Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 28, 2022

As might be expected the changes occurring in the Solar System have come to the attention of NASA scientists who are at a loss to explain the reason for them, referring to them as a “weird happening”. The impact you have had is confined to each cycle so that all can commence again as new. Even you have recognised evidence of a previous cycle, although it is hard to come by after all of this time with the many earth changes that have taken place. Read More…

Ezra Cohen-Watnick: Spelling It Out 1 Time

I’m going to spell it out one time only for those who are lost and not registering the 100’s of clues I’ve been dropping you. Here we go 1 time. Pay close attention. You are watching a movie. A lot of what you are seeing is completely bullsh@t and fake. It’s so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at [this] point. It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully. Read More…

Matt Kahn - Healed by Love

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Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 5: Astral Projection

Hello our dear ones, We are here. We are the Andromeda Council. We bring love. We are at this time connecting with many other Beings and guides, particularly those guides who work very closely with humanity within the human realm and level of consciousness. We always look upon humanity with awe, and we marvel at your abilities to connect with each other —and with all else —in the Universe, in far more ways than you are sometimes consciously aware of. All humans possess certain innate spiritual abilities. These are abilities that allow them to be guided to receive the knowledge, the insight, and the prompting that helps them align with their life purpose, with their path, that allows them to receive information for their own benefit as well as for the benefit of those around them. Read More…

The Will of Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are surrendering our will, surrendering ourselves and our desires in favor of the universal shift in consciousness that we are all experiencing together. In other words, we have given ourselves over to the will of Source, and because we are where we are, we have found that the will of Source feels even better to us than if we were to have our own agendas that we were seeking to fulfill and actualize. Read More…


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For humanity to create a new way of life free from control and corruption and work together in harmony and integrity for the betterment of everyone, their current way of life has to go. To remove the old ways and start afresh with a life we prefer, the corruption we have allowed to be created needs to be seen. We may think not many people are seeing what most of us feel is crystal clear, but piece by piece, they are being shown every area where they have given their power away and relinquished their own sovereignty, responsibility and creatorship. Read More…

Those of you that have awakened! Master Saint Germain through James McConnell

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these momentous times of change. And yes, you are right in the midst of these changes, and they are rapidly increasing, as you are beginning to see now. What was once years ago when you would have thought of these things happening at this time, you never would have thought it was possible. That’s you! Those of you that have awakened! Think about how it is for those that are still yet sleep! And all they want to do is live their lives, go through their daily life, not having a care in the world if they can get through it like that. Completely oblivious to the reality of the truth. The truth of who they are, what they are here for. All of these things that you are already aware of, that you have already awakened to. Read More…

Understanding Artificial Intelligence :: My Soul Center Healing Hypnosis Session with Tony Mowery

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Blue Angels and Seraphim via Galaxygirl | October 24, 2022

Listen to the stillness within. There you will hear your voice. There you will most strongly feel your connection with Source, the Almighty one. We serve the Almighty in the inner most sanctuaries of the heart of hearts of the All that is, the All that will be and the All that ever was. For we are within this presence of the All, of the Ultimate, and we are not singed by this light, but are rejuvenated within the throne room. We see the occurrences on your world and we lend our light now. You will feel some of our blue energy now flow into you. It may feel like a zap or a jolt. (I am seeing electric blue lightning everywhere). Read More…

FRAUD FROM DAY ONE: Stunning new report notes that COVID vaccines NEVER prevented spread of the virus

Once again, it turns out that the alternative media — outlets like ours, for instance — were 100 percent right about the most life-changing health event of our lifetimes thus far: the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did the alternative media report early and correctly that the virus was likely the product of experimental research that leaked, accidentally or otherwise, from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, but we were also out front questioning the veracity of reports that claimed the vaccines were ‘highly effective’ at preventing the spread of the disease. Turns out, we were right about that, too. Read More…


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The One through Sophia Love - A quick reminder of where we are

It is the One. Events transpire for you on your planet right now, that will alter the course of your life. These are hidden from your eyes, as they must be, in order to assure that they can be completed. They are not all captures. Some of these are rescues. What is being retrieved is not just people. What is being retrieved is also property. Property of the people. This has been stolen and hidden and kept by those who held the power here. There are many things to which you will now have access. These will alter the course of your life. Read More…

Jesus through John: To awaken is to know yourselves as Love incarnate

We are, to put it human terms, working over time here in the spiritual realms as the human collective continues to move rapidly toward the grand and momentous event – your collective awakening!  It truly is very, very close!  Yes, we have for many years now been telling you that your awakening is close, that it will happen soon, and that was true.  But time, as you experience it in the unreal environment of pure materialism, is variable, it is not a constant one directional flow, as it appears to you, and therefore it makes it difficult for us to address it in a way that makes sense to you.  Having made that clarification, I will say again “Your moment of awakening is very close.” Read More…

Grand Solar Flash via Galaxygirl | October 23, 2022

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Are you focusing on your Passions, your Joy? Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light - October 23, 2022

Hello, my friends. Where to from here? May we take this Divine opportunity once again, to welcome Each One to this conversation. For it is not just with you, Blossom. IT IS A CONVERSATION WITHIN EVERYBODY’S HEARTS. FOR WE DESIRE TO TOUCH DEEPLY, THE LIGHT WITHIN EVERY SOUL WHO IS UPON YOUR PLANET AT THIS TIME. Nice intro. We would care to speak of the ‘voicemail’ we delivered to you not long ago. We would choose to call it an ‘Energy mail’ … for we Trust that it lifted the Vibration pull to a Higher Frequency … of/within … Love. THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE. THE LOVE THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOUR VEINS. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Read More…

Billy Carson: What Your DNA Actually Does Is Mind Blowing!

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The Environmentalist That Was Censored For Shifting His Opinion On Climate Change

Censorship seems like the West’s version of sending someone to a ‘re-education camp.’ “Agree with us or you’re not allowed to have a voice.” Michael Shellenberger, a long time environmentalist who has been in the trenches helping to save the world’s last unprotected redwoods, co-created the predecessor to today’s Green New Deal and led an effort to keep nuclear power plants operating in order to prevent a spike of emissions, shifted his perspective on climate change a couple of years ago. Read More…

Diving into the MULTIVERSE and BLOODLINES with Ismael Perez

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/22/2022 • Do your Personal Rules Serve You?

My dear friends, we love you so very much, One of the most loving beings to ever walk the earth said wisely, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but give to God what is God's." There are, of course, laws you must follow by virtue of living in a given society or signing a contract with a landlord or an employer. However, there are many personal "rules" that you adopted because someone else told you – or is telling you – that this is the way you must live. Read More…

The Fall in Consciousness, Metatronic Reversals, Eye of Horus, and the Mechanics of the Solar Flash

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Saul through John: What God creates is eternal and unchanging, and He created You!

All of humanity is right now moving very positively toward the collective awakening, so celebration and joy are totally appropriate as you become aware of more and more positive indications that this is happening.  It is an unstoppable process that has been divinely created to direct you toward the Love path that will assist you greatly in strengthening your faith. Faith that God’s Will for all of His most wondrous creation is that they live in peace, harmony, and joy in every moment of their eternal and most glorious existence.  You are all glorious beings, and your existence is a glorious expression of the Love in which Mother/Father/God holds you in Their eternal and divine embrace. Read More…

UTSAVA: War games, Ukraine, Australia, Japan, Royals

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Martin Geddes: Slavery isn't what you think it is

I have written before about having an HIV diagnosis and needing pharmaceuticals to stay alive. As far as I can tell HIV is a bioweapon, and is designed to subjugate us into dependency on popping pills. The Covid jabs are full of mind control nanotech nastiness, and also serve to enslave. If you cannot afford their “rent your life back” medicines, then the bankster mafia will have a variety of schemes to strip you of everything you have, and loan it back to you at interest. It is one giant networked alliance of scammers and loan sharks, sucking out our energy and wealth via their middlemen and pushers. Read More…

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 21, 2022

The longer matters seem to go on without any signs of normality understandably you are wondering whether there will be a conclusion in the very near future. What is apparent however is that what was hidden is being brought to the surface for you to decide what action you need to take. You can recognise the need for change as existing ways are proving totally inadequate for what you know as the New Age. The underlying trend has brought to light the way that you have been used and how you have been held back from making real advancements, you have so to say “been kept in the dark”. Read More…

Ismael Perez Discusses Putin Ending the Deep State with Nicholas Veniamin AND one more

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A Message from Silesha!

A very warm welcome to all of you. You may not know me so let me introduce myself to you. As my friend and channeler here, whose name is Losha, has been working on her own health and emotional issues over the last few months, I determined that it was the appropriate time to introduce myself to her. She was a bit unbelieving in the beginning when she learned that I am speaking to her from the 12th Dimension, however, she quickly felt my high level energy of Unconditional Love (she calls it her Bliss Event!), and she was convinced that I was in fact here to speak with her, and truly from the 12th Dimension. Read More…

Kryon ~ Something Wonderful is Coming

I invite you to say inwardly, or out loud, “Dear Spirit, I give permission for this transformation today. Dear Spirit, I give permission for this transformation today.” And there you stand. Is this real or not, real or not? How many of you can feel this, to know something is coming? And if you spoke these words or thought these words with me, you just gave permission for it. Intent is incredible, incredible power. Intent, given in love, is even bigger. Sit in the chair. The chair sits there all by itself alone, and immediately there’ll be a line of entities. Each one holds a gift. You don’t know how many there are because you can’t see past three or four of them. Read More…

2nd Mission to Underground Civilization in Florida & the missing Gift for Humanity

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Crystal Healing Chambers

I first came across crystal healing chambers twelve years ago, after my son’s birth. I was, like many new mums, battered and exhausted. A few days after his birth, I went to lie down while he was sleeping. I’m not sure if I imagined, dreamt or experienced what happened next, but either way, my experience invites us to stretch into new dimensions of healing possibility. I saw myself in a place dedicated to healing, it may have been on a ship or in another civilisation. I was welcomed into a room by two healers, who looked like ancient Greeks because they wore long, flowing white robes. The atmosphere was serene and calm, almost like a spa! There was an enormous purple and green shaped crystal, which looked like a 2 metre high teardrop. Read More…

How to Be Powerful by Pallas Athena - Channeling by Natalie Glasson

Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Pallas Athena. I am the overseer of the 12th ray of light. It is my purpose to oversee the Christ Consciousness energy, the unconditional love of the Creator. It is my purpose to distribute this energy throughout the Universe of the Creator and allow all to achieve their Christ Consciousness initiations. The Christ Consciousness has nothing to do with religion. It is simply the unconditional vibration of love from the Creator. Love has so many awakening properties. It allows each of us to explore the truth of the Creator within our being. When we are in a space of love, when we embody love and recognise love within our being, we are powerful. Read More…

The Real Anthony Fauci: The Movie

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The Rest of October, November & December ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased with humanity’s progress throughout the month of October, and we know that you will continue on this upward spiral that you are on. We also know that there are many more people awakening every day and that those of you who are awake are helping them in so many ways. It is our knowing that more people will be looking within themselves with the prompting of their guides and the people who are closest to them, because it is so necessary for people to stop looking outside of themselves for what is wrong with their lives and to start looking within. Read More…

Earth is Evolving Into a New Frequency of Light

Most awake people seem to have achieved a balance between their human desire for the outcome of events on Earth to happen swiftly (preferably yesterday!) and have curbed their impatience and surrendered to the realization the plan needs to proceed in divine timing. But that doesn’t stop us being eager for predictions. When will humanity wake up? When will family and friends realize what the vaccine is all about? When will we reach the tipping point that shows the home run? How far do we still need to go down this path before people get it? Are we nearly there? We can actually answer these questions ourselves. Read More…

The Light Here on Earth :: A Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session Excerpt + Entity Release

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The story of money - The One through Sophia Love

It is the One. There are things to say. Many. This period before you will be one of rapid turn-around and change. Entire programs and narratives will appear to take on an opposite approach. This will be due to deals that have been arranged and promises that are being kept. Lives are at stake in some cases. Livelihoods are disrupted in all cases. The story of money, how it is earned and how it is spent, is convoluted. There are assumptions that you hold about value that connect it to money. It is not Truth, yet it is the only way that you can visualize worth or value – as it relates to a specific amount, an amount of money. Read More…

Are You Able to Do This? Then You Can Ascend ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very enthusiastic about humanity’s ascension because we know that it is guaranteed. We have no doubt, no worry, and only certainty that you are ascending and that you will complete the ascension. There is a lot that you still have yet to experience as fourth-dimensional beings, which is why you are still there. As you embrace every experience as it comes your way, you make it easier for yourselves to ascend. And anything that you resist you will need to continue to experience until you make peace with it. Read More…

The New Consciousness : Dolphins, Whales and Angels

Beloveds, this is a time of deep expansion on your Earth. As a result of your transits and transitions of the last 6 months, you are now ready to align more fully with Higher Consciousness and Multi-Dimensional experience. You are now moving into the state of consciousness where you can experience the sixth dimensional frequency level which is associated with magical creation and manifestation. This powerful frequency is activating changes and transformations in the human brain physiology. The frequency shifts the brain into what is known as the Alpha brain wave cycle, which is activated in humans generally in states of meditation and deep creativity. This will become a more normal state of being that can be accessed at will in the New Earth. Read More…


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Arcturian Group Message - October 16, 2022

Always know that our messages come in love and with the intention of bringing knowledge and encouragement to you who are meeting the challenges of living on earth at this time from a higher level of awareness. Everyone, those spiritually awake and those who are not, have carried with them into this lifetime a degree of old energy reflecting traumas, oaths, vows, and promises from previous lifetimes. You were among those deemed strong and evolved enough to deal not only with the energies that would arise from earth's ascension process but also with the intense personal clearings that would be necessary in order to align with the frequencies of a higher resonating earth. Read More…

Dr. Greer Announces Discovery of 4 New Energy Technologies That Could Save The Earth!

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/15/2022 • Look for the Love!

My dear friends, we love you so very much, In a world that feeds you a steady stream of drama, you can be at peace. In a world where the news would make you think things are spiraling down by the moment, you can discern a greater truth – love is everywhere – present, emerging, expanding, and interacting in the most beautiful ways! It is present in the interactions between caring human beings. It is present in the joy between you and the animals you adore. Love flows through you as you lovingly water and trim a houseplant or plant a seed with loving hope in your garden. It is streaming into the meals you cook with love and the meals you reheat as you look forward to nourishing your body. Read More…

Source via Galaxygirl | October 11, 2022

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KaRa of the Pleiades: The Next Phase of the Great Awakening

I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time, these special times that you are in, as you are moving beyond the old paradigm, the old ways of thinking, the old brainwashing and programming that you have all been accustomed to, not only this lifetime, but for many lifetimes prior to this. But now you have come to the cusp. You have come to the time that you are more and more beginning to realize that it was just simply programming. Programming your mind in a sense of mass hypnosis across the planet, across the collective consciousness. But you, those of you, are more and more fully realizing that you were simply under hypnosis. Read More…


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Jesus through John: Your awakening is divinely assured and guaranteed

As you await humanity’s collective awakening with eager anticipation, practice being in the ‘now’ as frequently as you can during the day and allow yourselves to enjoy the moments as they unfold.  Doing this is very healing for you if you are dealing with trauma that you are in the process of releasing.  You have all suffered trauma, and for each of you it has been personal, very intense, and has probably stirred up old emotions you had forgotten or did not even know were within you.  Do not attempt to diminish those feelings by comparing what you have experienced to the experiences of other far more horrifically traumatized people you know of or who you have read about.  Read More…

Are Q Phones Ready for Distribution?

Please regard this as nothing more than speculation on my part, but we do know the Q Phone is coming. It’ll be everyone’s portal into the Quantum Financial System, unhackable, 8G technology. Could this emailed report be describing it? Read More…

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 14, 2022

We continue to observe events upon Earth and are aware that a more serious situation could develop. The unnecessary mini-war in the Ukraine illustrates how World problems are created, when in reality there was no necessity for such an outcome. It remains to be seen whether good sense will prevail and a peaceful end is achieved. World peace will come when the leaders collectively agree to neutralise their weapons and be open to inspection to ensure compliance, and that day must come as the vibrations continue to rise. Read More…

Why Did You Choose the Hardest Path in the Universe? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very interested in humanity’s ascension because you are helping us to have experiences that we could not otherwise have without you. We enjoy very much witnessing your path and also participating in it as the helpers that we are. We want you all to know that everything is going to work out for you. We want you to realize that you are in fact dreaming this reality into existence, and we also invite you to consider what a monumental feat that is. Read More…

Patriot Streetfighter, Megan Rose, Janine, White Hats Force Cabal Self Destruction

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Saul through John: Make it an aspect of your daily practice to just be

We are One, you all know that, and yet for most of you that statement makes no sense as you perceive a world with billions of individual people, yourselves included, each seeking recognition and love separately and for themselves only.  But seekers only find distractions.  Those distractions can be quite fascinating, bringing new knowledge and information of value, sometimes of great seeming value – perhaps even a momentary awakening of sorts to be investigated later – to the seeker, but they remain distractions.  Seeking needs to cease so that you can quieten your minds, your intellects, your curiosity, and just BE!  Eventually seeking will lead you to the awareness of your need to just be, but that awareness is available now, so avail of it now, and take a break right now, and BE! Read More…

Alexia Icenhower: Spell Casting - Are You Under A Spell? Identifying Magic In Plain Sight

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Link Between Your Birth and Ascension by Archangel Michael - Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Michael. I come forth with the Angelic vibrations and beings to serve you, to surround you and encapsulate you in Angelic Love. We are here to support your Ascension at this time, to encourage you to explore deep within your being and to allow yourself to access your Ascension from the truth of your being.  Read More…


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Message from Val Thor of the Intergalactic Confederation

An agreement was reached today between the Federation of Light and those that have been enslaving the population of Earth. The agreement addresses the return to the people of Earth their freedom, and sets into motion the removal of and replacement of the systems of enslavement. Universal Laws include Divine Justice. Those who have violated the Sovereign rights of others will be facing consequences of their actions in accordance with Divine Law. Read More…

Utsava: Accurate prediction bridge bombing - Russia - Ukraine president has surrendered - Royals - Media

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Don’t Sleep Now

Beloved Ones! A New Era is already dawning on the horizon of this Planet. It is the dawning of the long-awaited Age of Light! The moment is unique because it will bring about the awakening of humanity. The long night is finally coming to an end, just as it was announced to all of you even before you accepted the path of this earthly journey. You have forgotten everything you knew before coming here. This process of consciential amnesia was necessary, for without it, you could not experience what life is like at the furthest point from the Source, without even knowing who you are. The duality between Light and Shadow has always been the rule in this School of Souls. Read More…

REMEMBERING OUR COSMIC ORIGIN - Ismael Perez with Jason Shurka

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Judith Kusel: The New Earth Rises

I was just shown so much this weekend, and experienced the power new earth energies myself, and what is happening on all levels now, is a merging of the Sacred Earths, meaning a merging of the Crystal Pyramid Temples and Crystalline Energy Grids, which I went into details during my webinar this weekend, and now not only are the New Crystal Pyramids Temples and Crystalline Grids fully activated for the 5th to 7th dimensional state: but the OLD ones, are being incorporated! This is bringing a huge awakening on all fronts, of ancient energies, and powerful fifth (Atlantis) and 7th (Elysium, Lion Kingdom, Avalon, Mu, Lemuria) to the fore, with the Arks and the Sun Discs! Read More…

Divine Mother: Disclosure Whiplash and Empaths

Greetings beloved children, aspects of my Self, embodiments of the Divine Godhead. Jennifer has brought a topic she wishes to discuss and it is of great importance. Woulld you like to share your thoughts? Jennifer: Oh, I wasn’t expecting to speak. OK… I was doing a deep dive on the energy of the October full moon with Narendra, and it became obvious from the astrology that we are now in the disclosure period, as everyone says. What was unexpected was both of us had the same physical reactions to that energy as we focused in on it: we both felt as though we would be physically sick. Read More…

The Real Event You’re Waiting For ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the utmost respect for humanity because the path you have chosen is filled with more challenges than any of us would care to consider taking on here in the higher realms. We see you as pioneers who were willing to explore the depths of darkness and the depths of despair, and all for the purpose of having new experiences that would lead to the further expansion of Source. Now, as we say that, we want to remind you that you are Source. Source is not a Being that exists outside of you; Source is inside of you, and so is everything else. Read More…

Infinite Intelligence Report

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A Session Hijacking Hitchhiker :: A Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session

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Adama of Telos: New Divine Earth

Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. Beloved One, as you are moving through the ever changing energies, your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are transforming into a New Human. That means: Your DNA is changing in a way that is capable to adapt to the higher vibrational frequency field that Planet Earth is moving into. You are now stepping into the New Divine Earth as the New Human. Read More…

White Cloud, FOL, a dog, a frog, and me!

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Ismael Perez shares latest on near term events, timelines, solar flash and galactic travel

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/08/2022 • Feel • Be Real • Let the Love Flow!

My dear friends, we love you so very much, There are so many “energy releases” going on around your planet right now. You see it in Mother Earth releasing energy via her storms and in human beings releasing energy in their own swirling outbursts. You feel this inside of yourself in various ways. Many of you have been more reactive than usual and less tolerant of behaviors that never quite suited you. Many of you are feeling strong surges of emotion that you’ve stuffed but can no longer ignore. Many more are having sudden physical challenges appear and then disappear just as quickly. On a happier note, many of you are also feeling a renewal of life, an urge to get going, or a desire for change. Your upsets are shaking loose. The floods of tears are flowing, and the fires of your passions are burning brightly. Read More…


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First It Will SHOCK The World - Then It Will CHANGE It - These Little Ones

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Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 7, 2022

You look around you and the world seems to have gone crazy and you think it could not get worse but it does, and as much as you try there seems no way of controlling it. Things that were well tried and tested are now found to be not up to the task in circumstances that have not been previously experienced. You deal with one problem and another takes its place and you do not seem to have sufficient time to deal with it. You ask what is going on as you know the dark Ones are behind many of the problems you face. You find that the Pandemic was man-made and was set up to kill off a very large number of the population to make it more manageable. Fortunately, the events on Earth are being watched over by the Forces of Light. You ask what more can happen that will add to the problems that are amassing. The future looks uncertain as changes are occurring at a fast rate yet all is not as bad as it appears. Read More…

Giving Your Power Away to Ones Who Claim to Know All ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are extremely interested in working with humanity as partners, as equals. We could tell you that we know what is best for you in every situation because we are here on our lofty perch in the ninth dimension, and we have been through the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth dimensions. But the reason why a partnership is better for you and for us is because you are the ones living life there on Earth, feeling emotions, suffering through traumatic events, and having to work just to survive. You are the ones who know what it’s like to be having a human experience on planet Earth at this time. Read More…

A Beautiful Conversation with Ismael

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Like many of us, I have followed the increasing interest in silver over the past two years, and the last year particularly.  I chose to buy some silver and recently had the idea to take the silver out of the box, leave it in the sun to charge it, and meditate with it.  Over the following two days, I learnt much which I wish to share with you. What surprised me first was when I moved into the meditation, I was shown a serene night-time scene; a full, bright moon reflected on a calm sea and the energy of silver infused everything: the moonlight, the water, the silkiness of the moonbeams sliding across the perfectly still sea. As I watched the scene unfold, I became aware that silver holds the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, the emotional and spiritual bodies. In fact, it seemed to me that it flows like liquid silk through All That Is. Read More…

MONOPOLY - Who owns the world? Documentary by Tim Gielen

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How to Embrace Freedom and Expansion by Archangel Metatron

Greetings beloved ones, I am Archangel Metatron. I invite you to step into the stillness within your being, to rest in this moment of stillness, a moment that is almost like a pause. However, it may be noisy, chaotic and there might be upheaval. Whether those energies are within your being or outside of you, you can always step into the stillness, a pause within your being. Where you remind yourself of your truth, as if you are gazing at your divine essence, reminding yourself of who you are, your mission, and your purpose.  Read More…

Mission to Underground Civilization in Florida and a Gift for Humanity

2022-10-07-underground-civilisation Read More…

Lord Melchizedek: The Truth is Coming Forward in So Many Ways

I am Melchizedek. I have asked to be able to speak to you to bring a message forward, where it was going to be KaRa speaking. But I’ve sent the message to this one, this channel, in the way that he would understand that is it I that wish to speak. For my message is to all of you. Not only here, those of you that are on this call, but to all of those that will read or listen to this at times beyond and resonate to these words, and know them as the truth. Because the truth is coming forward in so many ways, and in so many directions, and from so many different sources. Read More…

Message from Matthew - October 3, 2022

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The last act before the curtain falls on the light forces vs dark forces drama playing out on Earth is becoming increasingly active. This includes the uprooting of the last of the Illuminati’s strongholds, international alliances for uplifting life worldwide, rising numbers of dark minds and hearts being taken off the planet, exposure of their look-alike doubles and other truths starting to emerge. And, the peoples are contributing to the downfall of a diabolical global network they don’t know exists. By demanding their governments serve the needs of the citizenry, the growing power of grassroots movements is aiding the international group’s efforts to rid countries of all individuals who are serving that sinister network. Read More…

Ismael Perez & Catherine Edwards #8: Where are We Now & Avoiding Fear WITH MEDITATION AT END

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James Gilliland: Dempocracy

I was trying to think of a word which best sums up what is unfolding. Could not think of one so I made one up. It’s called Dempocracy. It is when you accuse others of what you are doing tenfold. It pretty much sums up the Deep State lame stream news, the demoncratic party and a host of others. This is happening with the present administration, the mainstream news is the mouthpiece and the weaponized agencies are enforcing their foundationless projections.   Read More…


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We discovered a world we didn’t know existed. We got past the shock and accepted the possibility of a completely different reality. We drew on our inner strength, with wisdom and mastery we aligned to the vibration of love and the source of all creation. We assimilated and assessed the information and we passed it through the etheric to the collective consciousness of humanity to assist their awakening journey. Somehow, somewhere in our heart we know we are meant to be here and came to create a world of light. We know we are in the midst of one of the greatest events in the history of the universe. Read More…

To all Starseeds Wanderers, Volunteer souls

2022-10-04-to-all-starseeds Read More…

Arcturian Group Message - October 2, 2022

Welcome dear readers. The intensity of Light energies now flowing to earth have caused ordinary life for many to be difficult physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually because it is dissolving and "stirring up" everything not in alignment with it. Many old familiar ways are no longer working as they used to, and new issues needing to be dealt with seem to keep coming. You were aware of what present times would be like before you chose to incarnate. You knew that during this lifetime you would have experiences of chaos and confusion because earth and the collective was going enter into the process of evolving beyond the hypnotized state consciousness governing her for eons. Read More…


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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 2nd October, 2022

Hello there. I am here, willing and apparently, able! Are you feeling the same? Indeed, Blossom. It is wonderful to be back in conversation with you this day. Being uninspired as you have been, in a sense, is a good thing. Really? How so? When the mind falls into a lull, it allows for expression of a different frequency to be explored. It assists one in understanding of the Highs and lows … the inspirations and the non-inspirations. Never think that to feel this way is a bad thing. It is through all manner of thought and feeling that one comes to recognize that which they Truly are.
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Jesus through John: You are Divine

We, your individual support teams in the non-physical realms, are with each one of you constantly, in every moment, offering you love and comfort if you choose to open yourselves to receive it from us.  You are never alone, even when it perhaps feels to you that you are alone, or even abandoned.  You have all experienced trauma during infancy and childhood, which has often left enormous emotional scars.  Those traumas have passed, they are over, but when you revisit them – retelling yourselves your (hi)stories – you bring the resultant emotions into the present with almost as much intensity as you felt at the time that they happened; you bring the dead back to life!  Read More…

Lorie Ladd: Trust you over anyone else

2022-10-04-trust-you Read More…

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, October 1, 2022

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and still working full-time with the Earth Council. I would greet you with pomp and circumstance if I could. I guess some of you got a peek at what that looks like with the transition of the queen. Yet you are the ones who deserve the honor and respect, for your presence on the earth at this time. Suffice to say, you did not receive the regalia, but we honor you in such a way. We will see to it that you will get to experience with that truly feels like. As galactic we have extraordinary talents in celebrating wins. You will begin to learn that we celebrate a lot. This is far different from how most of you have lived on the earth where you have had to be focused on money and work. Read More…

Equinox Fall into Solstice Seeds for 2023

2022-10-04-equinox-fall-into-solstice Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/01/2022 • Living in your own flow

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Each one of you exists in a beautiful stream of energy. The stream is created and updated with every desire you have – with every wish, every intention, and even with each problem you notice. Each situation inspires new desires. You add a new current to your stream every time you have even the tiniest loving desire. This stream is your flow – your personal guided path to all that you've asked for. This stream takes the easiest and most joyful path, much as a physical stream carves its course in a path of least resistance. Read More…

Everything Is About To Change

2022-10-04-everything-is-about-to-change Read More…