Soul Contracts

Man Crosses Over in Car Accident; Gets Told the Truth About Choice and Suffering During NDE

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How Soul Contracts Work

The soul and ego create an agreement for each lifetime in which the soul provides the opportunities for learning and healing that the ego agrees to complete. There is no final agreement as to the outcome for that is within the realm of the ego and free will. There is an opportunity to express the soul’s intention for the highest and best outcome but the ego must be able to release its attachment to the energies that it has created and willing to raise its vibration for this to occur. Often this agreement becomes a battle of the ego and free will against the soul and the life journey becomes challenging. Read More…

What is a Soul Contract?

SaLuSa: You have a life contract of which very few are personally aware, and have seen into the future and planned it accordingly. Matthew: Your world is awash in information, but the majority of the populace has no idea whatsoever about pre-birth agreements and soul contracts, the dark and light forces, the purpose of karma and multiple lifetimes, or the importance of balance. Read More…

Soul Contract

As this is a time of awakening for you, and many other souls your soul memory banks are busy triggering and this reading will trigger some more as keys and codes within you are awakened. Before you were born, you sat with your higher guides and the intergalactic counsel and those how oversee the incarnations of souls onto this planet, and you drew up a soul contract. Within this contract, there is a masterplan incorporated. For you came in to serve first and foremost, and you came in to work through certain negative karmic patterns you created with other souls during other lifetimes on planet earth. Read More…

How to Navigate Soul Contracts and ACCELERATE INTO HIGHER TIMELINES

2020-09-01-navigate-soul-contracts Read More…