September 2018
Using Pendulums 101: Getting Answers From Your Higher Self and Spirit
30.09.2018 12:57 Spirit Science
A pendulum is a powerful tool that is used to get straightforward, simple answers—often to yes or no questions. Like other tools, a pendulum helps you receive information that is already known either by your subconscious or the universal collective consciousness. Tools are extras; you do not need tools, you can use your intuition to get the same results. However, using a tool helps set an intention, direct the energy, and teach the mind to go to that highly intuitive place every time you see your pendulum. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/29/2018 • My Dreams for Your Joy...
30.09.2018 12:54 Ann Albers
I never intended for you to suffer. When I dreamt you into being, my desire was to explore the many facets of self. I was still, silent potential and I began to imagine worlds, in much the same ways you – who are created in my image and likeness energetically – do when you are little children. I imagined worlds with beings of varied races and species. As I created, and experienced, these worlds within me, I imagined even greater possibility. Read More…
A Message to Lightworkers – September 28, 2018
30.09.2018 12:49 Caroline Oceana Ryan
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again. Our writer has asked us to address the issue of sexual assault as it is being discussed now on television and all other forms of media. For many, this is a time of revolution—a time of freedom from the shame, low self-worth, sadness, and feelings of loss they have experienced since being attacked, or abused in an ongoing way. Read More…
DIVINE MOTHER GOD through Dancing Dolphin: "The time has come to send the final wave of my tsunami of love" 9-24-18
30.09.2018 12:27 Dancing Dolphin | Mother God
Yes, dear heart, this is Mother God and I do have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth and for all my Children of Earth. My children, the time has come for me to send the final wave of my tsunami of love, of what you are now calling “The Event.” For in truth, I have been sending this wave of brilliant love light for a couple of years now but had to tone it down so I wouldn't overload your systems. Read More…
St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin on Sept 22, 2018 **RV/GCR SitRep**
23.09.2018 18:55 Dancing Dolphin | St. Germain
Are you ready, dear hearts? Are you ready for your New Earth to be born and realized? You have all worked so hard in creating her with your thought forms and manifesting exactly what you want to see in your New Earth. You have all created this New Earth together and Mother has given her bright blessings on Gaia's new form. You will all indeed be there shortly for things are progressing very nicely. Read More…
Earth Intelligence Report - September 22nd (Intervention Fleets)
23.09.2018 18:51 Brad Johnson | Earth Intelligence Report
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/22/2018 • The Answer to all Problems
23.09.2018 18:44 Ann Albers
It happened again this week. As I sat to channel the angel messages, I felt the most loving presence come over me and the words came with a great sense of peace. I suspect we'll go back to the angels' voice at some point, but for now enjoy the sweetness of the energy behind these words... Read More…
Healing Core Wounds - Matt Kahn
23.09.2018 18:40 Matt Kahn
Energy Management and Empowerment: A Guide for Empaths
23.09.2018 18:31 Spiritual Awakening
For years, I identified myself as an empath. As a child, I grew accustomed to always anticipate and sense the energy around my moody dad who loved me very much, but was not conscious of managing his emotions. It felt like the natural thing for me at the time to learn as quickly as I could how to work with the energy in my environment, as well as to do whatever I could to please others so they could feel better and less grumpy. Read More…
Sheldan Nidle Update - 18.09.2018
18.09.2018 21:35 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Selamat Balik! We return with uplifting news! Progress continues. The dark cabal has reached the point where its only option is to surrender. Every strategy to disrupt the Light has utterly failed. We are approaching the very brink of events that are to be the true prelude to your freedom and the rise of new governance. Along with our Earth allies, we are in the middle of executing a well-thought-out plan that is dismantling the existing power structure. A sweeping series of untested strategies is being successfully implemented that continues to perplex the dark cabal. Read More…
18.09.2018 21:31 Patricia Cota-Robles
Message from Matthew - September 15, 2018
18.09.2018 21:21 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. If you are sensing that something important is afoot, you may be responding to the energy of behind-the-scenes efforts that are poised for action. Those efforts are why we are speaking about the incredulity of numerous readers that Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump are in the international group working to abolish the Illuminati’s criminal empire and hold the guilty accountable. Read More…
Did The Anunnaki Build The Pyramids of Giza?
18.09.2018 21:18 Galactic History
SANAT KUMARA, PLANETARY LOGOS through Dancing Dolphin: "Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns!"
16.09.2018 13:30 Sanat Kumara | Dancing Dolphin
A massive cleansing took place this week. You have a clean slate and Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns! I am asking this One to be patient now because I do have a further message and that is that I would like to announce that I am Sanat Kumara, I am the Planetary Logos of Gaia at this time. I have seen the many notable messages given here and would like to add my own essence to the message to Lightworkers of Gaia. Read More…
SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin: "Call on us. Ask us for help! We love to help!"
16.09.2018 13:27 Dancing Dolphin | Sananda - Jesus
Yes, Dear One, this is Sananda and I would love to tell the Lightworkers of Earth that we are here, that we are always here and would love for you all to call on us more often. We see you all struggling with the heavy energies, the incessant news stories which are created to drain your energy, the high stress levels that you all have in your lives and many, many other reasons. Read More…
"GCR/RV, Zim Bonds, and Zimbabwe" by Ron Giles - 9.15.18
16.09.2018 13:20 Financial System | Geopolitics
Through the tapestry of intel comes the reality of what is taking place, UNLESS one does not see what can be seen. The value of the Zim Bonds ends up being astronomical. How can that be? The narrative begins with the use of the in-ground assets by the Zimbabwean Government under the Mugabe Regime. The assets have been prostituted for personal gain. When a puppet dictator tries to take back what he has sold to the Cabal, he and the country will suffer. He's lucky he was not killed by his people. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/15/2018 • Melting into God...
16.09.2018 13:14 Ann Albers
Hi Everyone - For over 17 years I've channeled angel messages. This one is different. I was sitting in a comfy chair late at night, fingers on the keyboard, waiting for the angels, when this came through. I'll describe the experience in my message this week. For now breathe and ask to feel the beauty of the Presence sharing these words...
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Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 14, 2018
14.09.2018 20:03 Mike Quinsey
Progress may seem slow but in reality so much is taking place. You are looking at worldwide events that are slowly but surely pushing the dark Ones back, and preventing them from being able to prevent good progress being made. What only few of you will know is that the Lightworkers operate at a high level, where they have the influence and power to set moves in position that will further advance matters to the benefit of the Light. There has always been a plan to oust the dark Ones who had reached a stage where they were lulled into false confidence into believing that they were close to taking over control of the Earth and its people. The plan has always been to see that once Humanity passed the marker, those souls who were ready would in any circumstances successfully reach Ascension. Read More…
Monthly Message from Dianne Robbins: Your Unending Wars Against Nature
14.09.2018 19:53 Dianne Robbins
We are the Tree People, decked out in our Sunday best of greenery, standing tall and firm in the ground. Although there is much smoke surrounding us here in the state of California, we see through the smoke and it doesn’t cloud our vision as it clouds yours. We know you cannot see the Mountain from your house or city of Mt. Shasta, but we Trees that surround you can see it. Read More…
Saul through John: Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine
14.09.2018 19:39 Saul | John Smallman
Humanity’s spiritual evolution is now progressing very rapidly, as it most certainly needs to do. There is an enormous amount of evidence available on-line confirming this. Be of good cheer, your awakening is imminent! Yes, there is much chaos and confusion across the world, as “stuff” that needs to be addressed arises into everyone’s awareness, and this can be quite alarming, especially for those – and there are many of them – who have, until now, been solely concerned with their daily lives as humans. Read More…
14.09.2018 18:58 Patricia Cota-Robles
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/08/2018 • Choices, Choices....
14.09.2018 18:55 Ann Albers
Your life is filled with choices from the moment you awaken until the moment you fall asleep. You decide, for example, to open your eyes or not when your alarm rings. You decide if you will get up, get out of bed, and go to work or get to your day’s tasks. You decide what to wear, what to eat, what to think, what to say, and so much more. Read More…
Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?
Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack. There is widespread agreement among these insider sources that some sort of major, visible action against this genocidal, globalist entity is now impending. Read More…
A Message to Lightworkers – September 7, 2018
09.09.2018 20:09 Caroline Oceana Ryan
We see that many of you are somewhat watching the clock or the calendar (though you feel their increasing irrelevance), wondering when the Big Moment you are sensing drawing nearer is going to actually occur. And we would say that your anticipation of that moment is assisting it in occurring. In fact, it is not just one moment you are looking forward to, and co-Creating with your expectations and images, but a whole series of moments. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 07, 2018
07.09.2018 20:19 Mike Quinsey | Kryon
I believe our curiosity about our past is now being covered by some recent messages, as it seems that now we have passed the marker of 2012 we are considered ready and more evolved to accept and understand more about our past. As we are now on the path to Ascension we certainly expect to become more enlightened. We have been held back for many, many years and have much to learn about the truth of our past. The future is becoming more clear and welcoming, knowing that we are leaving the old lower vibrations behind, with all of their dark energies and those souls who refuse to return to the Light. Peace and happiness is beckoning and in the not too distant future we shall be so evolved, that we become Galactic beings. Read More…
ACCESSING YOUR FIFTH DIMENSIONAL SELF ~ Father God via Adele Arini, 7 September 2018
07.09.2018 20:12 Adele Arini
It has been a few months ever since Adele channeled her last message from me and rapid personal growth have transpired for a lot of people during this short time. As a group, especially all of you who have been closely following our higher dimensional discourses here, you are now ready to move forward in greater understanding. The time has come for you to embrace more of who you are. It is NOW time for you to shine so brightly with the Divine Power of your Soul. The aspect of your inner Self, that is the God/Goddess part of you, is ready to be born. Read More…
Update by Sheldan Nidle - 03.09.2018 - The return of the Light to planet Earth...
04.09.2018 19:19 Sheldan Nidle | Galactic Federation
Dratzo! We return! Your progress toward achieving ultimate victory for the Light continues to move ever forward, step by step. As we watch the way the Alliance, our Earth allies, work together to implement the very discreet and painstakingly orchestrated blueprint that we helped them formulate, we can’t help but feel some pride. Their dynamic plan of action continues to bewilder the overconfident dark cabal. Multi-dimensional in nature, up until now the strategy has been slow and steady. Expect to see an acceleration of movement as Truth continues to be revealed. Read More…
04.09.2018 19:15 Patricia Cota-Robles
GCR/RV/GESARA Intel Update: "Welcome" -- September 1, 2018
If you’re reading this it means you have reached the end of the revaluation of global currencies odyssey (aka the RV)! This summary is to help those who are late to awaken to the coming global economic transition, as well as serve to aid in your deeper educational understanding of what has already occurred to reach this end; and what may occur in the future, as well as to calm your heart and mind so that you can engage in a very safe, historically abundant currency redemption event which will change life for generations of your friends and family. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/01/2018 • Who do you Trust? How do you know?
02.09.2018 17:06 Ann Albers
In a world with many truths, it is important to examine the questions, "How do you know when to trust?" "Whom do you trust?" This is especially true now that you have access to such a wealth of information and opinions on your Internet social media. You all want to trust and yet many of you are wary, because you've had that trust betrayed. So how do you stay open to life, open to other human beings, open to hearing the many perspectives, and still honoring of your own beautiful hearts? Read More…
Spiritual Protection Tools Every Empath Should Know
02.09.2018 16:55 Spirit Science | Health
An empath is a person who can sense subtle energies around them—environmental, spiritual, and emotional. Unlike highly sensitive people, an empath can be an extrovert, but without spiritual and mental protection, empaths often resort to more time alone. Being an empath can teach you a lot about the world and others around you, things that others may not know. The con to being an empath is that it can become overwhelming to feel everyone’s emotional state all the time. There is no need to hermit yourself though. All you need is spiritual protection tools for yourself, and you can lead an active social life without it becoming too much. Read More…