St. Germaine – More on NESARA
30.08.2022 19:38
My question for you today is based on that. We are all waiting for NESARA to be fully enacted and announced, yet the waiting is tantamount to asking that something change outwardly first, so we can finally be happy. So, my question is, Are we unconsciously holding NESARA back by not just looking forward to it, but putting whole areas of our life and inner growth “on hold” until it’s announced? Due to thinking, “Once NESARA comes through, I won’t have to worry about that . . . “whether it’s finances or health or relationships, or our own inner growth and healing. SAINT GERMAIN: Ah, an excellent point. Read More…
Message from Matthew - October 1, 2021
01.10.2021 22:28
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The most succinct answer to “What’s causing these wild energies?” is, along with the light forces uprooting the darkness is the crumbling of systems, policies, procedures and ideologies that no longer serve the civilization. The third density lessons those provide are nearing the end of their purposeful course of offering opportunities to Earth humankind to complete chosen karma and evolve into higher densities, where marvels await. Read More…
Saint Germain: Speaking of NESARA
28.09.2021 20:44
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective. Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again today. Today our writer speaks again with Saint Germain on the current energies, and the movement toward NESARA Law’s enactment. Read More…
09.07.2021 21:19
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . Have you noticed that things around the world are heating up and getting ready for some big, positive announcements? I sincerely believe this summer disclosure is being accelerated and we are entering a time for Truths to be revealed in a blessed way to help people (the masses) understand who has been in charge of our world and how the Earth Alliance is eradicating them from power. First NESARA/GESARA disclosure and then our long awaited Galactic disclosure. Read More…
2021 A YEAR OF INSPIRED GLOBAL CHANGE - Highest Council of Light through Penni Moore
19.03.2021 22:18
Good day lightworkers residing on planet earth! We the Highest Council of Light have been watching and assisting humanity, and your planet for eons of time. It is biblical of that which is occurring on your planet, at this time! Speaking in linear time, it has taken millions of years to return humanity and planet earth to a higher vibration of existence. May we say, you are almost there! Read More…
02.03.2021 21:20
The Heavenly Realms engaged Their Best to assist with the demise of those who have taken away our freedom of choice and to pursue life, liberty and Bliss basic in our US Declaration of Independence and Natural Constitution Rights. The Heaven Masters came with the ability to know all persons on the Earth; their needs, talents, Awareness level and also their hearts. They also have knowledge of where the enemy resides and how to terminate their despicable hatred of humans and remove them from all Creation, as they have created much chaos. Read More…
GESARA Notes by James Rink
27.11.2020 21:29
From midsummer, a new summary of GESARA by James Rink and Rev. Dennis Shipman. THIS IS HAPPENING NOW .. DONALD TRUMP AND THE REST OF THE NATIONS HAVE MADE THIS HAPPEN .. NOW … PLEASE READ … THIS WILL BE COMING OUT SOON .. HERE IS THE PROOF. No Poverty, No Hunger, No Debt, Only Global Prosperity, and Peace for ALL!
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The Final Battle Between the Light and the Dark
30.10.2020 20:02
Now it is extremely clear, this United States Presidential Election will decide the fate of the world for many years to come. The question is; will Earth go to the Dark side, or will the Earth go to the Light? This election is not about Democrat or Republican, it is about good vs. evil! Will good people and leaders of the world defeat the evil illuminati who have run the world for many hundreds of years? The election in 2016 decided the beginning of the “Fall of the Cabal” all over the world. This is very clear. But what will happen? Read More…
The Reval: Bringing the Patient (Earth) Back to Life
15.09.2020 18:05
Other dimensional, galactic civilizations, celestials, and the Mother herself are sending Planet Earth a sustained and increasing shower of transformative energies (OK, love – bottom line). Not so much energy that we’re all in the hospital complaining that we can’t stop itching or we can’t sleep. There’s only so much of an energy increase the human body can take before it develops symptoms. More energy risks more symptoms. Read More…
PAO Galactic Activation Webinar with Jared Rand: Questions and Answers August 23, 2020
25.08.2020 22:03
Normally, each month after a PAO Live Webinar, we post the interview as an archive so that those who missed it can order a replay.
But, during Sunday’s Webinar, Jared Rand gave us so much crucial information about what is likely to unfold over the next few months that we feel it imperative that everyone who follows PAO can hear his message. Read More…
But, during Sunday’s Webinar, Jared Rand gave us so much crucial information about what is likely to unfold over the next few months that we feel it imperative that everyone who follows PAO can hear his message. Read More…
What is NESARA?
17.04.2020 21:59
Coronavirus may be forcing governments to bring in some elements of NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act). To understand what NESARA is, we repost an article all the way back from 2010. The outlines of the article are still … well, germane. The acronym NESARA stands for "National Economic Security and Reformation Act." The Act was passed by the American Congress in the year 2000 and never proclaimed, for reasons we will touch upon shortly. Read More…
"Faith" by Kat - 10.15.18
19.10.2018 18:31
The Ascension path for Gaia, Her Kingdoms and Humanity is all about Faith. How else to make sense of the Twilight Zone-y circumstances we find ourselves in? Part of the Ascension path is the Currency trudge. And it’s been hard. We’ve been fed disinformation hourly. We’ve been given a thousand false predictions of RV-exchange-dates during the years I’ve been on this path, and this year, we’ve had “immanent” and “any hour now” RV-exchange-predictions every single week in 2018. Read More…
GCR/RV/GESARA Intel Update: "Welcome" -- September 1, 2018
02.09.2018 17:11
If you’re reading this it means you have reached the end of the revaluation of global currencies odyssey (aka the RV)! This summary is to help those who are late to awaken to the coming global economic transition, as well as serve to aid in your deeper educational understanding of what has already occurred to reach this end; and what may occur in the future, as well as to calm your heart and mind so that you can engage in a very safe, historically abundant currency redemption event which will change life for generations of your friends and family. Read More…
RV/Intelligence Alert: "Alive" - July 7, 2018
07.07.2018 14:25
The RV has evolved beyond a simple revaluation and currency exchange/redemption. The RV event is not going to be the way everyone imagined it. The RV will be handled through the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
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