April 2019
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 26, 2019
I am back feeling all the better for a nice break and renewing links with my family. Generally matters seem to be getting out of hand again, but they should be viewed as the last efforts of the dark Ones to prevent us from achieving our goal. Much is progressing in spite of outer appearances, and it is notable that the young people are well organised and able to demonstrate peacefully to achieve their aims. It was anticipated as those souls incarnating upon Earth are far more informed, sensible and organised, to help Humanity advance on the path to Ascension. Bear in mind that most of the changes mentioned cannot take place until after Ascension. Read More…
Saul through John: Fear is unreal!
26.04.2019 22:53 Saul | John Smallman
You, humanity, is finally opening to Love, and thus arriving on the same page where we in the non-physical realms spend a lot of our time. This is making it far easier for us to bridge the seemingly vast gap between form and non-form so that we can commune with you all far more easily and spontaneously. Awareness of your true nature, the Self that is using the body as a vehicle to experience form, is rising into the consciousness of increasing numbers of you, as the felt Presence of the Tsunami of Love, which is pouring down on Planet Earth, continues to intensify. Everyone incarnate on Earth now is feeling It, although the vast majority do not, as yet, have any understanding of what is happening, what it is that they are feeling, they just feel slightly to extremely uncomfortable, and all their denied or hidden non-specific-fears are adding to that discomfort. Read More…
26.04.2019 22:45 Patricia Cota-Robles
The Final Wakeup Call: EU Super State
The EU is a major example of what is called the post-industrial, post-democratic society in which unelected bureaucrats, technocrats, and ‘experts’ dictate to an oppressed human society. This can be witnessed and is prevalent every day. The giant deception of the century is the establishment of a totalitarian bureaucratic Super State called the European Union, which was planned and concocted in today’s form over 60 years ago. It started with a ‘free trade area’ and morphed into todays’ centrally dictated Super State, where the line has been crossed in the direction of fascism and communism.
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Patricia Diane Cota Robles on the Burning of Notre Dame
20.04.2019 21:16 Patricia Cota-Robles
On April 15, 2019, billions of people around the world watched in horror as the magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France burned out of control. The shock of this heart-rending event forced open the hearts of the masses of Humanity in ways that allowed the Divine Feminine to expand her Presence within every Heart Flame. This triggered a healing process that has been unfolding for over 850 years. Read More…
Jesus through John: Truly there is SO MUCH for which you should be filled with gratitude!
20.04.2019 21:08 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
Easter is a time of celebration because it honors my resurrection, the main feast in the Christian year, the feast that reminds you all that you are the divine children of God, forever enfolded in His most loving embrace, and that you are eternal beings blessed with life everlasting. Life should and can be joy-filled, and when you awaken it will be! Read More…
Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History
20.04.2019 21:04 Spiritual Awakening | Health
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/20/2019 • Resurrecting good feelings
20.04.2019 21:01 Ann Albers
Search your hearts dear ones. What is it you would most like to feel here upon this earth? Take a moment, shut your eyes, breathe and ask the question, "Dear heart of hearts, what would you most like to feel here upon this earth, right here, right now?" Read More…
The Sumerian Epic (Part 1) ~ The Great Celestial Battle
20.04.2019 20:55 Spirit Science | Galactic History
Saul through John: You can change your beliefs!
20.04.2019 20:48 Saul | John Smallman
Once humanity has awakened the multitudinous issues and problem facing you at present will be easily and rapidly resolved. You are all beings of enormous power and you have the creative abilities to bring forward new ideas from within your collective awareness that will enable you put into effect the programs necessary initially to alleviate all forms of poverty – hunger, homelessness, loneliness, shame, guilt, apathy, disempowerment, hopelessness – worldwide, and then start to create loving communities in uplifting and inspiring environments to replace the shanty towns, favelas, and slums in which so many of God’s beloved children live in a state of permanent impoverishment. Read More…
The More the NWO Pushes Their Dark Agenda, the More It Awakens People Worldwide
17.04.2019 20:36 Disclosure | Exiting the Matrix
As you may know, the cabal has pursued its dark agenda for centuries if not millennia, but there are signs of hope that the Deep State is finally being dismantled and we, the people worldwide, are taking back our power. We do it by exposing the truth, because the truth and nothing but the truth will free us. Read More…
17.04.2019 20:25 Patricia Cota-Robles
Dianne Robbins Monthly Message: Connect with the TREES
17.04.2019 20:21 Dianne Robbins | Nature Spirits
We are the Tree People, all decked out in our summer greenery ready to burst forth into song and spread our melodies far and wide over the countryside. It is a joy to experience summer, and we are now at the height of the solstice, the apex of the demarcation of the seasons, ready to dig into the Earth for this growing season where we grow rapidly after sitting dormant all the winter months. All life experiences these bursts of growth in the summer seasons, and all life longs for the hot sun. Read More…
New Message from Matthew - April 14, 2019
17.04.2019 19:44 Matthew
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked if there is one particular aspect of life on Earth that lightworkers can focus on and speed the civilization’s evolution. For untold ages civilizations on the planet were devolving due to their inhumane treatment of each other and the animals. Therefore, that behavior’s opposite—love, kindness and respect for all life—must be the pathway to a civilization’s evolution. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 0412/2019 • Got Guidance? Yes!
17.04.2019 19:42 Ann Albers
In every second of every day you are guided by the power that creates universes. With every breath you receive a unique impulse from the Source guiding you towards your hearts truest desires upon the most loving and joyful path. In much the same way as the nervous system conveys messages from each every cell in the body to the brain and then carries back its instructions to every cell, there is a vibrational system of communication in the universe that guides each of you to a more loving and harmonious interaction with life. Read More…
Holographic Medical Pods (Med Beds) The End of Cancer, Illness, Disease
Med Bed technology has been “suppressed” and hidden from the public for a long, long time. Fortunately, due to the planetary shift from 3D to 5D happening at this time, and the increasing demand for transparency by the human collective consciousness, an increasing number of courageous people are coming forward to disclose what they know has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and most likely for thousands of years. Read More…
Matt Kahn: What Would Love Do?
12.04.2019 20:04 Matt Kahn
12.04.2019 20:01 Patricia Cota-Robles
Jesus through John: Endless joy is your destination
12.04.2019 19:57 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman
The crazy world you see around you is not as crazy as it may at first appear, because enormous changes, changes that were decided upon at the moment of your apparent separation from Source, are coming into effect, one after another with great rapidity. These changes are a major aspect of humanity’s awakening process, and are indications of the enormous progress humanity has made, and is continuing to make in its spiritual evolution. Read More…
Saul through John: You all have pain from way back that needs to be seen, thanked, and released
12.04.2019 19:54 Saul | John Smallman
We are watching from the spiritual realms with joy, as humanity moves forward very rapidly indeed along its collective path to awakening. That awakening is absolutely inevitable because collectively the Oneness of Spirit that is the life within humanity, in all its many cultures, races, ethnicities, and religious and political persuasions and none, has chosen to cease playing the game of separation. Separation was a choice to experience a totally unreal state, a state in which you, each individual sentient being, was in competition with every other one for the resources to ensure your survival. Initially food, shelter, and clothing for your bodies, then power over others as the individual felt that that was the only practical way to ensure its survival. Read More…
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 04/06/2019 • Putting my fears on Ice!
12.04.2019 19:52 Ann Albers
Your minds are so much more powerful than you could ever imagine. It is with your mind that you get to exercise one of your greatest gifts – the gift of free will. In the vast realms of mind, you are unlimited. Like a television tuner, you can use your mind to focus on any reality you wish to experience. Read More…
Ashtar via Galaxygirl - 04.04.2019
05.04.2019 22:20 Galaxygirl | Ashtar
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 05, 2019
05.04.2019 22:15 Mike Quinsey | Kryon
Behind the scenes so much is taking place in a massive joint effort to take away the power of the dark Ones by removing the source of their funding, without which they will quickly lose their power to control events of the world. They never dreamt that they could be defeated and will still fight to the last. The Forces of Light have not been idle and for many years have planned the downfall of the Illuminati. Read More…
The Final Wakeup Call - Central Banking Exposed
05.04.2019 22:03 Financial System
In 1815, Nathan Rothschild, one of five sons of Mayer Amschel Bauer, pulled off one of the most devious financial schemes in history. This was the origin of today’s economic problems. What followed clearly shows that history has not been a random series of events, but rather a carefully planned and executed ‘design’ of land-, wealth-, and resource-grabbing by a small number of wealthy and privileged individuals bent on world domination. These procedures have been executed on such a massive scale that it is almost incomprehensible, not to mention that it seems impossible, but as the old saying goes; “The best kept secrets are the ones hidden in plain sight." Read More…
Earth Intelligence Report - April 2019 (Stargates to 4th Density)
05.04.2019 22:01 Brad Johnson | Earth Intelligence Report
05.04.2019 21:59 Patricia Cota-Robles
Messages from Ann & the Angels - 0330/2019 • Embracing Joy... no matter what
05.04.2019 21:54 Ann Albers
Allow me to introduce myself. I have a name that is musical in nature, rather than verbal. I transmit to you via vibration. You might perceive me as feminine in nature and I am, in a sense, one of the many spirits of Joy. If you had to use a name for me, you could call me Ilina (pronounced ee-lee-na) for its vibration suits me well. Read More…