference in the way of understanding, acting and completing the great life journey of each human consciousness. Read More…