Teri Wade
Call Of The Ancient – Body Changes
04.11.2022 19:26
We are changing on a molecular level. (Cellular transformation) Many of you are experiencing headaches, nausea, dizziness, feeling of spinning and loss of emotional centering. A fundamental change is taking place in your house meaning we are changing our DNA while living in it. We are genetic engineers of the New World species. During cellular transformation repigmentation of our skin will begin to occur many will see unusual marks on the surface of their skin… brown, red, white etc. this can occur on young people as well as older bodies. This is a temporary repigmentation that will allow the skin to come into its true purpose. This is brought on by the blood cell membranes being enriched by oxygen and bringing them closer to the surface. Read More…
It's not time for Hesitation...
24.06.2022 21:15
Many of you that have awakened to the evil and incredible atrocities that has been happening on this planet pretty much our entire existence are the ones that are going to transform this planet. It's called the Golden Age! The ignorant, inexperienced and those who want to remain stagnant will have no effect on this transformation whatsoever. It is no coincidence those of you who have awakened to this information through DNA upgrades and activation are here to navigate others through these end times transitioning to this Golden Age. Read More…
3D chaos
14.06.2022 20:12
What a crazy but interesting time we are experiencing. Many are feeling the emotion of hopelessness because of the current global situation taking place. This is because the negative, low vibrational energies are being amplified meaning this old structure is going out kicking and screaming. What we are seeing is an energy response to the false fear information being promoted by the mainstream media and by those who remain in ignorance. Read More…
Human modification
10.06.2022 18:46
The war on human consciousness is bubbling to the surface like never before. If you are one of those that cannot see this yet you must be in a state of "necessary sedation" for some individual reason. You can clearly see the agenda to manipulate the weather, environment, the food supply, the human DNA and the incredible manipulation that's going on of the human consciousness through genetic engineering. For those who understand the incredible potential of our 12 strand DNA is it any wonder that the negative alien agenda has went to such great lengths to manipulate it especially during this current Ascension process. When you start connecting the dots it becomes very apparent why full disclosure is needed. Read More…
White Hat Takeover
10.05.2022 19:50
If you look back only a few years wow have things changed, this is because of the White hat takeover. They are assisting humanity bringing us to a shared timeline of Light. The success of the White Hat takeover within the U.S Military was a key factor. Cosmic, Universal law was petitioned to help assist our species confidently trigger the shift in consciousnesses and role out a global shift towards a timeline of Light. These top officials of the US military started to realize what was happening and decided to plan a takeover of this global Cabal who have destroyed our planet through their wars. The Trump administration was put in place by these White Hats at the top of the US military to take down this global scourge. Again, nothing is a coincidence. The placement of Donald Trump and his administration has been in the works for decades. Read More…
Moving forward
26.04.2022 21:11
Many of you know this but we did not incarnate on this planet for a vacation of avoidance. We incarnated on this planet to participate in this transition. We are experiencing a realm split meaning what was once an emulsified cohesion of layers is now separating and we are seeing those lower density layers go down the drain. The old guard is on its way out. Read More…
Let me tell you a story...
11.03.2022 18:01
For a very long time our world has been under the growing influence of a vast trans-generational criminal mafia that was able to rise up to the highest levels of power. We didn’t know because they talked and acted just like you and me. We thought we could recognize true criminals by their words and actions, but were deceived by their sophisticated speech, wealth, education, beauty and power. Through a system of threats, blackmail and bribery, they would come to occupy the highest levels of power in government, corporations and education. You may know them the Deep State, or Cabal. Most dangerously of all, they achieved almost total influence over the media - their primary means of controlling the good people of the world who were just trying to get on with living. They used this power to slowly convince us that WE were the problem, that we were a threat to each other. Read More…
The Cosmic Battle
09.03.2022 20:32
We humans are a very sought after commodity throughout our solar system. For both malevolent and benevolent reasons. We are The Great Experiment! We've had our DNA spliced and diced from many different races for the purpose of creating something "that has not yet been created.” So all this genetic material we're made of is very important to both the good and the bad. "We are literally the Gods we've been waiting for.” This is the core purpose of our suppression. Meaning, these negative beings fear the day we all wake up to this knowledge of ourselves. One agenda wants us to perish, one agenda wants us to thrive! Read More…
Releasing the Trauma
20.12.2021 20:15
As we all know this is not an easy time being a participant currently on Earth. Really, what's happening is we are shedding the heaviness that we all have accumulated along the way. I believe what we are experiencing is the repeating of trauma of our past meaning we're repeating Atlantis and the Orion wars. Atlantis was a highly technological and spiritually advanced society which we have on Earth now. Earth is also becoming very advanced in technology and we're all becoming very aware of the advancement in the human race as we become very evolved humans. Earth is much more diverse than we were in the days of Atlantis but just as polarizing. I've said this in the past that the Old Testament was about Atlantis and if we repeat the same patterns we will receive the same fate. That diversity connects us to all different star systems in the galaxy. Read More…
Human DNA
17.12.2021 20:32
Humanity has been sought after our entire existence due to a little thing called human DNA. Our DNA has been damaged and we have been dumbed down to the point that we've never known how incredible we really are. Our DNA is being activated meaning, those two biological strands of DNA (in 1st photo) are starting to talk to those 10 strands of DNA that spiral and intertwine up thru them. Those 10 strands of DNA have been intentionally cut from us (in 2nd photo) because those 10 strands are our inter-dimensional strands. Read More…
Bringers of the Light...
14.12.2021 20:22
So much is shifting in our world that is not being reported on by our news media. But it’s not so much in an outwardly feeling as inward. And that ability to feel inwardly is a beautiful, profound and undeniable feeling of higher Universal consciousness. That intuitive feeling is a beautiful gift that we’ve always had and it’s getting stronger and stronger brought on by these higher frequencies. I know the world seems to be in complete chaos right now but this is why you’re here. You came to Earth to see the old structures breakdown. You’re here to watch the last grasp of the fear-based structure we’ve only known our entire existence.
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From Tyranny to Liberation
05.10.2021 20:00
With all this extreme chaos currently going on so many don't realize that it stems from a global control structure. Humanity is having their own victim patterns used against them and manipulated into emotional storms of hatred and violence serving the very people they claim to be against, completely ignorant of their handlers. What so many people aren't asking themselves is who are the dividers? Who are the profiteers that sit on the top of the pyramid of war and disease? They own your religions, politicians, mainstream media and monetary systems. What many don't understand is they also own your mind and the last thing they want is for you to take the red pill. Read More…
Replaying Atlantis
03.09.2021 21:25
The splitting of two worlds couldn't be more apparent with the ushering in of the last couple years. Right now on the surface humanity is going to extremes, chaos is boiling over in the streets and humanity is being forced to pick a side. What's happening is we are replaying Atlantis, we are replaying the Orion wars. The Atlanteans were highly spiritual and very advanced technologically. Again, we are replaying Atlantis meaning we have highly evolved technology and what's happening to the human race right now is we are advancing spiritually on a rapid scale. This Awakening that's happening to mankind is no coincidence we have been through this before. Read More…
Almost there
27.08.2021 21:01
Just a little bit further, I know you cannot see the finish line yet but trust me it's there. This is not your typical 26.2 mile marathon. Nope, since November 3rd we've been running an ultramarathon through Hell. Metaphorically speaking this is the greatest ultramarathon the world has ever known. It is 666 miles. We're approaching mile 500 and are about to start picking up the pace a bit. If you want to change your socks do it now. It's about to get real ugly. Read More…
20.08.2021 21:14
Many have woken up to not only the darkness of the true reality of our world but just how global corporacy has hijacked our lives. Many are paying close attention to their shrinking wallets and the political circus currently being played out on the global stage. The system is now in the limelight but not how the global power structure would like. The social engineering agenda of dumbing the masses down to obedient little minions has been successful but too many are suffering and looking for answers now. Read More…
20.08.2021 21:08
It will take 2,000 years to travel through these high frequency bands of the Photon Belt being streamed from the Great Central Sun. When we entered Aquarius in 2012 there was no other option but change. A higher vibrational existence was bound to happen. Every transition into a new Age is accompanied by global change and increasingly radical weather conditions. Read More…
The Metamorphosis of the World...
02.07.2021 21:41
There is no doubt we are in transformational times. The planet and all its inhabitants are shifting out of the old ways of being ruled by fear. We are transitioning to a world steered toward peace and harmony ruled by Universal Law. This time in our history was always going to happen it was inevitable. Our planet was always going to return to alignment with harmonic convergence with the Universe. We are experiencing an incredible uptick of Light from our Central sun that is making this all happen. This new Light emits light codes to manifest this New Earth. It’s not a coincidence that millions of us are waking up to this! Read More…
The Event
08.06.2021 21:06
What is the Event? The Event could possibly be the most important event to occur in humanity's evolution to date and could possibly occur in our very near future. If you're coming from a biblical perspective some call this the Rapture. The Event is a quantum shift in our consciousness that will affect everyone of us in profound ways. Currently, every person is/has been going through an Ascension process whether you're aware of it or not. You are going through it on an individual level and we're going through it collectively also. This Ascension process is made up of many multi-layered, gradual experiences all to prepare us for this final event that could soon erupt in a single powerful event that would bring to an end of humanity's long, long history and usher in a new beginning. Read More…
From Tyranny to Liberation
01.06.2021 21:07
With all this extreme chaos currently going on so many don't realize that it stems from a global control structure. Humanity is having their own victim patterns used against them and manipulated into emotional storms of hatred and violence serving the very people they claim to be against, completely ignorant of their handlers. What so many people aren't asking themselves is who are the dividers? Who are the profiteers that sit on the top of the pyramid of war and disease? They own your religions, politicians, mainstream media and monetary systems. What many don't understand is they also own your mind and the last thing they want is for you to take the red pill. Read More…
A Message to Humanity...
07.05.2021 21:20
It’s time for the world and America to wake up and grow up and end the ignorance and beliefs that have nothing to do with God or the origins of humanity. We no longer have the luxury of remaining in ignorance and acting outside of Universal Law. What is being done in the name of God and country is an abomination. We have been lied to and mind controlled our entire existence and it must end. Earth has been visited and colonized many, many times going back hundreds of millions of years. The Annunaki… Those who came from Heaven to Earth were one of these colonizers. Some of these races operated under Universal Law and service to others, others were self-serving and took advantage of the human race. Read More…
White Hat takeover…
26.02.2021 21:51
If you look back a few years ago wow have things changed, this is because of the White hat takeover. They are assisting humanity bringing us to a shared timeline of Light. The success of the White Hat takeover within the U.S Military was a key factor. Cosmic, Universal law was petitioned to help assist our species confidently trigger the shift in consciousnesses and role out a global shift towards a timeline of Light. Read More…
White Hat Takeover!
24.07.2019 17:47
If you look back only a couple years wow have things changed, this is because of the White hat takeover. They are assisting humanity bringing us to a shared timeline of Light. The success of the White Hat takeover within the U.S Military was a key factor. Cosmic, Universal law was petitioned to help assist our species confidently trigger the shift in consciousnesses and role out a global shift towards a timeline of Light. Read More…