Dancing Dolphin

METAMORPHOSIS - A Message for Lightworkers & Humanitarians from Dancing Dolphin - 09.08.2022

Greetings Lightworkers & Humanitarians! We have endured much these many years together; it's been rough at times for sure. However, the trials of our journey through this testing process have not been in vain. The waiting and repeated disappointments have tempered the steel of our convictions to be strong and yet pliable for the next adventure. We traversed this process with strength and courage and have been assisted by the Higher Realms as well. Read More…

Timing of RV, Med-Beds, Timeline split, Solar Flash/Ascension? Arch Angel Michael, Commander Ashtar & Mother Mary

What’s happening with the RV, Med-Beds, Solar Flash/Ascension, Timeline split?  I asked my contacts to provide a message for Lightworkers if they had something to share on this topic.  I asked for clarification only because I realize that we cannot get timing on these events.  This was a verbal message and I transcribed it later, over a few days. I also asked Metatron to be my Gate Keeper for protection and to allow only one Being in at a time.  Read More…

GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT: “Grand news to bring much jubilation…your Ascension Event!” 12-18-21

We come with this message tonight for all our Gaian family. Things have been changing dramatically upon your world, and you have all felt it for many years now. The pace has quickened. World events are happening that you do not understand. Massive energy has been sent to Gaia via solar flares and other celestial events. Your personal lives changed severely in the last year and a half, and this break forced many Gaians to re-evaluate their lives. All this chaos is not coincidence, dear Gaians. It is all connected, all of this has a purpose, and that purpose is your Ascension. Read More…

June 2009 Star Glyph Crop Circle translation: Galactic Federation of Light through Dancing Dolphin on October 23, 2021

Attention! Attention! The time of the ‘Great Experiment’ has ended. Time everlasting on your planet has been devoted to the contributions of hu-mans and their potential to inhabit the galaxy and the omniverse. The ‘Great Experiment’ has been a test of your species. The test has been long and arduous and even longer and more difficult than you realize. After eons of watching and observing, we have decided that the future of hu-mankind in the galaxy is not to be reckoned with. This means that it is inevitable. You have proved yourselves worthy of joining (what you may call) the Galactic Federation of Light, (but what we call) Our Group of Enlightened Beings from all over your galaxy, the universe and even beyond what you can imagine. Read More…

My Soul Tribe as it relates to Gaia - Dancing Dolphin's Higher Self

Well, let’s start at the beginning, dear One. OUR Soul Family is the best of course, because we are in it! (She laughs). No seriously, we are the best!!!! We have so much love, joy, camaraderie, friendship, respect and support for each other. We are all individuals, but we are ONE. On Gaia, we have been here since her birth. We volunteered for this project right out of the gate. We have excellent credentials and reputation, so this gig was offered to us at day one. We took it!!! Gladly! Whole heartedly, without hesitation!!! Yes, as you have been told before, this is our 9th Ascension world/project and we love these!! It’s the long haul, billions of years. We take turns, we take lifetimes together and apart, we seed light, we seed insight, we seed love, we seed illumination, we seed inventions, we seed original thought, we seed revolutions when necessary, we seed grand scale events and timelines. Read More…

Message from Sananda through Dancing Dolphin - STAY THE COURSE - May 17, 2021

Dear Lightworkers, you are so loved and so treasured! You are not alone on your journey, all you need do is ask for help. Angels will come to your aid, I will come to your aid! You will not see us most likely, but you will feel our energy, our powerful energies and our love, just as this one is feeling my love now. I want to tell you that as the chaos level rises on your world, it seems that more and more things will be coming to your attention daily that will be a shock to you. Things are going to be disclosed that were previously held in back rooms and underground; things that were secret are going to be disclosed very shortly. So, some of you may be in for a big shock as the world has not been what you were told it was. I wish to say to you STAY THE COURSE. Although things will be revealed that you did not know about, it does not change your MISSION, it does not change WHY you came here. Read More…

Divine Mother God "Your Liberation Day is almost at hand!" Good Friday, April 2, 2021

Dearest Diana, thank you for contacting me on this auspicious day. I AM your Mother God, the Divine Mother to All. Your Father, the Divine Masculine is here with me and of course, is represented in my words to you. For yes, I would love to give a message to my Children on Gaia. Dear Children, time is running short. The great cosmic clock has been set and is counting down to your sweet liberation from tyranny!! You are just seconds, minutes away from your freedom!!!!! Things will begin to change in a very short time and you may be stunned. It is because much has been going on behind the curtains, much has been hidden from you and now you need to see the truth. This refers to the truth of such things as what your “leaders” and others have told you. You have been deceived these many millennia. Read More…

ArchAngel Metatron "the Time of Peace and Prosperity Has Come!" through Dancing Dolphin 1-16-21

Yes, dear one, I AM here and I AM your Metatron. I AM here today to give you a message for Lightworkers - all those in body and out of body who are working towards the Ascension, working towards the RV, the Golden Age of Gaia, Peace on Earth, the Golden Age, whatever you may call it. The time of Peace and Prosperity has come! It is finally here on Gaia. Read More…

Divine Mother God - Connect with Us, Update from Gaia, Community, BE KIND & Emissaries of Light - 11.22.2020

Dear Children, my Children who currently live on Gaia; I send each and every one of you my love every day, every minute, every second. I am continually sending all of you my love. Of course, when I say “my” I mean “Mother & Father”. We are together, we are not separate even though some of you think of us as different aspects. We are ONE just as you all are ONE with us. You each have a piece of us inside you, so needless to say, each and everyone of you can talk to us any time of the day or night. We hear you, we feel you, we are always in constant contact with all of you. Read More…

ASHTARA's Message to Lightworkers on 9-7-20

I AM Ashtara of the New Jerusalem starship.  What a lovely day it is for those who celebrate ‘Labor Day’ as you call it in the US and Canada. From our ship we see many families and friends gathering together to celebrate life! The joys, the freedoms, the sadness, the laughter and the love. In the near future, many of your days will be like this one; relaxed and joyful. For in the future, many of you will be living in 5D and will have the leisure of your days and nights. You will be inspired to create what you wish as your ‘job’ and have much ‘down time’ to enjoy with family and friends. For this is the way that life was intended. Read More…

DIVINE MOTHER GOD through Dancing Dolphin - Corona Virus, RV & Humanitarian Work, Manifesting...

This is your Mother God, I hear your concerns, upset and your anger. You and many other sensitive Lightworkers cannot stand to see people suffer. It hurts your heart and it hurts my heart too. You are all my children and I don't want to see anyone suffer. But we must let this play out. We cannot interfere. To your question about the virus, it does serve many purposes and it was maliciously released to the public at a time when many people would be traveling around both Eastern and Western holidays, your Christmas & New Year's and the Lunar New Year for the Chinese people. Read More…

Ashtar's Message to Lightworkers via Dancing Dolphin - January 9, 2020

The one thing that I would like to share at this moment is we have never been so close as we are right now. You all have never been this close to tip-toeing over what you think of as the Boundary, or the Rainbow Bridge or just the Finish Line to get to your 5D Ascension. You are literally tip-toeing over the line! (made me laugh). Many, many of you, your Gaians crossed the Rainbow Bridge during the Winter Solstice. Many have been doing so for months. But a grand influx of you came over during the Solstice. Although you know that the goal is to ascend in your bodies, many did pass on and came over also. But a large majority did come over in their bodies! Read More…

ASHTARA's 4th Message - 12-22-19 - Dancing Dolphin

Dear Lightworkers of Earth, I AM Ashtara of the New Jerusalem starship and I have a message for you on this day. The time is NOW for you to step into your FULL BEING!  BE the Soul that you are! You are all Mighty Warriors of Love and it is time to show it! When the chaos starts, you will be the one in your community that others will look up to. Your job is to stand firm, stand tall and shine your love and light out to all. Everything will be OK! Read More…

Sananda through Dancing Dolphin - You Are All Powerful Creators!

Dear DD, it is I, Sananda who would love to give a message to Lightworkers of Earth at this moment. This is Sananda, I am the OverSoul of the one you call Jesus or Yahshua or Yeshi. Although there are various levels in our Soul, we each keep our own personality even after the life has passed for one of our Soul Sparks. I hope this clarifies my various lives and/or existences for anyone who was confused. Read More…

ASHTARA "Your Astral Travel Visits to Our Starships" through Dancing Dolphin

Hello, dear Lightworkers of Earth! This is Ashtara speaking to you again today from the New Jerusalem starship of the Ashtar Command. I have much to address today, let's get started! Firstly, I am ever so pleased that my messages have reached so many Lightworkers around the world, your Gaia. Thank you to everyone who has shared them. It is vital at this time for all Lightworkers to connect to their StarChildren, or blended children. Many, many of you have at least one blended child and they are waiting very patiently for you to remember them and to communicate with them. Read More…

A Message from Ashtara of the New Jerusalem starship to the Lightworkers of Gaia

Hello, dear Lightworkers of Gaia! My name is Ashtara. I am the daughter of the one receiving this message and my Father is from Arcturus. Neither my birth Mother nor Father raised me. I was raised in many places, but mostly onboard the starship called the New Jerusalem. My Mother agreed to donate her egg for my creation before she was even born on Gaia. It was one of many of her Divine Covenants. Read More…

Gaia Has Ascended & the Grand Flash by Divine Mother God - Received 3-25-19 Published 10-22-19

After many millennia, I have decided to take back the Light from Gaia, to take back what was freely given. Now, for you as my children, this sounds like a bad thing, but I assure you dear children, it is not. It simply means that I have infused dear Gaia with my light and love and now am taking it back; taking it to a new place, a new realm or dimension as you all like to say. I am removing the former light and replacing it with a newer, more intense, more illuminated light for her bright, pristine new body. She deserves to have a new light to show off her new body as it were. Read More…


I AM Mother God and I wish to tell all my Children that I am ever so proud of you! You came, you volunteered on this grand experiment of Gaia's journey from dark to light, and you have all accomplished your goal. You have worked together tirelessly with all of Gaia's kingdoms, your Galactic family and the Company of Heaven to accomplish this giant task together. Your Father and I are extremely proud! Read More…

Arch Angel Michael through Dancing Dolphin - 1-6-19 - Ascension Update

Yes, Dear Heart, I AM Arch Angel Michael and I am privileged to give you a report today at your request. Well, let's not make it so much as a report (which sounds too formal), but an Update on what has been going on lately. Yes, I realize that many of your Lightworker friends are on my Team, Dear Heart. We all know each other well as you say. This is because we all took an oath to Mother & Father that we would assist any way we could to bring the Light back to Gaia. For some of us, this means literally battling the dark ones who wish to stay here where they have had it good for eons. However, they are not allowed to stay, per Mother & Father's decree. It is past time for them to leave and we have to show many the door! Read More…

Divine Mother God through Dancing Dolphin - Tsunami of Love Update 12-11-18

Dear Children, many, many things are coming at you now, fast and furious. Not only in your news, and social media platforms, but within and without. Please know that I am sending my Tsunami of Love and it is hitting you all right now. It makes some of you tense and others who have their hearts wide open are feeling my love within their hearts. Continue to open your hearts, dear Children, to allow more of my love to come in. Open your hearts and heart chakras up wide! Read More…

MOTHER GOD through Dancing Dolphin "Your sacred work has been successful!" 11-25-18

This is Mother God and I also have a message this fair evening for my Lightworker Children. Feel my love. I am bathing you in my pink light of unconditional love and it seeps into all your bodies; your physical body and all your light bodies. You are loved and cared for deeply. I know how difficult the past few years have been on you, dear Children. You have worked so very hard and with such conviction to accomplish your missions. Your dedication to the Light is astounding and I am very grateful for this. Of course, your Father and I are also proud!  Proud parents you might say. Read More…

SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin "The new Golden Age has started!" 11-25-18

I AM SANANDA and I do have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth at this time. This message is to be short and sweet as you say. For I AM busy celebrating with your Brethren, with your Ascended Masters, Angels, Company of Heaven, Galactic Family, Gaia and all her Kingdoms and your Inner Earth Brethren who are awake and aware. We are all celebrating the coming of the New Age, the New Golden Age which has in fact started already! Read More…

Divine Mother God through Dancing Dolphin 11-8-18 "I AM calling ON YOU, LIGHTWORKERS for your assistance"

I AM your Mother God and I have quite the message for you to share with your Lightworker friends on this fair and cool evening. I am continuing my Tsunami of Love; sending love in waves and bursts to you, my children living on the surface. This benevolent onslaught will continue until all the dark entities are gone. They cannot handle my high vibrations of love and this is the most effective way to cancel out their existence on Gaia at this time. Read More…

Divine Mother God through Dancing Dolphin - GAIA HAS FULLY ASCENDED NOW 10-24-18

I AM your Mother God, the Divine Feminine, the Sacred One. Your Father God is here too, he shares his energies also but has asked me to speak. We have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth on this fair evening, during your full harvest moon. Things are shifting and changing quickly now, dear Children. You all feel it and see it all around you. I'm not speaking of your news programs. I'm speaking of your beautiful Gaia, Planet Earth. Have you noticed how sparkling and beautiful she is now? Read More…

St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin "Lightworkers are making an immense difference!" 10-18-18

I AM St. Germain and I have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth on this day. We have found that those of you who are doing the “Love Work” are making a HUGE difference in your 3D reality at this time. You are sending Love vibrations to the entire planet and to all of those upon her. Thank you!!!!! Read More…

Divine Mother God through Dancing Dolphin "You are all very powerful Creator Beings" 10-07-18

Now, dear Children, what do you want your lives to be like in the future? Do you wish to be free and happy? To live without restraints? To follow your passions and play like no one is watching? Or is it “dance like no one is watching?” (smiles) Well, I don't know all of your sayings do I? You get the point. It is up to YOU, dear Children. You create it, you see it and imagine it and it will manifest for you. That is what life on this hologram of Earth is like. And in the future, the energies will be so high that what you focus on will manifest very quickly. Read More…

Divine Mother God through Dancing Dolphin "Message for the Lightworkers of Earth" 10-01-18

Firstly, I would like to say that I have indeed begun my final Tsunami of Love to Earth. I have sent it and it is on its way. I meant what I said last week in your time. It will indeed hit at exactly the right “divine” time as you call it. There are many events; political, spiritual, ecological and physical on the Earth plane that are happening at any given time. I have calculated the very best time for my wave to hit and it will indeed come shortly. Read More…

St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin **RV/GCR SitRep--It's ON!** 10-03-18

Today was a very big day for the emergence of the RV/GCR. Today was very important. Yes, I am speaking of Wed. Oct 3, 2018. The day when the world stood up and said “We're not going to take it anymore” to the Cabal! We gave them a final warning shot across their bow and they have seen that we are serious. They know that if they do not surrender at this point that Mother God has declared that they may and will be 'taken out' to say it crassly. Read More…

DIVINE MOTHER GOD through Dancing Dolphin: "The time has come to send the final wave of my tsunami of love" 9-24-18

Yes, dear heart, this is Mother God and I do have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth and for all my Children of Earth. My children, the time has come for me to send the final wave of my tsunami of love, of what you are now calling “The Event.”  For in truth, I have been sending this wave of brilliant love light for a couple of years now but had to tone it down so I wouldn't overload your systems.  Read More…

St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin on Sept 22, 2018 **RV/GCR SitRep**

Are you ready, dear hearts? Are you ready for your New Earth to be born and realized? You have all worked so hard in creating her with your thought forms and manifesting exactly what you want to see in your New Earth. You have all created this New Earth together and Mother has given her bright blessings on Gaia's new form. You will all indeed be there shortly for things are progressing very nicely. Read More…

SANAT KUMARA, PLANETARY LOGOS through Dancing Dolphin: "Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns!"

A massive cleansing took place this week.  You have a clean slate and Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns! I am asking this One to be patient now because I do have a further message and that is that I would like to announce that I am Sanat Kumara, I am the Planetary Logos of Gaia at this time. I have seen the many notable messages given here and would like to add my own essence to the message to Lightworkers of Gaia. Read More…

SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin: "Call on us. Ask us for help! We love to help!"

Yes, Dear One, this is Sananda and I would love to tell the Lightworkers of Earth that we are here, that we are always here and would love for you all to call on us more often. We see you all struggling with the heavy energies, the incessant news stories which are created to drain your energy, the high stress levels that you all have in your lives and many, many other reasons. Read More…

St. Germaine through Dancing Dolphin "Congratulations! It has begun*!"

Let us say that on this day “it has begun” dear One. What would you do then? Would you jump up and down? Would you dance in the streets? Would you kiss your partner? Would you scream from the rooftops? Well, you'd better get going and do all those things, for indeed it has already begun, and earlier than this day! Read More…

Message from Mother God through Dancing Dolphin "I am a proud Mother on this day" Received Sunday, July 1, 2018

Today, let me say to each and every one of you that you are almost home. For you all have worked together for so hard and so long and you have created unity and love where there was none to be had. You came into a place that was dark and devoid of love. You shone your light and infused it with my love over many eons of time.  Read More…

Connecting with Gaia - A Lightworker's Tale - Received January 10, 2018

Greetings, dear heart, it is I, Gaia. I do believe you feel my energy now, dear Sister. I am deep and strong and heavy, what you would call deeply grounded. YES! It is no coincidence that a song featuring one of my whales is playing in your ears right now. Read More…

Mother God through Dancing Dolphin: "Time has come for the new Golden Age on planet Gaia."

Hello dear Mother, I'm sitting in your park on a beautiful summer day. Watching your people walk about, kids play on park jungle jim's and dogs happy to be outside walking. Bees fly from clover to clover drinking in sweet nectar. Birds are singing sweetly and a cool breeze blows softly. Would you like to give a message to your people today, dear Mother God? Read More…