Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 29, 2019

People have been waking up for some time now to their ability to demand better representation, as their leaders have not truly put them at the head of their list. It seems that some are more interested in service to self, and it is time more attention was given to the needs of the people. Governments have proved to be too big to provide personal attention to the problems that have arisen. There is an arguable need for smaller groups that are given adequate power to serve the people on a more personal basis. Local Councils are an obvious choice if given the power and financial assistance that would be needed. In some countries the people are virtually ignored and have openly stood up against those in charge. The mood for change is very powerful and it must come if you are to move with the times. Needed changes cannot be held back as the impetus is too powerful, but sometimes it is a hard struggle to get going when the dark Ones still interfere with progress. Read More…

The Big (Exopolitics) Picture behind Trump Russia Collusion Narrative & its Collapse

With the stunning collapse of the Trump Russia collusion narrative, many are now beginning to ask why an anti-Russia hysteria was fueled by the mainstream media that drove apart the world’s foremost nuclear powers, and brought them to the brink of direct military confrontation. An explanation lies in the pivotal role Russia has been playing behind the scenes in revealing the truth about visiting extraterrestrial life and secret space programs, and Trump’s desire to collaborate in such a momentous venture. Read More…


New Discovery! Could This Man Be Changing History?

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 3/23/2019 • Little Deaths, New Births, and more...

Celebrate the changing seasons on your earth, and even more so, the changing seasons of your lives. You were born to go through cycles of birth, death, and dormancy, time and again. Some of your cycles are brief. You are born into life anew with each day. You die unto your waking lives at night when you go to sleep, renew your spirit and body, and then you are birthed anew once again. Read More…

Student versus Teacher

Dianne Robbins: The Crystals, the Earth, and all lifeforms are One Consciousness

When you can understand and integrate this concept of Oneness, your life will gain a new flow, and synchronicity will be a common occurrence, as you will operate on a higher wavelength that re-connects you with all life everywhere; thereby allowing you to access all the avenues that will lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams on Earth. Read More…

Grand Event Timelines And Possible Planetary Evacuation

For many days now I have been pondering and battling with an old timeline probability, that has seemed to present itself into this current collective timeline, although it was an older timeline scenario or probability that could come into fruition, many souls have been talking about this timeline ...“ actually becoming more real....... Read More…

Massive Repression in France against Peaceful Citizens

Georgia Pouliquen, a French female lawyer, a "Legal sniper for the "Yellow Vests", exposes in this video, the massive repression from the criminal, illegitimate and fake president, Emmanuel Macron! Read More…

Jesus through John: Life is meant to be enjoyable for all, and it can be

As humanity’s awakening process progresses rapidly and most effectively, it is producing amazing changes all over the world in the way that business, industry, politics, religion, and society in general everywhere deals with the issues that are arising, presenting them with difficult problems that need to be addressed.  Many hidden scandals and corrupt practices, that have been ongoing for many decades, are being revealed and publicized, further emphasizing the intense need for essential changes in every area of human activity, so that honesty, integrity, and love replace the odious and self serving agendas that have been common practice for such a long time. Read More…

Instantly Raise Your Vibration - The Most Powerful Methods


Saul through John: You find peace and self-acceptance as the Love that you are arises into your awareness

The rate of change that is occurring worldwide in human attitudes and behaviors is truly amazing, and is extremely uplifting and inspiring to observe.  In fact it is way beyond wonderful as more and more of you become aware that Love is the only meaningful energy with which to engage as you pursuewhatever you may be thinking, saying, or doing during your daily human activities.  The effect that you – and your numbers are VAST – who consistently and daily set the intention to be only loving, whatever arises, is fantastic.  Read More…

Message from Matthew - March 15, 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked to speak about the two crashes of the same model airplane. Nirvana’s monitors of Earth don’t know if the recent crash or the one a few months ago resulted from a “normal” malfunction or if remote manipulation may have been involved. There is no clarity in the energy field of potential either—intense backlash from dark ones attempting to stave off progress of the light has put low vibratory level streamers in a snarl, so to say. Read More…

Jesus through John: You find peace and self-acceptance as the Love that you are arises into your awareness

The rate of change that is occurring worldwide in human attitudes and behaviors is truly amazing, and is extremely uplifting and inspiring to observe.  In fact it is way beyond wonderful as more and more of you become aware that Love is the only meaningful energy with which to engage as you pursuewhatever you may be thinking, saying, or doing during your daily human activities.  The effect that you – and your numbers are VAST – who consistently and daily set the intention to be only loving, whatever arises, is fantastic.  Before you incarnated you knew that you could do this, but you did not know if you would do it, because the state of amnesia into which you slide as you embody yourselves as humans is rather like being incarcerated in a highly fortified prison or correctional facility, one that totally blocks all information from outside that might be of interest or of use to you.  You knew this would be the case, but you also knew that you had enormous power available to you if you could remember how to access it. Read More…

Life in Atlantis

There were many wonderful things about life in Atlantis. It was beautiful and for hundreds of thousands of years it was harmonious. Atlanteans didn't really marry as you think of marriage today. Atlanteans could live for a thousand years if they chose or they could live for ten years. They lived for as long that they chose to experience life in the particular set of circumstances they had chosen. It wasn't the same as your structure today. Many times there would be a union formed by a couple for a while and then one would choose to leave. There would then be a union with another soul. Read More…

Sirian Council for Planetary Advancement via Galaxygirl (3/11/19)

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/16/2019 • Life - The Soul's Dream

Imagine that all your problems are simply dreams from which you have to awaken. Imagine that you could wake up tomorrow morning, and before you even open your eyes, you think to yourself, "Oh wow!!! I remember I am an amazing creator! I had a dream that I forgot! How awful. How unpleasant. Thank Goodness, I remember now!" Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 15, 2019

This year is flying by and together with weather changes should leave you in no doubt that time is continuing to speed up. It is an indication that you are moving up with the higher vibrations that are slowly but surely leaving the lower vibrations behind. It means that as it continues you will move into a greater harmony with everything else, and little or nothing will be left at that level of a negative nature. Read More…

Your Mind Can Transform Your Body and Cure Everything

The Final Wakeup Call - Gold is Back on Track

- The End of Khazarian-controlled Central Bank debt monetary system
- The Advantages of a gold-backed Monetary System
- Gold and Silver rigging will end
- Restoration of the American Republic and EU-dismantling Read More…

Ashtar via Galaxygirl, March 11th, 2019

Greetings comrades in arms, I am your Ashtar, leader of the Intergalactic fleet for Gaia’s Ascension. Yes, we have updated our fleet name for the occasion for we as are eager as you are to see this mission completed and it is with great joy that I speak with you today.
Read More…

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland, March 11, 2019

Earlier February 26th we said a very large Galactic Federation ship with 49 smaller ships 250 feet wide carried inside was coming on 7th. They’re here. Remote viewing with John Vivanco confirmed there is an elite force, galactic police on these ships to enforce Universal Law. They wear dark purple uniforms with a belt across the chest. In a past life I was one of these warriors and know who they are and their training. Their technologies are unsurpassed and their training is liken to Ninja or Jedi. There were humanoid felines as well that can move so fast your eye can barely follow. Neither John or I were able to know their mission, yet it seems to be obvious. I was told everything is in place, the end of tyranny is near. Read More…

New Study Shows What Vegan Diets Do For Heart Health, Endurance Athletes & Sport Performance

It’s concerning how so much focus is put on transitioning from fossil fuels to clean energy technology, and absolutely no attention is paid to animal agriculture. Everybody on the planet could drive electric cars and all industries could use clean energy technology and that still would not even compare to the environmental impact of everyone adopting a plant-based diet. Due to the fact that approximately 80 percent of the Amazon rainforest is destroyed for animal agriculture, reducing our meat and dairy production would provide us with an opportunity to restore Earth’s lungs. CO2 has been much higher in the past, but deforestation was never been this bad. How come CO2 and fossil fuels are constantly being addressed, yet animal agriculture and deforestation are virtually ignored? Read More…


Benevolent Galactic Intervention Imminent

Our intent is benevolent. There is no choice for those upon the Surface that have a malevolent intent, they must comply. All leaders of the highest form upon the Surface are in complete submission, all of their planetary resources used to control this World have been benevolently compromised and those leaders no longer control the short term outcome upon the Surface. Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/09/2019 • Making Peace with Change

Take a breath while we embrace you with our love. Release your tensions, fears, upsets, anxieties and stress. Breathe in with us. Now release. The energy is circulating swiftly upon your planet. In many cases, it is bringing up old fears, old issues, and things you though you already dealt with at much deeper levels. Read More…

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner March 7, 2019

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I come to you today to help you incorporate some of what is going on with the planet at this time. There is much disturbance on the planet and around it. Vacancies are appearing. You might find some on the planet one day and gone the next. This is occurring through various means, accidents, illnesses, self-inflicted departures, and other ways. Some do not want to experience the ascension and they feel need to leave. Other places and beings are calling them. This is a true battlefield at this moment in the earth’s history. Read More…

Jesus through John: Forgiveness calms the storms of painful emotions within

The Oneness that is God, that is All That Is, includes every sentient being ever created or that ever will be created: There is NO separation!  Ever.  But, living in form, as humans, the reality of this escapes you.  You have forgotten the Truth, and because of the severely limiting beliefs that being human imposes upon you, you need divine Guidance to find your way Home.  And that Guidance – the Holy Spirit – is always with you waiting patiently for you to take the time to listen. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 08, 2019

Potentially there is nothing you cannot you do if you put your mind to it, and have total belief in your own powers. You are genetically empowered to reach certain levels that will continually rise up as you evolve. You can help yourself by projecting ideas that embrace the changes that you are working towards. By thinking big you can accelerate your evolution, as what you think is projecting the energies of possibility that in time will manifest what you seek. There is however a need to be aware that by sending out negative energies you actual attract more to yourself. Lightworkers are unlikely to do so, but there is a need to think carefully about the consequences of your thoughts before you empower them, and put simply it is that “like attracts like”. Read More…

Inner Earth - QHHT Hypnosis Session

InnerEarth060319 Read More…


If you’re feeling a bit off don’t feel alone. This has been a huge transitional past week! You may notice physical symptoms such as sore throat, headache/migraine, extreme exhaustion, upset stomach, nausea, sinus drainage, congestion in the head and sinuses, and much more. You may also notice that there are days you can barely get out of bed due to lethargy, and depression and there’s a good reason for this. Most will just pass this shift off as flu. Read More…


Saul through John: Your loving presence on Earth at this moment in her evolution is not an accident

Humanity is on the verge of an enormous breakthrough in consciousness, in awareness, that will release untold new information into every heart that chooses to open to it about your ongoing spiritual evolution.  This moment was instantly and divinely planned when you chose to undergo the experience of separation, because God, in His infinite Love for you, immediately willed that you have the perfect route out of the experience of separation and back to full awareness of your Oneness with Him.  As you have so often been told it is your natural state, and it is a state from which you have never departed, despite all the apparent evidence to the contrary. Read More…

Earth Intelligence Report - March 2019

Matt Kahn: Dissolving Sadness



The Biggest Pyramid Isn't In Egypt!

QFS Off-World Monetary System

The QFS-system will cover the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, initiated by Russia and China to replace the US-centrally-controlled Swift system. This new Quantum Financial System – QFS runs on a quantum computer, based on an orbiting satellite, and is protected by Secret Space Programs to ensure that it cannot be hacked. The quantum technology was provided by benevolent extraterrestrial Galactics. The purpose of the new financial system is to put an end to Cabal corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking world. The key is to implement limitations that will prevent corrupted banksters from gaining significant profits. Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/02/2019 • Love Feels Better!

It is time upon your earth to resolve your love/hate relationships. You really love everyone! You really love everything. When we say "you" in this context, we mean your soul. You are nothing less than love. Herein lies a confusing point for most of the human race. Your soul loves it all because your soul knows that everything and everyone is the Divine in disguise. However, you came to earth with very distinct personalities, distinct preferences, and distinct likes or dislikes. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 01, 2019

If you ever doubted that big changes were ahead you only have to look at the unusual weather patterns. Add to this a distinct change in the wishes of the people who now desire to have a much bigger say in the affairs of the Earth. For too long they have been subjected to wishes of the few who have led humanity along a path to near destruction of the whole Earth. Fortunately, although small in numbers, sufficient of them have raised their vibrations to carry humanity past the marker of 2012. The consequence is that instead of gloom and doom, you have entered a period of great hope and potential that is now with you. Read More…

My Teleportation experience of going to Jupiter’s Moon Ganymede And the Human Colonies

Astronomers Paradise | 2019 Remastered Edition

MASTERING YOUR MASTERY ~ The ELOHIM via Adele Arini, 27 Feb 2019

It is time that we play a bigger part of your life from this moment onward. We are the Elohim. Our name is synonymous with God, Supreme Creator & Source of ALL. In this vast Kingdom of God, we are the Beings who get sent out to create, expand and multiply. As a group, we act as the 'right hand' of God; we are truly the building blocks of ALL in Creation. We get to assist on the creation of complex physical structures of any kind, as we are the eternal bridge between non-physical and physical. Read More…

Deep State can't stop the Great Awakening: DAVID WILCOCK Exclusive Interview

Saul through John: By spending time quietly within you will come to a state of self-acceptance and peace which cannot be found in the world outside

The Tsunami of Love continues to strengthen and intensify as more and more of you set and hold the intention daily to be only loving, whatever arises.  You all incarnated to do just this, and you are doing it, and it is having a most wondrous effect.  Do not doubt the efficacy of your intentions!  Without them the awakening would be moving a lot less rapidly, so your intentions truly are a most essential aspect of humanity’s collective awakening.  When you come into awareness of what you have achieved you will be amazed, and filled with untold joy.  In fact, you will have become fully awake, you will have returned to your natural and most holy state, that of knowing that you are One with and inseparable from God. Read More…